Houston has been a mess lately smh.
No winners here.
Cop is clearly in the wrong, mad multiple bad judgments and didn't need to shoot her:
-Him allowing himself to have his taser taken by a citizen, wtf.
-Him not calling for backup, or taking a different approach at apprehending her.
-5 shots?!

I'm curious what she even had warrants for, I'm guessing it wasn't anything that required him to turn this into a life/death scenario.
Also cannot be out here grabbing tasers off officers, you are going to take some kind of loss. Should never have come to this though.
Dude needs to be taken off the force immediately and permanently. Even if they want to incorrectly let him off for this, he doesn't have the right mentality to be a cop. I don't feel safe with this idiot protecting me down here.