This season is a prime example of "more" not always being a good thing.
1 Season, with 8 episodes, and 4 main characters who all shared a lot of camera time... and multiple plots/storylines going on in the background that had to be resolved without enough time to go into everything in detail.
The climax points in the show weren't even that good. From a S1 to S2 comparison, just on the action aspects alone, S2 had more of it, but none of the scenes even came close to Rust and Marty's initial encounter to the psycho out there in the boondocks, let alone the GOAT scene in the hood with the biker gang and Rust.
This season could have been much better if they simplified it some. I kept watching thinking I'd see something great happen, but it never did for me. Just a whole lot of shytty dialog and cliche scenes that started becoming predictable to anyone who's watched crime/dramas before.