Trans active is asked to define the term “woman”


Jul 14, 2012
New Orleans
Idc what they want to call themselves, they'll never be women in my eyes. Transwomen yes but not women. Beyond the obvious biological things, being born a girl and raised as a girl has experiences being a boy and being raised as a boy will never have, and vice versa. I'm all for people living their truth but don't be delusional

I had an observation the other day. If you notice transwomen are always the ones trying to force things. Why, because they were raised as men and are used to having things catered to them or not being told no a lot. What most of these transwomen failed to realize is their male privilege doesn't transfer over. They want to be women but still hold on to that male privilege but they can't. Rarely do you see or hear transmen causing a ruckus

I don't know how it went in your family, but where I'm from this NEVER happened.


Dec 29, 2016
i think that’s him. It’s sad that the left is going so far left that black people who are usually conservative in general are starting to agree with right wing conservatives on some things. shyt is getting spooky out here.

What's sad is that people cannot see the forest for the trees.

I'm at a point in my life where I simply have bigger fish to fry. Going about my daily life, I cannot think of a time where a trans person has caused my problems.

That doesn't mean that I agree with the way things are being pushed, but it is enough to make me realise that walking alongside people who are pushing policies that actively hurts my people is not what I'm going to do.

It is sad to see people flock to the alt right because they're afraid of the bogeyman under their bed wearing a dress and wig.


Jan 12, 2017
I don’t even understand why brehs on this forum are so obsessed with trans people anyway. I live in gay friendly nyc and even here trans are a rarity.

Most brehs on here live in the south and the Midwest where gay people aren’t looked at as favorable. So I know for a fact that they aren’t seeing trans like that.
I've been arguing with brehs for the last week and here is what I got.

These brehs seem to not like trans people because they aren't "normal." Normal to them is both tradition and influence. To them everything is from influence, from how you dress, how you talk, even to who you are fukking (gender).

These brehs want to fukk women not because they are exclusively attracted to women but more so because its "what men do". Ie their fathers, uncles, male friends, and men on TV fukk women so they are just doing the "normal" thing in their eyes.

Gay people and trans people being accepted and shown in a positive light is causing an issue because they think the influence is going to change.

If your whole life is based on being "normal" and that normality is caused by doing what others around and before you are/have been doing then trans being normal is an identity crisis for these people.

If trans people and fukking trans people is seen as normal whats stopping them from fukking a trans person? Their sexual prefrences are not based on true internal desire, but just influence. They are afraid that they may be "influenced" into fukking trans people and they are scared that that could make them gay and not "normal". So they are doing the most to not have a conversation with themselves on why they operate in life the way they operate.

Women hate trans women because they want to feel special about being born a woman. The same chicks who cry about patriarchy do actually like it when it makes women seem better than men. The concept of being a woman being just a social construct that has no basis in moral worth frustrates them because if a man in their eyes can be a woman, then maybe they aren't some sort of special creature just because they have a vagina. These types of feminists aren't looking for equality, they think they are better than men just because they are women. This is the same mindset poor cacs have against black people where they would rather be at a lower place in capitalism than to be equal with black people.

TL;DR: Trans people existing is causing a huge identity crisis in a lot of people.


Jan 12, 2017
Idc what they want to call themselves, they'll never be women in my eyes. Transwomen yes but not women. Beyond the obvious biological things, being born a girl and raised as a girl has experiences being a boy and being raised as a boy will never have, and vice versa. I'm all for people living their truth but don't be delusional

I had an observation the other day. If you notice transwomen are always the ones trying to force things. Why, because they were raised as men and are used to having things catered to them or not being told no a lot. What most of these transwomen failed to realize is their male privilege doesn't transfer over. They want to be women but still hold on to that male privilege but they can't. Rarely do you see or hear transmen causing a ruckus
No one gives a fukk about trans men, thats why they don't make a fuss about shyt.


Jan 12, 2017
They hate blacks even more.
Sure, but they use similar logic in their hate. In their minds black and trans people are moral degenerates who do not have the same worth as cis white males. Their degeneracy should not be celebrated or tolerated by a good Christian society and if not genocided their place is subservience to white Christian society.

They hate black people more only in the sense that its easier to ID a black person as different.

Lord Beasley

Aug 2, 2012
469 x 972 x 702
TBH i don't really gaf about a woman tapin her shyt and trying to be a man, good luck competing with "cis" males. I do feel like women should be more offended that trehs are trying to infiltrate them