To all the Swirlers,LSAers and Black Male haters.


Aug 6, 2015
LOL ur mind games are killing them lol and that neg train might come back around lol be safe

It's really not mind games. I just find them immature and disingenuous.

- used "pick-me" once - they went through and posted it and @ me -- like I wouldn't stand behind what I said and felt.

- asked Black men (and women) to stop using a word their ancestors were called/labeled as -- who were raped -- which explains how most of us have non-Black blood/DNA. But, I'm the bad guy and "suspect?" Don't make sense...

- has never said/posted anything anti or negative about Black men.

- those who have followed me know one of my hobbies is Black history (slavery, reconstruction, jim crow), genealogy and I practice an ATR (Traditional African Religion) which means I am very respectful and mindful of my ancestors.

- has been very clear in all my post - that I don't IR date - but I'm a suspected "swirler." Just dumb.

- has always explained myself and my reasoning for my threads/views - and explained my background respectfully to those who are respectable and respectful to me.

I find it entertaining yet saddening at the same time.


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
It's really not mind games. I just find them immature and disingenuous.

- used "pick-me" once - they went through and posted it and @ me -- like I wouldn't stand behind what I said and felt.

- asked Black men (and women) to stop using a word their ancestors were called/labeled as -- who were raped -- which explains how most of us have non-Black blood/DNA.

- has never said/posted anything anti or negative about Black men.

- those who have followed me know one of my hobbies is Black history (slavery, reconstruction, jim crow), genealogy and I practice an ATR (Traditional African Religion) which means I am very respectful and mindful of my ancestors.

- has been very clear in all my post - that I don't IR date - but I'm a suspected "swirler." Just dumb.

- has always explained myself and my reasoning for my threads/views - and explained my background respectfully to those who are respectable and respectful to me.

I find it entertaining yet saddening at the same time.
That's why If I was them I would just take the L because you were right and you brought facts and had no holes in your argument but feelings hurt so they coming


Feb 12, 2015
I've seen this lurkin on LSA. The small percentage of BW who defend bm or refuse to join in on a "see nikkas ain't shyt" fest are called pick me's and handmaidens by the swirlers and feminists. I've seen @dede79 use "pick me" on thecoli as well:sas2:. She say she loves black men tho :mjpls:

I think she does. But blk people gotta stop being sensitive. Calling out bullshyt doesn't mean hate. The thing that kills me about blk men and women dating out is u got the most greasy shyt to say about ur own race of people but will forgive whites for centuries of oppression, and when someone calls u on it u get accused of "bashing".

Nah. It don't work like that. Blk people literally out here embarrassing the fukk out of our race, worshipping whites, fukking our race away and blk men seem to want a pass. Don't cry "bashing" and "deflection" when there is a legitimate problem.
Certainly don't make up lies about blks b/c we got enough told about us as is.

Btw @Roddy Right babe I'm still waiting on u to give me the years u wanted to focus on when it came to blk dudes swirling.


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
I think she does. But blk people gotta stop being sensitive. Calling out bullshyt doesn't mean hate. The thing that kills me about blk men and women dating out is u got the most greasy shyt to say about ur own race of people but will forgive whites for centuries of oppression, and when someone calls u on it u get accused of "bashing".

Nah. It don't work like that. Blk people literally out here embarrassing the fukk out of our race, worshipping whites, fukking our race away and blk men seem to want a pass. Don't cry "bashing" and "deflection" when there is a legitimate problem.
Certainly don't make up lies about blks b/c we got enough told about us as is.

Btw @Roddy Right babe I'm still waiting on u to give me the years u wanted to focus on when it came to blk dudes swirling.
Ur right the problem is we still see whites as superior to us even if we dont admit... A black women would be quick to shyt on a black for being soft but if a white man did it they would call it romantic... Black dudes will defend the shyt out of other ace women but quickly call a women a nappy headed weeve welfare queen hoe quick. We have to truly believe black is great or all these talks mean nothing.


Feb 12, 2015
Were we supposed to be upset that one of our heroes got engaged? Black women also loved Serena and Common together. Many talked a lot about Serena and Drake. At the end of the day, our "collective reaction" is generally positive to whatever Black women we like do unless its a blatantly negative choice. But either way, Serena's choice has nothing to do with what every Black woman personally desires. Also, what collective reaction? You need to get off social media. And you should know if we are going to use social media to judge "collective reactions", Black men come off a lot worse.

