Took the family to See Wonder Women


Nov 5, 2015
Movie was great and a good look for strong women without being all stupid with hidden agenda's and feminist over tones. It was just a good coming of age super hero movie where the main hero was a woman.

Props to the family and family time

Exactly, it was just a great movie, DC finally came through on a super hero movie even though I liked superman vs. Batman and the superman reboot.


Nov 5, 2015
:gucci:Wow she looks amazing, if there was ever a poster child for black don't crack. Baring in mind she doesn't have access to all the cosmetics like celebrities. Again mad props and thanks for answering my questions.:salute:

Thanks, she's non enhanced, just the standard make up stuff everyone has access too. She has looked this way since I've known her (12 years) an 4 kids.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Took my daughter's to see it today and had to have a talk with them about what the hell we just saw...
A few things...
1. Way to much sexual innuendos.
2. Chris Pines is basically naked in one scene
3. For a story that is supposed to inspire females, it sure does use the same played out predictable tropes.
4. Here's the wackest shyt... Every super hero is motivated by something... How predictable Wonder Woman is motivated by "love". She couldn't even reach her full badassness without her emotional connection to some man.
Conclusion: it's not for kids. It's predictable. Plays on the same old Hollywood tropes and reinforces sexist stereotypes. Though the action was pretty dope.
Grade C+/B- ish
1 &2)There was only like one scene with sexual innuendos really. And that was the scene of him naked. Which for a change is a man instead of a woman like in every other pg13 movie.
3)It's a super hero movie

4) what hero isn't motivated by love? That's always the driving factor. With her its her love for human life more than the love for men.

Seeing a love one get hurt is always is the freaking point factor.

Queue goku going super sayian.


All Star
Sep 5, 2015
Wonder women being motivated by love is no different then other super heroes movies I've seen.

Example: superman 1 (Christopher reeves) was Motivated by his love for Louis lane, when she died in the earth quake he spun the earth backwards to reverse time to bring her back.
In superman 2 superman intentionally loses his powers just to spend his life as a normal person with Louis.

In spiderman EVERYTHING he did was because he loved MJ, especially spiderman 2 (Tobe McGuire)

In batman the dark Knight rises he loved that girl so much he did everything he could to hand over the responsibility to Harvey so he could stop being batman and just be with her, she literally wrote him letter saying how stupid that was for him to even consider doing that for her.

In avengers 2, Bruce banner and scarlet were secretly planning to run away together abandoning the team just to be together.

Wolverine only STAYED in the X-men to be next to Jean grey, he was almost willing to let phoenix destroy the world until he was forced to kill her.

So her motivation for love is no different then what we have seen.

Wrong. Batmans motivation is his dead parents. Spidermans motivation is his teenage crush which he out grows as he becomes a man. Wolverine is motivated by his missing past and his savage nature. To say hulk is motivated by love doesn't really warrant a response. Superman is the exception.
It wasn't that the whole love thing doesn't apply to other heroes, it's the fact that as a women super hero I would have liked to see her story be more than a love story. It could have been deeper.


Nov 5, 2015
Wrong. Batmans motivation is his dead parents. Spidermans motivation is his teenage crush which he out grows as he becomes a man. Wolverine is motivated by his missing past and his savage nature. To say hulk is motivated by love doesn't really warrant a response. Superman is the exception.
It wasn't that the whole love thing doesn't apply to other heroes, it's the fact that as a women super hero I would have liked to see her story be more than a love story. It could have been deeper.

Are you really going to denied that in the batman movie "the dark knight rises" batman literally tried to hand off all the crime responsibilities to Harvey dent so he can be with girl?

As far as the hulk both of his movies are centered around his love for Betty brant, who was the only one who could calm him down before he met black widow

And as far as wolverine is orginal reason for joining the X-men was to recover his memories, but soon left after Charles could only do so much, when he returned it for Jean grey.....