I mean it's clearly a whiter take then what you would get if the film was set in certain neighborhoods, that's for sure. But other then maybe the 1 rave scene that the 1 character goes to and has XTC forced down her throat for 2 minutes, the rest of the film pretty easily translates to blacks and hispanics too. It's not like only white people do that shyt.
Was the movie set on Manhattan? I'm not sure it ever really says. Not that it matters since there's black parts of Manhattan and white parts of the outer boroughs. Obviously the rave club was on Manhattan but that's a really small part of the movie, and the girl had to take a Taxi there.
You're right. there were hispanics and blacks fukkin with drugs bak then. it was mostly on the underground scene, and was part of a sub-culture. . it wasn't "cool" or acceptable to fukk with drugs like it is today, especially as a young black person.
kids was def set in the city. at one point they're at the 77th street train station and the jump scene was at washington square park. The city of course had it's expensive spots, but there were a lot more grimy neighborhoods in the city in the 90s.
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