"tired of seein all these spanish and these white bytches livin these soft lives" - Summer Walker (New gender war BANGER)


Mar 11, 2022
I will answer for her. No, what they did is wrong and what you are doing is wrong. You are just like them. If you want yourself a man of another ethnicity, then go for it. Your need to talk down about the males of our ethnicity (I assume you are Black like me) exposes your self-hatred. I've talked about this before. If anyone wants to date out, go ahead. There is no need to talk crap about your own people before you do it though.
I stated multiple times i don't date out of my race. I am just stating what has been said before but switched the genders around.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
So it's ok for some of the posters on here to compare black women to other communities but we can't compare men to each other?
No one is paying me to post on this janky site
The men in those communities are masculine and know their role so yea you will find it more in their community than the bc
Not surprised this divisive divestor is a non- AA c00n. ^^^

A lot of the passport bros that I see are chunky and unattractive. They go to different places to exploit their 50k cheque because they want to be the millionaires they complain about


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I stated multiple times i don't date out of my race. I am just stating what has been said before but switched the genders around.
Bytch you’re not of any importance, nothing but a sympathizer simpette bytch to the white race, why are you here?? No one gives a fuk what you state.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I stated multiple times i don't date out of my race. I am just stating what has been said before but switched the genders around.
You don’t date outside the race but every one of your posts is disrespecting black men.
Lying ass bytch. I’m glad you’re not black american trying to represent for actual black women.
So... Idiotic black men don't want to date black "people" either. Why would I have higher expectations for a non black person when some black people say the same thing.
She’s pretty, she will find someone soon, black, or non-black. I can’t exactly disagree with her since some black men do hate the most; it’s so icky when some black men try to play guard dog for their non-black friends.
So when I travel people are going to think I like poop on me? Because no one seemed to think that before

For someone who claims to not date white men, you sure can’t keep their dyck out your mouth:
So basically you admit what the passport boy did was wrong? Both are wrong and for men who don’t like white men yall sure do look up to them.
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
How am I a white sympathizer? You just talk in circles it's so boring
boring? but you have yet to exit the thread, you dumb fuk.

You created an entire new account just to come back trying to talk your shyt.
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
They are when it comes to their community. Black women formed pride in being masculine because men in their communities were failing. A group of men that complain about the white man,weave and trying to leech off of another man's community can never entirely be masculine. I don't even date out of my race I just avoid black guys with a victim mindset so not sure why you would assume I'm a swirler.
No they're not. As I said before, they oppress the fukk out of their own communities and create laws that outright victimizes their own people. They create environmental crises that fukk over their own people. They create healthcare crises that make healthcare unaffordable for their own people and scapegoat people who had nothing to do with it. They create situations where their own women get raped by their own men and let those men get off with slaps on the wrist. They create situations where their own kids get assaulted, raped, tortured, and even killed and they let their own men go with slaps on the wrist for it. They allow their own men to go on shooting sprees after shooting sprees, kill many of their own people, and do nothing to stop it. They are peak failures of their communities and are only held up by their collective hatred surpassing all sense and reason for others not like them and even more, people like you. That's your idea of masculinity? Okay. :heh:

That said, I'm glad you at least pointed out that black women made the choice taking pride in being masculine when in truth, they actually didn't have to. They didn't have to choose the men that they chose. They didn't have to ignore the factors that hurt black men and try and act like that systemic racism was a choice and something that didn't exist and thus they had to take alternate routes or took a bit longer to achieve certain things if they could achieve them at all. They did not have to choose to become tools to white supremacy by celebrating their masculinity and acting as if racism doesn't exist (unless it effects black women then it exists, right?). They did not have to, but quite a few did. A lot of other groups of women are put through bullshyt but they don't become or see themselves as "masculine". This is how I know you don't travel. Go to the Philippines and so on and see if the shyt they get down to and see if they call themselves "masculine".

All groups of men will complain about the issues in their life and many groups of men complain about the white man. Jews do it all the time, hispanic men do it all the time, even white men do it themselves so this idea that only black men complain is stupid. By that logic, no one is masculine. Okay. :mjlol:

This is what I'm talking about. Masculinity is someone giving you and people who look like you the Mary Turner treatment simply because of the color of your skin. Men who have a history of this and are scared to confront it are masculine. Okay. :why:

Moreover, knowing history is not a victim mindset. The only black guys who don't always seem to be c00ns and far right boot-licking conservatives. Then again, those kind of people like to claim that racism is not real. One can succeed and still recognize the issues that have caused problems in the black community and not see that as a victim mindset. Are you telling me civil rights leaders, men who recognized these problems are not masculine now? Okay. :skip:

