Just got done binging it. This season is all over the place. No clear direction and alot of random story lines. No wonder why this season only has 8 episodes. They didn't have a clue on what stories to tell for this season.
They have a massive problem in spain with the police out there, but that is suddenly handled quickly with Sully killing the police. This is after Sully looking like he is out the game, when living next to a old faced white broad. Suddenly his albino niece shows up with some problems and he becomes a menace again. Jamie is alot less effective in this season....dude is basically Dushane's b**ch. Dude can't even control his younger brothers, somehow his youngest brother is always angry following a girl abandoned by her parents. Then suddenly we have a random ass storyline about Lauryn and her new baby daddy, Dushane's girl removing a body and some other bs.
2.5 years and this is the best they could come up with? not worth the wait. The dushane and sully storylines have run their course. They need to hand it over to the next generation, can't be 40 talking about your a "Top Boy", what kinda grown ass man says he is a top boy.