Trayvon Martins/Girlfriend redefines ***: She said Trayvon calls George a *** and n-w


Jun 21, 2012
I didn't get a chance to really check out her testimony, but based on a few of the sources I've come across--based on her testimony, it doesn't bode too well for the prosecution. According to the news, she's been caught several times contradicting herself. Her credibility seems to have taken a plunge. And her cadence, while defended by blacks as "understandable"--doesn't exactly seem to something that floats all that comfortably with whites. It'll be interesting to see how much of this actually weighs in.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
@Crowbar Sanchez @malbaker86 @True Blue Moon @krackdagawd @Willstyles @houston911 @The Real @Born2BKing

:shake: ....ya'll some dope brothas for real. Good looks on the love.

But to krack tho....its okay to dyckride. ITS OKAY! Its been scientifically proven that i look superior to you, but dont trip because ugly ducklings can grow to become beautiful. I think i read that bullsht in some book as a lil brotha. Just keep hope alive fam. Alright?
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May 1, 2012
people are also expressing concern because she is an important witness and it can affect the way the JURORS think, which at the day are responsible for deciding the outcome of the case bro...**** what everyone else thinks the people want justice and she is one thing the defense is sticking on to have any chance...

and if people want to be concerned what the public thinks they have every right because it is not a good look for blacks...Ill say it again we need to stop making excuses and clean things up..its hard enough for blacks and when perceived like this it makes things even harder.. a poster said earlier today they cant back this behavior and I am feeling what they are saying because at the end of the day being an adult that cant even talk english is a shame dude..people are now making excuses saying she is multi lingual thats why english isnt as sharp..thats bs the chick cant speak and is an adult....

The same few people are trying to defend her on this thread but the people speaking against this behavior is calling a spade a spade

Have you ever been down south or up north? You think bad accents and poor english are exclusive to black people? No one should place the actions or behavior of a single person to an entire group of people. This mindframe is what racism comes from and the fact that you are buying into it is disturbing. There will NEVER be a time where all black people, white people, hispanic people etc are clean cut, perfect english, great job having, responsible people. If you go through life squirming anytime you encounter a black person with bad grammar and a bad attitude, then you are in for one disappointing ass life.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
@Crowbar Sanchez @malbaker86 @True Blue Moon @krackdagawd @Willstyles @houston911 @The Real @Born2BKing

:shake: ....ya'll some dope brothas for real. Good looks on the love.

But to krack tho....its okay to dyckride. ITS OKAY! Its been scientifically proven that i look superior to you, but dont trip because ugly ducklings can grow to become beautiful. I think i read that bullsht in some book as a lil brotha. Just keep hope alive fam. Alright?

Real fukk with real :blessed: :salute:
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Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
@Crowbar Sanchez @malbaker86 @True Blue Moon @krackdagawd @Willstyles @houston911 @The Real @Born2BKing

:shake: ....ya'll some dope brothas for real. Good looks on the love.

But to krack tho....its okay to dyckride. ITS OKAY! Its been scientifically proven that i look superior to you, but dont trip because ugly ducklings can grow to become beautiful. I think i read that bullsht in some book as a lil brotha. Just keep hope alive fam. Alright?

just another sonning these self-hating insecure women hating fakkits :win:

:salute: but your post made that man change his life lol
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May 21, 2012
So nobody understands why this girl has an attitude. You niccas obviously have no clue of how it feels to have random foreigners (in her case, white folks) constantly questioning you for damn near a year, only to be put on a stand to get fked with even more. Then come home, jump online and here people of ALL races criticize you because of your upbringing, which she had no choice. all this while lookin at the dude who killed her boyfriend (who got more in monetary support than her family makes in a year)
Exactly! :mindblown:


Jun 22, 2012

We all understand that....the is u dont bring it to a courtroom .. U ever heard the term time and place for everything? ... None of the other witnesses are acting defensive .. Its just her doing this bs and all of the other withnesses have been under similar pressure for a full year talking to authorities,defense and prosecution team so stop giving her and excuse and ok to have attitide because u feel she deserves it.