Same as above.

Has to do with the fact that Black women are the lead in primetime shows. Something that hadn't happened in a good 50 years or so prior to Scandal.

Rachel has dated mostly Black. Something a few of the Black guys she got rid of can't even say.

What about the existence of the coli and racist language and continuous bashing of Black women?

Black men have done the same, and have even used the one platform they've been able to obtain and retain (rap music) to denigrate Black women to the world for decades.

Same as above.

Again...a literal whole genre that has nothing but disgusting things to say about Black women. But any response is some testament to Black women not only having an issue with Black men but desiring white men? Lol ok. You all have cosigned and popularized anti-Black women hatred in Black entertainment. It doesn't get sicker than that.

My biggest question for all of you that are deluding yourselves about Black women's desire for white men: can you explain why the sex icons held in esteem by Black women look unequivocally Black? Logically, if whiteness was so desired, wouldn't Black male sex symbols look like the male versions of the biracial and mixed women you all hold in high esteem?

Bondye Vodou

Proud practitioner of the "High Science"
Jan 5, 2013
It's really not mind games. I just find them immature and disingenuous.

- used "pick-me" once - they went through and posted it and @ me -- like I wouldn't stand behind what I said and felt.

- asked Black men (and women) to stop using a word their ancestors were called/labeled as -- who were raped -- which explains how most of us have non-Black blood/DNA. But, I'm the bad guy and "suspect?" Don't make sense...

- has never said/posted anything anti or negative about Black men.

- those who have followed me know one of my hobbies is Black history (slavery, reconstruction, jim crow), genealogy and I practice an ATR (Traditional African Religion) which means I am very respectful and mindful of my ancestors.

- has been very clear in all my post - that I don't IR date - but I'm a suspected "swirler." Just dumb.

- has always explained myself and my reasoning for my threads/views - and explained my background respectfully to those who are respectable and respectful to me.

I find it entertaining yet saddening at the same time.
Stop lyin ma, That term is used to shame black women who don't bash men.
An Open Letter to "Pick Me" Black Women Who Hate Black Women


May 5, 2017

Before we get into the letter, let me define what is a “pick me?” According to the Bougie Black Girl Dictionary (I made that up), a “pick me” woman defined as a Black woman sick with ashy-peen-itis. She’s obsessed with it. “Pick me” women are more misogynistic than most men. She centers the entire Black existence around Black men.

How can we spot a “pick me?” The pick me occasionally refers to men as “men” and Black women as “females.” She’ll do anything including trashing other Black women for a pat on a back and a like on Facebook. She follows well-known Black men misogynists on social media and lurks their comment sections proclaiming she’s a different kind of Black woman.


The “pick me” mentality is:

1. A Black woman’s relationship status determines her worth. Being a single Black woman means you should shut up because you’re defective and no one wants you. If you’re a single mom, well, you’re the devil.

2. Community peen is acceptable because man sharing is better than no man at all. Non-Black men are not an option. No chocolate for you Jake!

3. Men shouldn’t pay for child support because the man, not mom, and child would suffer. By the way, the pick me thinks since the mom picked him and should’ve been psychic, she and her child should suffer.

4. Feminism, contraceptives, the right to vote, the right to work for equal pay, weave and makeup caused the destruction of the Black family.

5. Weave, makeup, and relaxers are evil.

6. Wigs, tap water and weaves “turn” Black children gay.

7. Black men are always right, and Black women are always wrong.

8. Black men are always right, and Black women are always wrong.

9. Black men are always right, and Black women are always wrong.

10. And Black men are always right, and Black women are always wrong. Now that we’ve defined the “pick me” let’s move on to the letter.


Dear Pick me chicks,

I dislike you with the heat of 100,000 white-hot suns. You’d do anything, even down your sisters for a pat on the head from a negro who wouldn’t look at you if you were the last hot wing at a Superbowl party. In fact, that man hates the way you look because you look like me. He hates you even though you scream about not having a weave and a relaxer. He hates you even though you don’t wear makeup and believe KFC, a can of Fanta and sex in a car is OK for a date. That man, your pandering to, hates you because you’re Black.

