"tired of seein all these spanish and these white bytches livin these soft lives" - Summer Walker (New gender war BANGER)


Apr 30, 2012
And they glass in hand, bills paid, thanks to the man
Know how to lead and he got a plan
Faithful and help 'round the house

Faithful and help round the house?

ROFL. This has nothing to do with race. This is about the men you chose. You wanted a dude with tatts, no 9 to 5, connected to the streets, and other tropes....but yet expect him to be Mr. Rogers when he's at home.

King Poetic

Sagittarius KingPin
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles, California
After looking at her contract details :huhldup: and the fact she got 3 kids by 2 different nikkas, She’s just like these other female artist

Her contract was/is from a article

Earlier this week, Rolling Stone released details of a record deal that Summer signed back in 2017, in which she was offered an advance payment of only $85,000 and a 15% royalty rate on her music, which is low compared to the current standard of the industry. The article also said the “Ex For A Reason” singer gave up the rights to her masters. Additionally, Summer also gave up a large amount of her non-musical earnings, including the money she would make from acting gigs.

Multiple managers gave their opinion on her record deal, including Jordan Bromley, group leader and partner at the firm Manatt, Phelps & Philips. “If you compare [the music] industry to other industries with creative products, you’ll notice that this is the industry where creators get paid the least,” he said.:why:

These female artists stay getting hosed in contracts and in the champagne room by industry people


Apr 30, 2012
Spanish woman living the soft life

Isn’t that the candy bars the little kids sale?


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
Getting it out the mud, TOGETHER, despite overwhelming odds, that is how u know the love is real. Its easy to root for the winning team. But those fans will jump ship the moment u take an L. Sadly that is the majority of fans. So if u find one who is loyal who will ride through all ur L's with u, u better keep her.

:whew: preach, preacher !

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
I was stationed in El Paso for 6 years

2012-2017 and stayed there about 2 more years after retiring

But …

A lot of them hate their men

They get beat on and cheated on and make lots of “EXTRA KIDS”


It’s not greener on the other side(s)

Why do people think it’s better over there 👉
Yup a lot of them are down bad, and even the ones who are in good relationships are often both working low paying jobs.

I think people are just dumb and stuck in bubbles...don't know anything about other cultures or people. But at the same time I also think this is another effort to demonize black men. When you say other races of women are doing well because their men take care of them...what are you really saying. And for this to come from a woman who CONSTANTLY makes terrible decisions and has multiple baby daddies...fukkouttahere lmao.

Lootha VanDraws

'The Night I Fell in Love' is the GOAT R&B album
Dec 3, 2016
No they're not. As I said before, they oppress the fukk out of their own communities and create laws that outright victimizes their own people. They create environmental crises that fukk over their own people. They create healthcare crises that make healthcare unaffordable for their own people and scapegoat people who had nothing to do with it. They create situations where their own women get raped by their own men and let those men get off with slaps on the wrist. They create situations where their own kids get assaulted, raped, tortured, and even killed and they let their own men go with slaps on the wrist for it. They allow their own men to go on shooting sprees after shooting sprees, kill many of their own people, and do nothing to stop it. They are peak failures of their communities and are only held up by their collective hatred surpassing all sense and reason for others not like them and even more, people like you. That's your idea of masculinity? Okay. :heh:

That said, I'm glad you at least pointed out that black women made the choice taking pride in being masculine when in truth, they actually didn't have to. They didn't have to choose the men that they chose. They didn't have to ignore the factors that hurt black men and try and act like that systemic racism was a choice and something that didn't exist and thus they had to take alternate routes or took a bit longer to achieve certain things if they could achieve them at all. They did not have to choose to become tools to white supremacy by celebrating their masculinity and acting as if racism doesn't exist (unless it effects black women then it exists, right?). They did not have to, but quite a few did. A lot of other groups of women are put through bullshyt but they don't become or see themselves as "masculine". This is how I know you don't travel. Go to the Philippines and so on and see if the shyt they get down to and see if they call themselves "masculine".

All groups of men will complain about the issues in their life and many groups of men complain about the white man. Jews do it all the time, hispanic men do it all the time, even white men do it themselves so this idea that only black men complain is stupid. By that logic, no one is masculine. Okay. :mjlol:

This is what I'm talking about. Masculinity is someone giving you and people who look like you the Mary Turner treatment simply because of the color of your skin. Men who have a history of this and are scared to confront it are masculine. Okay. :why:

Moreover, knowing history is not a victim mindset. The only black guys who don't always seem to be c00ns and far right boot-licking conservatives. Then again, those kind of people like to claim that racism is not real. One can succeed and still recognize the issues that have caused problems in the black community and not see that as a victim mindset. Are you telling me civil rights leaders, men who recognized these problems are not masculine now? Okay. :skip:

And finally, plenty of black women see black men as masculine. I will say much of that is probably because men have gone out of their way to be masculine for them. I'm guessing you haven't seen that because they've never done this for you. They haven't done this for you because either you were never worth it or worth the time of these men. Then again, by your logic, if black men are not masculine, and you don't date out, and you date black men, then you've been dating nothing but effeminate men. That makes no sense at all. Then again, no one said divestor logic ever did. :francis:
:picard: dammmnnn homie.


Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth
It's because many black people, at least here in America (and I'm including diaspora from Africa as well in this) think black people are inferior. NOT all are like this of course, and social media makes this bigger than it is. But it exists.

Most won't admit it, but it's true, and it is reflected in the standards they hold for each other, and the way they romanticize other groups and view them by their best. Both women and men

Whether it's black women who act like every white/ Arab/latin man is mature, responsible, respectful, but view black men by their worst

Or black men who act like every white/asian/Latina woman is a dainty, in-shape, clean feminine woman but characterize black women by their worst

Or even how they frame behavior.
Patriarchal white man is simply "patriarchal and masculine, leader". Patriarchal black man is "narcissistic, sexist, doesn't like black woman".

Angry Latina is "spicy". Angry black woman is "masculine".

Dorky 5/10 white guy = 7/10 breh.
Mid fat 5/10 white bish = 7/10 brehette

Responsible chill, regular black man = square, 🙄🙄🙄
Chill regular white guy =🤩🥰🥰 :aah:

Average Black woman = 😕🫤🫤
Average white woman :blessed:

It's even reflected on how they approach the other group. Summer Walker is trying to blame black men for her being a single mom. But I guarantee you if she was dating a white man, she would come and act very differently. She'd probably stop dressing ratchet, dissing men, etc. And probably try to date with intentions to marrry them. Thus fulfilling their stereotypes
Social conditioning is one hell of a programming tactic

Who taught us to hate ourselves? Who taught us to fear one another? Who taught us to divide ourselves?


The colonizers projected their inferiority complexes onto us and ended up running game for more than 200 years. Globally, this affected the psyche of black people.

Every time we get into diaspora wars, color complexion wars or anything involving black people go into attack mode, we’re just going backwards. To go forward we must look at the root causes.

The truth stings like a syringe needled stabbed to the skin.

We must deprogram and emancipate ourselves from this colonizer conditioning.

Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch


These chicks be for the streets from day 0 yet demand some Aretha Franklin level R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Act like every other bítch, get treated like every other bítch.

Here’s a pro tip single mamas — unless your first album was called Dangerously In Love, no legit dude wants you or your liabilities