This Woman has had sex with over 370 Men


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
my post wasn't about what women want or don't want. it was about what would constitute a conquest for women. I never said women don't enjoy sex. I never said they shouldn't have sex either. all i said is that a woman sleeping with many men is not "conquests" the same way men sleeping with many women is and so the two shouldn't be compared.

EDIT:the word conquest implies that you had to fight or put in work to get it. that's why i say it's not the same.

Something isn't a conquest because you had to put in work to get it. A conquest is merely the act of attaining something/winning something that you wanted. If a girl wanted sex with a guy and got it, that is a conquest to her, it doesn't matter what he was thinking on his end. I could just as easily say men sleeping around is not a conquest the way a woman sleeping around is because we can be sure that a key element to men sleeping around is bragging rights from other men, whereas women doing it are surely doing it strictly for themselves.

Regardless, the point is you want to define what a conquest is for all women so it can benefit whatever bs double standard you want to push. Doesn't work that way. You can speak for men if you want, but leave it to women to speak for ourselves. Because 9 times out of 10 any woman would read what y'all write on the coli and find it incredibly inaccurate.

Live and let live. Women can do whatever they want. At the same time, i can be with whoever i want and if i don't want to be with a chick who had multiple partners because it's unattractive to me :manny:

That's great, I feel the same way about any man I take seriously. However a gang of dudes in here will tell me I'm lying and I want a whore for a husband because of conquest, and keys and locks, and all other manner of nonsense.


May 1, 2012

Oh - she was spreading them sheets alright, YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN', CUZZ??


You know what i'm saying!

I'm sayin', she was fuccin' a lot in beds. Beds got sheets on 'em, so she was spreading them sheets.

That's what I was saying.

Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Something isn't a conquest because you had to put in work to get it. A conquest is merely the act of attaining something/winning something that you wanted. If a girl wanted sex with a guy and got it, that is a conquest to her, it doesn't matter what he was thinking on his end. I could just as easily say men sleeping around is not a conquest the way a woman sleeping around is because we can be sure that a key element to men sleeping around is bragging rights from other men, whereas women doing it are surely doing it strictly for themselves.

Regardless, the point is you want to define what a conquest is for all women so it can benefit whatever bs double standard you want to push. Doesn't work that way. You can speak for men if you want, but leave it to women to speak for ourselves. Because 9 times out of 10 any woman would read what y'all write on the coli and find it incredibly inaccurate.

That's great, I feel the same way about any man I take seriously. However a gang of dudes in here will tell me I'm lying and I want a whore for a husband because of conquest, and keys and locks, and all other manner of nonsense.

Guess what you are in the minority, I don't know why that's so fukking hard for yall to understand just look around. The majority of women fukk men who fukk a lot of women. Why I don't know. But the majority of men would prefer a partner who didn't fukk a lot of dudes. Why is THAT hard to understand. ITS TRUE.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
its the same how male virgins are ridiculed and left at, while female virgins are exalted

yeah, they're ridiculed by other males. You think most females are gunna "ridicule" an upstanding cat that is choosing to save himself? You need to stop o'ding off women hate sites, breh.

And sex is enjoyable and fun, no? So why is the bitter niqqa brigade going in on her? Ya'll say its because its "easier" for a woman to get laid and not a man, well why is that a woman's responsibility? It just reads as jealousy. You cats are just pissed you dont have the ability to have as much sex, with as many different partners, as women. Plus she says she had an addiction, so i dont know why ya'll moralizing this like some fake ass, judmental preacher.


May 6, 2012
Something isn't a conquest because you had to put in work to get it. A conquest is merely the act of attaining something/winning something that you wanted. If a girl wanted sex with a guy and got it, that is a conquest to her, it doesn't matter what he was thinking on his end. I could just as easily say men sleeping around is not a conquest the way a woman sleeping around is because we can be sure that a key element to men sleeping around is bragging rights from other men, whereas women doing it are surely doing it strictly for themselves.

Regardless, the point is you want to define what a conquest is for all women so it can benefit whatever bs double standard you want to push. Doesn't work that way. You can speak for men if you want, but leave it to women to speak for ourselves. Because 9 times out of 10 any woman would read what y'all write on the coli and find it incredibly inaccurate.

That's great, I feel the same way about any man I take seriously. However a gang of dudes in here will tell me I'm lying and I want a whore for a husband because of conquest, and keys and locks, and all other manner of nonsense.
regardless, even if you want to define women getting sex from men as a "conquest", generally speaking, if both are conquests, men getting it from women is more of a conquest. if you disagree with that i think it's best that we just stop right here. my point is, because it's more of a conquest for men generally, it's not the same dynamic. usually people brag or get props about stuff that is hard to do.

another thing i find funny is that this so called double standard is actually more women's fault than men's fault. Most of the time it's women complaining about other women being slut (because it devalues their p*ssy power). Same way men complain about simps because we think it devalues our power. But if women start giving it up more freely you'll see women get judged much less on this (as you can see, it's already happening now. as casual sex is becoming more trendy, promiscuous women are not shamed like back in the day). So if there is a so called double-standard, it's being sustained by women more than men imo.

