When my mans was slumped with his head in the toilet gets me everytime
But according to the coli, 'Kids' is a representative of the NY street culture bacc in the 90sthat movie doesnt truly represent nyc kid life.
that was them manhattan kids who lived in the city. different lifestyle for their 20 blokk radius compared to other boroughs,
only white trash kids were into that raver scene and taking E and getting their friends who were minorities involved.
thats manhattan white kids scene right there mixed with the skateboard kids who didnt give a fukk and only smoked blunts and huffed
them manhattan kids that would be clowned by the other kids from the other boroughs.
just saying.
But according to the coli, 'Kids' is a representative of the NY street culture bacc in the 90s
I haven't finished KIDS....
But Spring Breakers was just,...
This is disturbing as shyt
I liked Spring Breakers in a weird way (Vanessa Hudgens mostly) but.....idk, I was out of school when it came out. I missed the point maybe?Spring Breakers is good too, especially if you're in college right now it's easily relatable.
It's basically Kids but about 20 year olds.
Finish Kids, it's in the OP.
I liked Spring Breakers in a weird way (Vanessa Hudgens mostly) but.....idk, I was out of school when it came out. I missed the point maybe?
that movie doesnt truly represent nyc kid life.
that was them manhattan kids who lived in the city. different lifestyle for their 20 blokk radius compared to other boroughs,
only white trash kids were into that raver scene and taking E and getting their friends who were minorities involved.
thats manhattan white kids scene right there mixed with the skateboard kids who didnt give a fukk and only smoked blunts and huffed
them manhattan kids that would be clowned by the other kids from the other boroughs.
just saying.
But according to the coli, 'Kids' is a representative of the NY street culture bacc in the 90s
Yes, visually and sonically it was stunning for me.I think the value of Spring Breakers and Kids is they take activities that actually happen, and show what will happen to you if you get lost in them. And also critique society as a whole for having/encouraging said activities.
Kids is much more brutal because it deals with underage kids, but Spring Breakers shows activities that are much more common, that any major college campus has. Like I'm in college now and I have friends who think exactly like the girls and Franco's character in Spring Breakers. Some of them are only half a step away from getting in the kind of shyt those girls got in or even Franco's character got in.
Spring Breakers also has amazing cinematography and soundtrack, so that helps.
yup. i knew plenty of people like this high school, some worse.I thought it was interesting and very realistic.
I mean it's clearly a whiter take then what you would get if the film was set in certain neighborhoods, that's for sure. But other then maybe the 1 rave scene that the 1 character goes to and has XTC forced down her throat for 2 minutes, the rest of the film pretty easily translates to blacks and hispanics too. It's not like only white people do that shyt.
Was the movie set on Manhattan? I'm not sure it ever really says. Not that it matters since there's black parts of Manhattan and white parts of the outer boroughs. Obviously the rave club was on Manhattan but that's a really small part of the movie, and the girl had to take a Taxi there.
thats manhattan. it was supposed to represent "city" manhattan kids
i didnt grow up with blakks and hispanics that went to raves and popped pills.
most raver white kids would hang around the parks and try to sell to the other type kids represented in the movie.
it shows how each type kid could come together and be entwined with each other, but trust it showed more of a "white" type scene mixed with other type kids and their actions