Here’s the truth. You’re sick with ashy-peen-itis. You’ve got a self-hating demon in you and I rebuke it. If you don’t change your traitorous peen obsessed ways, I hope all of your ancestors snatch your edges in shame. I hope you age like non-GMO tomatoes in the sun. I hope when you get old your kids drop you off at Shady Pines Nursing Home and never visit your ass. I hope all your hair gel flakes and your edge control fails. I hope your bonnet falls off your head at night and your hair rubs against a cotton pillow. I hope all your chicken is unseasoned and dry. I hope all your soda is flat and your kool aide is sugarless. Sister get help, self-respect, and self-esteem. Be gone you old foul and filthy Black woman-hater and stand with your sisters.

With the love,


Is that how y'all refer to black men over there? "ashy peen" :dwillhuh:

Thats from a website u're a part of and was defending right here on the coli. But i know u gon lie like a muthafukka anyways.


Feb 12, 2015
Ur right the problem is we still see whites as superior to us even if we dont admit... A black women would be quick to shyt on a black for being soft but if a white man did it they would call it romantic... Black dudes will defend the shyt out of other ace women but quickly call a women a nappy headed weeve welfare queen hoe quick. We have to truly believe black is great or all these talks mean nothing.
RIGHT! I've heard blk chicks complaining about blk men and thinking white dudes would be a fix. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking them albino sunhated c*nts are the REASON why some of our men are mindfukked. What the hell I look like using AIDS to treat a flesh wound?!

I've seen blk men bashing blk women for shyt white women do on the regular and will literally endure blatant racism and life-threatening conditions but if a blk chick breathes wrong she a problem.
The shyt is sickening.


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
RIGHT! I've heard blk chicks complaining about blk men and thinking white dudes would be a fix. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking them albino sunhated c*nts are the REASON why some of our men are mindfukked. What the hell I look like using AIDS to treat a flesh wound?!

I've seen blk men bashing blk women for shyt white women do on the regular and will literally endure blatant racism and life-threatening conditions but if a blk chick breathes wrong she a problem.
The shyt is sickening.
Exactly but its because people are not doing research on there own people..... U think dudes came up with MOB for no reason naw there is a reason for everything. We as a community need to learn how to research about our history or the future will be worst than slavery

Goodbye World

Oct 31, 2014
Stop lyin ma, That term is used to shame black women who don't bash men.
An Open Letter to "Pick Me" Black Women Who Hate Black Women


May 5, 2017

Before we get into the letter, let me define what is a “pick me?” According to the Bougie Black Girl Dictionary (I made that up), a “pick me” woman defined as a Black woman sick with ashy-peen-itis. She’s obsessed with it. “Pick me” women are more misogynistic than most men. She centers the entire Black existence around Black men.

How can we spot a “pick me?” The pick me occasionally refers to men as “men” and Black women as “females.” She’ll do anything including trashing other Black women for a pat on a back and a like on Facebook. She follows well-known Black men misogynists on social media and lurks their comment sections proclaiming she’s a different kind of Black woman.


The “pick me” mentality is:

1. A Black woman’s relationship status determines her worth. Being a single Black woman means you should shut up because you’re defective and no one wants you. If you’re a single mom, well, you’re the devil.

2. Community peen is acceptable because man sharing is better than no man at all. Non-Black men are not an option. No chocolate for you Jake!

3. Men shouldn’t pay for child support because the man, not mom, and child would suffer. By the way, the pick me thinks since the mom picked him and should’ve been psychic, she and her child should suffer.

4. Feminism, contraceptives, the right to vote, the right to work for equal pay, weave and makeup caused the destruction of the Black family.

5. Weave, makeup, and relaxers are evil.

6. Wigs, tap water and weaves “turn” Black children gay.

7. Black men are always right, and Black women are always wrong.

8. Black men are always right, and Black women are always wrong.

9. Black men are always right, and Black women are always wrong.

10. And Black men are always right, and Black women are always wrong. Now that we’ve defined the “pick me” let’s move on to the letter.


