60% of online conservatives are bots bro. Those folks don't actually exist in real life, it's used to influence the actual conservatives into thinking that these things are good and that a lot of people support these things
They don't. Not even conservatives for the most part. All of this shyt is a lie.
Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself because the alternative is too infuriating and frightening to believe:
They are that stupid
There are that many of them actually out there.
They know what they stand to gain if they suddenly no longer have to compete for jobs, housing, or education with other citizens because they've gotten their privileges and unfair advantages codified back into law. Not only that, whatever they believe is now sanctioned by the highest courts and politicians of the land. To them, integration is a failed experiment and they want the pre 60s America back. That is what they mean when they say that America was "great" then. They don't want to learn about the slave trade. They don't want to learn about redlining, they dont want to learn about how the murder, torture, harassment, and bullying their fathers, grandfathers, or themselves in youth commited. They want those days back. Those who had them, want to go back and those who didn't, yearn for the opportunity to live out the golden age of white supremacy their fathers and grandfathers told them about.
"You could do anything back then, not like now where you can't even say anything without liberals getting mad. Those blacks are never grateful, they always want more than what they deserve and they've forgotten their place" that's the kind of shyt these people grew up hearing constantly. If you do not understand your opponent and how he thinks, his moves will always surprise you.
Do not minimize them. You know when you watch a movie or play a game set in WWII? You know how waves and waves of nazis get mowed down and you cheer because you know that they are straight up evil and the only thing you can do to them is kill them?
We have those kinds of numbers now. The kind of people who would have become nazis normally get taken out in war. America has not had a war fighting a country with a comparable military strength in the lifetime of anyone posting here. Like how a forest fire burns the old growth so new trees have space to take over, war filters out the most stupid and aggressive people in a population.
America now has MILLIONS of people in it that are waiting for the opportunity to become this country's equivalent of nazis. They do not care if the rest of the world hates them because they have completely bought into the maga ideology. Just like how there were millions of Germans who were not on board with the nazi regime, there were millions who
were . Even if they were 25 or 30% of the population, their numbers were still massive. They understood the benefit they got out of enthusiastically supporting the regime and protecting it, so there was nothing and i mean NOTHING you could tell them.
America has these people now and the only way you're getting rid of them is if their charismatic leader dies, runs away, or decides to quit. They will never turn against him because they've tied their identity to him. If he's wrong, they're wrong and they have shown there's nothing they won't give up to avoid being wrong. The only thing those people want is power, and the only thing those people deserve is powerlessness.
If Trump decides he's creating his own version of the SS, you'll see the millions of them rushing to sign up. America is running germanys playbook with China as the new USSR who stayed out of it until Germany attacked them. If things keep escalating like this, America will declare war on Mexico claiming that it's a defensive war because the country is being invaded by immigrants who are bringing drugs and crime. They will treat the mexican cartels as a fifth column of an invading force and these people will jump in wholeheartedly for their chance at unleashing their depravity on the same people they wanted out of their country. It will be a chance for their version of revenge because they've spent the last 20 years in a fukking frenzy thinking that the reason they aren't winning in life is because of Spanish speakers.