The defense is using this against her now all apart of the's like a boxer in a ring finding out his opponents weakness and beating and beating it until the opponent can't take it anymore. We all know she is not the sharpest knife out there but her actions is pretty much what they have been exposing that's why there is nothing about talk on this girl..

I wish some of the simple minded dudes talking ( not saying you) would look at the bigger picture and realize this instead of calling people " woman haters" etc etc etc, if she carried herself better from day one when I said being ur f***in A" game to the courtroom she would have not been the weakest link to get this dude charged instead she has become one of the defenses strongest beating bag and just exposing ****. When I said this from the the day she came on people were saying I am uppity and want her to act like that for the white man who doesn't give a s**t about us' and trust me the prosecution prepped her for day 2 on the stand because they saw it getting out of hand that's why she had a different attitude yesterday and was calm and more collective and answering "no sir" "yes sir".

I'm telling you some of ya'll mofos take this keeping it real bs to a next level and this keeping it real thing is keeping wrong


May 12, 2012
We all understand that....the is u dont bring it to a courtroom .. U ever heard the term time and place for everything? ... None of the other witnesses are acting defensive .. Its just her doing this bs and all of the other withnesses have been under similar pressure for a full year talking to authorities,defense and prosecution team so stop giving her and excuse and ok to have attitide because u feel she deserves it.

The defense is using this against her now all apart of the's like a boxer in a ring finding out his opponents weakness and beating and beating it until the opponent can't take it anymore. We all know she is not the sharpest knife out there but her actions is pretty much what they have been exposing that's why there is nothing about talk on this girl..

I wish some of the simple minded dudes talking ( not saying you) would look at the bigger picture and realize this instead of calling people " woman haters" etc etc etc, if she carried herself better from day one when I said being ur f***in A" game to the courtroom she would have not been the weakest link to get this dude charged instead she has become one of the defenses strongest beating bag and just exposing ****. When I said this from the the day she came on people were saying I am uppity and want her to act like that for the white man who doesn't give a s**t about us' and trust me the prosecution prepped her for day 2 on the stand because they saw it getting out of hand that's why she had a different attitude yesterday and was calm and more collective and answering "no sir" "yes sir".

I'm telling you some of ya'll mofos take this keeping it real bs to a next level and this keeping it real thing is keeping wrong

I hear what u sayin bro but point blank, she is who she is. If this was an 80 year old black woman on the stand who came from the deep south, there would be less backlash which is also kinda backwards because you would think someone who's been on this earth for so long would upgrade their vocabulary and know when to switch their demeanor. BUT people are who they are. And at the end of the day it has shyt to do with why GZ killed the lil homie. That's almost like judging a witness with a gang of tattoos, you just can't cover certain shyt up.


Lightbringer and Azor Ahai
May 26, 2012
Man, ive been at work. I've only been able to catch some of the trial, on Monday. So do you think GZ is going to do some time?

I thought Casey was going under the jail too. It's Florida, breh, anything can happen. :sadcam:

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
like have been said about racist whites and c00n blacks...her is c00n article What White People Don't Understand About Rachel Jeantel By Rachel Samara | Global Grind

nonracists whites comments to the c00n article

I'm a middle aged white woman...and I get her. Don't think we are all naive out here. We know how insular her life is. And I think she has displayed major anxiety on the stand, but she is not crumbling. Hold on, Rachel.....

I also am a middle-aged white woman from a predominantly white area and I get her also. I also have a teen daughter, and I could see her getting upset and "testy" also from the continuous questioning this poor girl has to go through. I feel for her. I also get her lying about going to the funeral - I had a friend who died at around the same age, and I couldn't go to his funeral either, could not face seeing him lying there.

I get her, too. I am a middle-aged white woman and I am a high school teacher. She seems real to me. Very shy, doesn't like the spot-light. Would not audition for school play. She has changed story in only small details and under duress.

I'm not offended by the title because racism is out there and very obvious in white people. I feel for this girl! I hate that they confused her, hell they even confused me sometimes! I believe she has such important points to get across and I pray that the jurors look past whatever prejudices they have and believe this girl! So heartbreaking, all of it!

I saw her testimony, they kept repeating the same questions to catch her and see if she will be inconsistent but she explained everything thoroughly, I understood her fine, it was the defense that I didn't get where he was going many times