Ok. What evidence are you using besides your opinion that DMX was bigger in '98?
I've been posting in this thread that I think it's very close, and virtually a tie. But there's a lot of evidence one could use to argue DMX.
To this day he still might be the only person to with 2 hip-hop albums to drop in the same calendar year to debut at the #1 Billboard spot.
Get At Me Dog was a big street banger. Ruff Ryder's Anthem, Stop Being Greedy, How's It Goin' Down, and Slipping were all huge singles. He was on the Money Cash Hoes remix which was big.
Jay definitely had massive singles with Money Ain't a Thing, Can I Get A, Hard Knock Life, and Jigga What.
Jay and X were both huge in '98. I don't think there's really a concrete answer and it depends also on where you lived. I was in the south and I'd say X was bigger down here by a small margin. X at the time was like nothing anyone had heard. He was being compared to Tupac in terms of his charisma and overall presence. Pause

but he was for sure way more of a sex symbol than Jay was.
X was also a new star, and Jay Volume 2 did help make him a superstar, but he was already established. DMX was so fresh and new that he had people's attention. And people in the south do have a lot of outdoor parties, and like to get fired up, hype, and all that. X's music was perfect for that.