What if...
This world/universe was under a constant perpetual rebirth/death...through natural disasters, cosmic doomsdays, and warfare...?
Think back to the times the great Pyramids were built...5000 B.C. (roughly)
If it only took 7,000 years to go from building Pyramids (an advanced art in itself) to having Twitter, where thoughts can be instantly transmitted throughout the globe and thrust into the collective consciousness we call "the internet"...
Who's to say that with the world supposedly being BILLIONS of years old, we (as a species) haven't been here before? Who's to say we as a species haven't been PAST this point, technologically, and some cataclysmic event (like the comets wiping out the dinosaurs, natural disasters or nuclear warfare) didn't ever wipe the earth like a clean slate, forcing life in itself to rebuild itself from the atom up...If we made that kind of progress in 7,000 years, how is it NOT possible that this theory could be correct? In the grand scheme of things where BILLIONS of years are in play...
I sometimes feel like this isn't our higest point, as a species or consciousness...
I heard they can't calculate the age of the earth because when tectonic plates shift the old layer of rock at the bottom get incinerated into the lava...and geologists can only measure the age of the earth by oldest layer of rock..