Trump Removes Obama AFFH Rule


Dreams Are Colder Than Death...
Apr 30, 2012
Low income does not automatically mean criminal, low morality, low work ethics, or even low class...

Immoral, lazy, uncouth criminals come from the suburbs as well.
Is full of them and doing a lot of drugs at the same rate as lower income communities as well


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
Breh!! What are Democrats offering? These laws were introduced by Democrats to begin with. Biden's plan as President was already to protect and expand on this and many other civil rights laws. Yall regurgitate right wing talking points like "Biden has no plan!" without even critical thought. In all yalls attempts to not come off like "DNC shills" yall turn into straight up clueless Trump supporters.

They way yall try to deflect and avoid any criticism of this man or his racism is becoming so obvious and shyt is more c00nish and disgusting than anything yall claim black Democrats do.

i will ask again. What exactly are Biden and the Democrats offering low income black people specifically? What is being offered as a long term/permanent solution to black housing? Why should I, as a black voter, be reduced to shyt that can be overturned back and forth this easily? All I keep getting is dudes lowkey catching an attitude. I'm asking basic questions, it's god damn JULY...and all i'm getting is Doomsday Voting rhetoric.

And no this is not an endorsement of Trump. let me take that off the table.
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the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
my original post shows that this has been in place since 1968. It didn't work.
It didn't work because no government was ever legally required to actually enforce it. Obamas administration changed that in 2015.

3, No, this was not put in to help black folks, but, Democrats have us accepting trickle down politics. I'll stop posting for a year if you show me a quote where Obama said this was created to help black people who've lost their homes post 2008 crash. The quote does not have to be specific, but, even alluding to this.
I'm lost as to why you keep posting this graphic? This has to be the most disingenuous reach I've seen in a while. Obama walked into the biggest economic collapse (until this year) America had seen since the 1930s. What does this graphic even prove? Is this to contrast how home ownership shot up for whites, latinos, and every other demographic in America? Blacks were the only ones impacted by the market crash apparently.:patrice:


Black and not crackin’
Jun 6, 2014
Sad fact is we have way too many scrubs in our community that fuk up shyt for those that are trying to get set in life. I got three examples of friends/family that moved to decent neighborhoods only for them to go down in a matter of a couple years. They are all considering moving again at a big loss. After only a couple of years they already complaining about folks parking cars on their grass, not cutting their grass, mobs of negroes hanging on the corner at the front of the neighborhood, late night partying, trash after those parties, they STILL popping firecrackers, and cars with loud music and bass all times of the day/ night. Fuk I want to live in that for? If you aren’t raised to know how to have pride in your home and neighborhood, you ain’t gonna have it when you eventually own/ rent one. This is what’s lacking with a lot of us...


Nov 18, 2016
Sad fact is we have way too many scrubs in our community that fuk up shyt for those that are trying to get set in life. I got three examples of friends/family that moved to decent neighborhoods only for them to go down in a matter of a couple years. They are all considering moving again at a big loss. After only a couple of years they already complaining about folks parking cars on their grass, not cutting their grass, mobs of negroes hanging on the corner at the front of the neighborhood, late night partying, trash after those parties, they STILL popping firecrackers, and cars with loud music and bass all times of the day/ night. Fuk I want to live in that for? If you aren’t raised to know how to have pride in your home and neighborhood, you ain’t gonna have it when you eventually own/ rent one. This is what’s lacking with a lot of us...

And whats really fcked up is you got brehs on here that think black people would accept this type of behavior from CACs..

They'll call you a "c00n" because you call out bumb behavior from your kin-folk, as if you'd accept this shyt from CACs..

Basement dwellers always commenting on things that don't concern them..

The Minister Of Culture

Nov 18, 2016
And to think this user spent months listening to Yvette Carnell going on "my people" rants about not voting Democrat for reparations, shytting on "immigrants" and "foreigners" talking about "i dont wanna live with them"

Now here it is caping for Trump white power moves talking about he dont wanna live with those poor section 8 blacks.


A whole lot of "#ADOS" and "FBA" losers all up in here co-signing this shyt if they not just ignoring the thread.


Yall dont give one fukk about "we African American" just a bunch of dap fishing narcissism. Yall hide behind white supremacy like cowards.

Call everyone else c00ns and pretend youre the second coming of Malcolm X because youre willing to give Trump four more years for a hypothetical check. Than be on some pearl clutching "get off my lawn. Keep those people out of here" shyt when the same Democrats you claim do nothing for black people are trying to increase black homeownership and wealth in the suburbs.


I swear people around here are so full of damn shyt with yalls phony pro-blackness. It be the most try-hard militants who come right out caping for Trump with the most twisted aspiring white views.

shyt is really wild what I'm reading in this thread. so-called Black folks advocating for the govt to legally reinstitute redlining. And it's ok with them just because they own a house now? :gucci: Redlining practices set black folks back economically for generations but let's get it going again.

fukk a financially struggling black parent from being able to send their kids to a better school or raise them in a safer neighborhood. If they can't afford it then they don't deserve it. cold ass mentality :whew:

Feel how you want. I just don't see how you can call yourself pro-black or promote the building of black wealth and support a move like this


Things like this make me feel like spirtuallly the black community is DEAD.We have lost our collective esprit de corps, a good majority of us do not identify with the community nor the race truly we identify with ourself. In fact id wager to say most black people nowadays are Democratic in spirit but in practice are actually Republican i.e "I got mine why cant you get yours?,bootstrapism, etc" yet when some shyt happen in our community those same nikkas be quick to preach that pro-black unity on some virtue signaling shyt if/when it aligns with their worldview.

Black people can't be hating on other black people if we all recognize we struggling in this white supremacist country cause we black people. It's counterproductive as hell