You misunderstand and you're acting like a child. I've seen everything the Attitude Era ever produced. The Rock's rise to greatness started in 1997 when he turned heel out of the blue after the injury return that summer when he helped Farooq. Weeks later, anyone who had any sense could tell he was going to matter because he was wearing sunglasses and wasn't taking Farooq serious like everyone else and was marking out for himself. His whole attitude and ways were just gonna get over no matter was no surprise fans got behind him when they took the IC title off of him and analysts thought he was a sure fire replacement for Austin as the top face. That was easy to decipher. Goldberg's streak ending? That was a whole another ball game.
You seem it after the fact when he was the man. You were not there from the get go.
Just like this hate for triple h is artificial. You were not there to see his rise with the disgust face and seen how he played test which made everyone hate him forever. I was there for all of it so my hate and enlightenment is justified. Bet you only became a rock fan after he played booker t.