Fight club.
I'm going to get killed for this but I was never a big fan of Casino.
Seconded, movie is good imo, but outside of the really good special effects there's nothing really spectacular about it.Avatar
The Shining....just don't see it....and I like Kubrick
Heat....Thief is better. Too many irrelevant story tangents
Scarface......most overrated film of all-time
Donnie Darko: Found it pretentious and trying to be weirder and deeper than it could get away with.
jesus christ![]()
Still have yet to watch Barry LyndonDid you like Barry Lyndon?
I agree Thief is better, feels more authentic and less Hollywood, but Heat is still an all time great movie off of acting, the shootout, and visuals alone.
Scarface's place in actual film criticism is fair imo.
Se7en was alright, the twist at the end was one of the only good things about it, but it was so damn predictable.
Raiders Of The Lost Ark...this is the one and only "Indiana Jones" movie I've even seen and I had enough.
Gravity...c'mon man...
I've never seen 5 minutes of any Star Wars movies or Star Trek movies/tv shows and I don't plan to.
Kevin Smith movies- not that clever, mostly boring to me
Argo- it was cool, nothing I'd watch again
Avengers and Ironman- not mad I saw them, but I barely cared about what was happening on screen, and as pure action they aren't that great. I honestly don't see why Ironman is much more highly regarded than Ironman 3, maybe because it's slightly less goofy?
Inception, need to see it again though
Usual Suspect
The recent Star trek movie, not complete garbage but just a nothing movie
Fight Club used to fit this category to me, but it clicked for me the 2nd or 3rd time I saw it, great movie that's deep beyond what Brad Pitt is saying.
The concept behind inception is so original, that I didn't care about the characters as much as I did the plot development.Yeah but the function of the film should still get me to actually care about everyone else too not just have all of their dialogue be exposition which it all is. Leo grows and you're right about that but even so his dialogue is still just explaining everything. Again, that's like everyone in the matrix explaining to me what the matrix is for 2 hours.
LOTR trilogy - everything good is pure and white...everything bad is black and ugly. Not to mention the badass Black Uruk orcs have a white hand painted on their face to show who their master is. smh at the subtle 'cism![]()
Original but dull and boring.The concept behind inception is so original, that I didn't care about the characters as much as I did the plot development.