Beat this last night, final boss is pretty easy but thats common in these type of games. It seems like the last few stages/bosses and even mock battles were more difficult.
I wish there was a way to get medals and crafting material outside of storyline battle or getting lucky with drops. I dont like how a lot of characters are tied to bad pathways either.
But i think my biggest issue is just the overall pacing. I think they should have done away with the mock battles and incorporated those maps into the story. Some of them are really good and could have had some nice set pieces and side stories incorporated into them.
Side stories in general should have had battles. They need to find a better way to distribute all the story and exposition other than cutscenes.
Overall i give the game an 8/10. I would love a sequel though with a bit bigger of a budget. Also I kind of miss some of the magic and monsters in TO/FFT. Raise the stakes a bit