And finally, plenty of black women see black men as masculine. I will say much of that is probably because men have gone out of their way to be masculine for them. I'm guessing you haven't seen that because they've never done this for you. They haven't done this for you because either you were never worth it or worth the time of these men. Then again, by your logic, if black men are not masculine, and you don't date out, and you date black men, then you've been dating nothing but effeminate men. That makes no sense at all. Then again, no one said divestor logic ever did. :francis:
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Mrs. Boss Lady
Mar 11, 2022
No one's asking you to put up with BW/BM, at all, miserable ass mf's who need to start associating with better ppl,
Exactly. These ppl are doing everything but just dating out. We don't need you to announce your plans just do it and leave the rest of us alone. That's both sides.

And Summer's situation in particular is completely self inflicted. She didn't just ignore red flags, she ran straight towards them. Summer could've facilitated her own "soft life" but she's a bird so :yeshrug:

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
:mjpls: I will say it…black people swear they know how non-black households are ran. They refuse to believe that non-black people. Are normal, work like everyone else, and have relationships issues. They always present them as theses mystical perfect beings. Who can’t do no wrong, and has everything figured out. While black relationships are the embodiment of struggle love.
This. It reeks of self-hate. I'll never understand it. I've lived in these households for a bit and it baffles me why anyone would put them up on a pedestal unless they're joking or something. They're regular people like anyone else.


Mar 11, 2022
No they're not. As I said before, they oppress the fukk out of their own communities and create laws that outright victimizes their own people. They create environmental crises that fukk over their own people. They create healthcare crises that make healthcare affordable for their own people and scapegoat people who had nothing to do with it. They create situations where their own women get raped by their own men and let those men get off with slaps on the wrist. They create situations where their own kids get assaulted, raped, tortured, and even killed and they let their own men go with slaps on the wrist for it. They allow their own men to go on shooting sprees after shooting sprees, kill many of their own people, and do nothing to stop it. They are peak failures of their communities and are only held up by their collective hatred surpassing all sense and reason for others not like them and even more, people like you. That's your idea of masculinity? Okay. :heh:

That said, I'm glad you at least pointed out that black women made the choice taking pride in being masculine when in truth, they actually didn't have to. They didn't have to choose the men that they chose. They didn't have to ignore the factors that hurt black men and try and act like that systemic racism was a choice and something that didn't exist and thus they had to take alternate routes or took a bit longer to achieve certain things if they could achieve them at all. They did not have to choose to become tools to white supremacy by celebrating their masculinity and acting as if racism doesn't exist (unless it effects black women then it exists, right?). They did not have to, but quite a few did. A lot of other groups of women are put through bullshyt but they don't become or see themselves as "masculine". This is how I know you don't travel. Go to the Philippines and so on and see if the shyt they get down to and see if they call themselves "masculine".

All groups of men will complain about the issues in their life and many groups of men complain about the white man. Jews do it all the time, hispanic men do it all the time, even white men do it themselves so this idea that only black men complain is stupid. By that logic, no one is masculine. Okay. :mjlol:

This is what I'm talking about. Masculinity is someone giving you and people who look like you the Mary Turner treatment simply because of the color of your skin. Men who have a history of this and are scared to confront it are masculine. Okay. :why:

Moreover, knowing history is not a victim mindset. The only black guys who don't always seem to be c00ns and far right boot-licking conservatives. Then again, those kind of people like to claim that racism is not real. One can succeed and still recognize the issues that have caused problems in the black community and not see that as a victim mindset. Are you telling me civil rights leaders, men who recognized these problems are not masculine now? Okay. :skip:

And finally, plenty of black women see black men as masculine. I will say much of that is probably because men have gone out of their way to be masculine for them. I'm guessing you haven't seen that because they've never done this for you. They haven't done this for you because either you were never worth it or worth the time of these men. Then again, by your logic, if black men are not masculine, and you don't date out, and you date black men, then you've been dating nothing but effeminate men. That makes no sense at all. Then again, no one said divestor logic ever did. :francis:
I'm not reading all of that but i legit said I don't date black men with victim mentalities so it makes plenty of sense to me. I gave you examples of what mindset isn't masculine to me it has nothing to do with knowing your history. Blaming people for your failure and why you can't build your community is not masculine to me.Anyways I just wanted to see how hypocritical some people can be when the gender is reversed now I see ☺️.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
How am I a white sympathizer? You just talk in circles it's so boring
Through statements like this:

Why do you guys look up to white men so much?

So the white men that date black women are better black men like you?
I would say they stay on code. The Hispanic men I know never talk trash or put down Hispanic women, even when they did prefer to date other groups of women.
You’re full of shyt