How about this, why doesnt some one explain what is inherently great about diversity? and why nation lacking diversity have managed to thrive?
How so?
whats wrong with rolling back welfare, is welfare part of some black economic plan?
For starters, linking hip hop to the demise of black intellect just shows his misguided belief in black people's dependence on cultural gratifications. Since when has hip hop solely defined us as people and hindered anyone from performing well in school or anywhere else? I do believe it has its' influence but his rhetoric hints at hip hop being the sole cause of black people not progressing in society. Also, he continuously dismiss the underlying issues of the disproportionate rate of black people in jail but continues to use the fact as proof of his arguments. Have you ever heard him talk of the unfair treatment in all these institutions he seems to hold in such low regard?
Also, to completely dismiss the federal government's input in race relations and continue the notion that the government should have no involvement in social issues is ludicrous. This just shows that he's just another "boot strap" intellectual thinking everyone could make it because he did.
It's a support system, what would you have the millions depended on it do in the short-term?
the point he is making about out of wedlock births is that its a recent phenomena, its not something that is linked to slavery
I get to smash chicks from a variety backgrounds(no self hate)How about this, why doesnt some one explain what is inherently great about diversity?
he barely mentioned hip hop, so i dont even know where you are getting that stuff from, he mentioned gangsta rap and i would agree that gangsta rap has had a bad influence on hip hop and in black culture, and black people identifying too strongly with elements of rap have hindered black people, i do agree its bigger than hip hop, but if hip hop is not helping people do better in school then its useless
the government's role is to protect and promote individual freedom and economic freedom, thats about it
i would need more details about what rolling back means and rolling back and cutting off are different things and there many different types of welfare, like i said im not a conservative so im not against welfare per se but overall i dont consider welfare to be part of any black economic plan and people that treat welfare as an economic plan are misleading black people, in the short term and long term people need to depend on capitalism and education
I get to smash chicks from a variety backgrounds(no self hate)
Is there any specific time reference when the out of wedlock births rose exponentially?im saying, if it was linked to slavery then right after slavery then the out of wedlock births would have been high, they werent
Guess so, seems like less and less people are getting married, but instead getting into long term relationships..and most babies tend to enter this world be "accident"....but im just clarifying the point, im not really agreeing that the world will end with out of wedlock births, that might be just be the new normal that the country and black people have to adapt to
Is there any specific time reference when the out of wedlock births rose exponentially?
Guess so, seems like less and less people are getting married, but instead getting into long term relationships..and most babies tend to enter this world be "accident"....
Two things I think you should read; Moynihan Report of 1965 and The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom by Herbert Gutman.The notion of black families being broken from slavery has been disproved time and time again. It is a relatively new phenomenon.Is there any specific time reference when the out of wedlock births rose exponentially?
Guess so, seems like less and less people are getting married, but instead getting into long term relationships..and most babies tend to enter this world be "accident"....
Sohh basically if I'm getting this hypothesis right; the state essentially fostered a sense of dependance amongst numerous vulnerable black families by incentivizing a program where having children became would become an "easy" mean to the an ends. Simply because it covered the necessities of housing and food. Welfare essentially deincentivized people from seeking more prominent avenues of success and financial freedom.yeah it coincided with the expansion of welfare programs, that is what he was getting at, it is peculiar that the out of wedlock birth rate was lower after slavery...
Sohh basically if I'm getting this hypothesis right, the state essentially fostered a sense of dependance amongst black families, where having children became an "easy" mean to the an ends, because it least they'd have housing and food covered. Welfare essentially deincentivized from seeking more prominent avenues of success and financial freedom.
I wasn't done editing yet...
Sohh basically if I'm getting this hypothesis right; the state essentially fostered a sense of dependance amongst numerous vulnerable black families by incentivizing a program where having children became would become an "easy" mean to the an ends. Simply because it covered the necessities of housing and food. Welfare essentially deincentivized people from seeking more prominent avenues of success and financial freedom.