Dear Pick me chicks,

I dislike you with the heat of 100,000 white-hot suns. You’d do anything, even down your sisters for a pat on the head from a negro who wouldn’t look at you if you were the last hot wing at a Superbowl party. In fact, that man hates the way you look because you look like me. He hates you even though you scream about not having a weave and a relaxer. He hates you even though you don’t wear makeup and believe KFC, a can of Fanta and sex in a car is OK for a date. That man, your pandering to, hates you because you’re Black.

Here’s the truth. You’re sick with ashy-peen-itis. You’ve got a self-hating demon in you and I rebuke it. If you don’t change your traitorous peen obsessed ways, I hope all of your ancestors snatch your edges in shame. I hope you age like non-GMO tomatoes in the sun. I hope when you get old your kids drop you off at Shady Pines Nursing Home and never visit your ass. I hope all your hair gel flakes and your edge control fails. I hope your bonnet falls off your head at night and your hair rubs against a cotton pillow. I hope all your chicken is unseasoned and dry. I hope all your soda is flat and your kool aide is sugarless. Sister get help, self-respect, and self-esteem. Be gone you old foul and filthy Black woman-hater and stand with your sisters.

With the love,


Is that how y'all refer to black men over there? "ashy peen" :dwillhuh:

Thats from a website u're a part of and was defending right here on the coli. But i know u gon lie like a muthafukka anyways.
:mjlol: I wonder what her 'ashy peen' simps feel about this

Bondye Vodou

Proud practitioner of the "High Science"
Jan 5, 2013
I think she does. But blk people gotta stop being sensitive. Calling out bullshyt doesn't mean hate. The thing that kills me about blk men and women dating out is u got the most greasy shyt to say about ur own race of people but will forgive whites for centuries of oppression, and when someone calls u on it u get accused of "bashing".

Nah. It don't work like that. Blk people literally out here embarrassing the fukk out of our race, worshipping whites, fukking our race away and blk men seem to want a pass. Don't cry "bashing" and "deflection" when there is a legitimate problem.
Certainly don't make up lies about blks b/c we got enough told about us as is.

Btw @Roddy Right babe I'm still waiting on u to give me the years u wanted to focus on when it came to blk dudes swirling.
I was with u up until that point, lets stop pointing fingers cause a lot bm n bw are in the same boat when it comes to wanting a pass shyt on each other for whitey.


Aug 6, 2015
Thats from a website u're a part of and was defending right here on the coli. But i know u gon lie like a muthafukka anyways.

You think for yourself right? Cause, I do.

And just because you post a link from LSA and/or from another website - doesn't mean I subscribe to their definition or meaning - or believe the same.

I posted and defined the term for you - which means that's my comprehension and usage for it. Take it or leave it. :smile: But, don't come @ me with a re-upped post attaching it to me and my beliefs because I am a proud and open member of a site and i'm a BW.

Does that even make sense?

Should I attach and allege your beliefs/feelings ...or any BM to things others say/feel on the Coli or Internet? Why cause they have penis and share the same skintone(s) as you?

Your logic is off.


Feb 12, 2015
You think for yourself right? Cause, I do.

And just because you post a link from LSA and/or from another website - doesn't mean I subscribe to their definition or meaning - or believe the same.

I posted and defined the term for you - which means that's my comprehension and usage for it. Take it or leave it. :smile: But, don't come @ me with a re-upped post attaching it to me and my beliefs because I am a proud and open member of a site and i'm a BW.

Does that even make sense?

Should I attach and allege your beliefs/feelings ...or any BM to things others say/feel on the Coli or Internet? Why cause they have penis and share the same skintone(s) as you?

Your logic is off.
I've never really been on LSA. My browser crashed anytime I tried to lurk. Is it really that bad? Lmao


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
:mjlol: I wonder what her 'ashy peen' simps feel about this
Huh u wouldnt be talking bout me... I thought we was cool and for the record just because im not attacking someone for there opinion when they make a vaild one and their a women, does not make me a ashy dikk simp..... Do better bruh

Jaylen Tatum

Dec 15, 2014
Black Women really use those terms over there?


Those women sound like Klansmen.
tell me this aint a klan meeting
Why do black men do this? - Page 16

Huh u wouldnt be talking bout me... I thought we was cool and for the record just because im not attacking someone for there opinion when they make a vaild one and their a women, does not make me a ashy dikk simp..... Do better bruh
you have hundreds of women co-signing flat out hate for black men. take that cape off.