Out of what? The Kliq ran everyone else out/held everyone else back and they ran out of opponents for feuds.
Who did they hold back?
We've gone over how Vader came in with his name stamped, having been beaten by Hogan in WCW convincingly and the dirtsheets reporting how Orndorff laid him out. How Shane Douglas whined about the workload and how Yokozuna was the one that cut the promo on him. Owen got push after push for a number of years, and might have gotten the belt but he broke Austin's neck and that stopped any possibility of that. Did the Kliq force Bam Bam to put on that ridiculous new gear and turn babyface? Diana wanted to do the storyline with Shawn which would have been big but Davey didn't like it. That's just the bigger names.
They didn't run out of new opponents, they had Jeff Jarrett (another one "held back" by Austin), Foley, Sid, Goldust, a number of guys. The vast majority of the anti-kliq stuff is sour grapes.