God Emperor of SOHH
No you shouldn't be outraged.
He does have some good stuff though.. well unique stuff.
Reading this though... I can see why you like him..... he give the same passes to cac, the west.. and disses the things you diss
so where is it that he called black people lazy?
yeah of course i agree with him on a lot of things that is why i posted the vid, i agree with him that the fundamental things we as black people have to deal with is culture, and specifically an anti academic culture that permeates black culture
as opposed to focusing on white racism
this focus on white racism is itself in a round about way a form of white supremacy because it starts with the premise that the destiny of black people is in the hands of whites, a premise that i have a serious problem with and a premise which eventually leads to an intellectual dead end where black people dont know how to analyze and solve problems without white people
but none of this theory involves calling black people lazy, that is why im wondering where yall getting that word from