Brolic Scholar
Licensed Text Technician
So we're just gonna completely ignore the fact that Storm is dark-skinned?
Just gotta play the victim huh...

I'd expect people to be equally upset if they cast Don Cheadle to play Barack Obama in a biopic.
I’m playing the victim of what exactly?
I’m reading the actual tweets and People were talking about her though, which is cool but of course she’s going to get upset when people say she’s not what they want. It’s human nature. I mean people say they want you pulled from your job Duh you’re going to get upset and defend yourself. They went at it the wrong way.
Honestly this is corny to me. It’s storm. In the 90s cartoon she looked like a tan white woman. In some teen versions of the comics she looks like a light skin or biracial person. In other versions she looks darker and more African. I mean for god sakes no matter what color she is they always draw her with straight euro hair and euro featuresThe character is kind of just all over the place, so for people to say she was supposed to be this or that, nah she was always a rep of what whites think blacks should look like. so with that in mind Disney isn’t doing anything brand new lol. Doesn’t excuse it, just doesn’t seem like a point for outrage to me. You say varying skin tones does not equal biracial, but everyone is also equating the actors background to the characters background. It’s make believe. I get we want a character that represents. It’s just corny how the twitter stuff played out on both sides. Grown people calling out other grown people about a fictional character who’s appearance has always been wishy washy
She’s not too far off from this at all
Storm wasn’t dark in the comics. She was brown. It’s funny that no one complained about the actor that played Bishop being way darker than he was in the comics. And what about his curl? Relaxed standards of accuracy until you don’t like it and then they have to Pantone color match the actors. Goofy to be worried about this as adults.