You realize that's half the reason this shyt happens?
If neighborhoods were actually integrated, the whole problem wouldn't have started up in the first place. Those White people want separation, then have no idea how to deal with the fact that their White kids are actually friends with Black kids, and so the racist-ass ignorant White people act out.
The two White women who fought with the Black teenager weren't arrested. In fact, only one White person was handcuffed and detained - a 14-year-old White girl who heard the racist words, complained to the police and tried to tell them what was really going on. That girl's father is irate, and her family is filing assault charges against the White women who attacked the Black girl.
Now, when you call for "separation", do you not realize that that's just going to lead to more people like those racist White folk who don't know how to deal with Black people, and fewer conscious White folk like that teenage girl who stood up for her Black friends?
You're never going to get 100% racial separation - there's far too many mixed families, mixed schools, mixed workplaces, mixed communities, etc., and the majority of Black folk won't listen to that bullshyt. So if you and your friends call for separation, all you're going to do is exacerbate a bad situation every time Black people and ignorant White people interact.