You can want whatever you want. And people will say whatever. Only you know what's in your mind and what's in your heart. I'm not saying you're lying but when you get an opposite opinion, take time to question yourself and keep it 100% real with yourself. Don't let your opinion own you. Finding out the truth is more important then winning an argument. Not necessarely saying that's what you're doing though. But ask yourself this. Would you really be more attracted to a dude who has less experience than you than a dude who has more than you? Which one do you see yourself going longterm with (everything else being equal)?


12th Squad O.G.
Sep 16, 2012
12th Squad
:lupe: I wonder what her cooch looks like. No homo.



Jun 23, 2012
another thing i find funny is that this so called double standard is actually more women's fault than men's fault. Most of the time it's women complaining about other women being slut (because it devalues their p*ssy power). Same way men complain about simps because we think it devalues our power. But if women start giving it up more freely you'll see women get judged much less on this (as you can see, it's already happening now. as casual sex is becoming more trendy, promiscuous women are not shamed like back in the day). So if there is a so called double-standard, it's being sustained by women more than men imo.

Bullshyt. Men judge women for sleeping around more harshly than women do. Men judge women to the point where a promiscuous women is not even worthy of anything else but having sex with. All the while using sex as the basis to start a relationship.

"If a woman has slept with alot of men she's a hoe and I'd fukk but not wife"
"I'd only wife a woman that fukks and sucks like a porn star"

Which is it, breh?

Ohms Law

All Star
May 1, 2012
#Byrd Gang
yeah, they're ridiculed by other males. You think most females are gunna "ridicule" an upstanding cat that is choosing to save himself? You need to stop o'ding off women hate sites, breh.

And sex is enjoyable and fun, no? So why is the bitter niqqa brigade going in on her? Ya'll say its because its "easier" for a woman to get laid and not a man, well why is that a woman's responsibility? It just reads as jealousy. You cats are just pissed you dont have the ability to have as much sex, with as many different partners, as women. Plus she says she had an addiction, so i dont know why ya'll moralizing this like some fake ass, judmental preacher.

:ld: Thats not the point. Most guys don't really care if a girl have been with many partners, hell most guys will sleep with them regardless of that fact. It only becomes an issue when a guy is considering the woman for something more serious.

Deep down we love them hoes. We don't wanna be with them though. :whoa:
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Bullshyt. Men judge women for sleeping around more harshly than women do. Men judge women to the point where a promiscuous women is not even worthy of anything else but having sex with. All the while using sex as the basis to start a relationship.

"If a woman has slept with alot of men she's a hoe and I'd fukk but not wife"
"I'd only wife a woman that fukks and sucks like a porn star"

What does being good at sex have to do with being a hoe. 90% of women don't know how to fukk ANYWAY. doing numbers be damned. Fine, ugly, freaky, prude, most women are straight up Starfish(And on top of that society has made sex completely about the woman's pleasure since "Men get there's easy")

But to address your other point.

Which I've answered about 100 times in this post. WOMEN find men that fukk a lot of women ATTRACTIVE. Do ALL of them, NO. Do MOST of them, YES. while with men it's the reverse. nikkas don't want a chick to have a lot of bodies on her. Will they get over it, in most cases yes, but they don't prefer it. Why is that hard for you all to understand. If you wan't more p*ssy thrown at you then you ever had in your life. Become a married man. Women see a ring and go ape shyt. Try getting laid lonely. Don't know one wont yo lonely ass.

Its woman logic, well if you ain't got nobody why do I wan't you.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
It just reads as jealousy. You cats are just pissed you dont have the ability to have as much sex, with as many different partners, as women.
Ding ding ding. :russ:
nikkas on here wil stay braggin' about fukkin' and "laying the pipe" or whatever, but then be surprised to find out that women like sex and pursue such. :rudy:
What it all comes down to is that a possibly sexually cognizant and able female intimidates most men, especially the men inexperienced or not in this supposed "20% of guys fukkin' all the females" or whatever rhetoric is used on here.


Jun 23, 2012
Which I've answered about 100 times in this post. WOMEN find men that fukk a lot of women ATTRACTIVE. Do ALL of them, NO. Do MOST of them, YES. while with men it's the reverse. nikkas don't want a chick to have a lot of bodies on her. Will they get over it, in most cases yes, but they don't prefer it. Why is that hard for you all to understand. If you wan't more p*ssy thrown at you then you ever had in your life. Become a married man. Women see a ring and go ape shyt. Try getting laid lonely. Don't know one wont yo lonely ass.

Its woman logic, well if you ain't got nobody why do I wan't you.

LMMFAO!! No they don't. Women find men attractive based on whatever set of criteria they're judging a dude by (that day) and the number of women he's bedded certainly isn't in that criteria. Women don't like men because they fukk a lot of women because it's typically assumed that dudes have a lot of sexual partners. A woman could have a list a mile long of what she wants in a man and his number of sexual partners will rarely be a consideration.


Jun 23, 2012
Honestly...I wouldn't even like shaking her hand.

I imagine there being a foul stench as she walks in the room.

Women are not meant to have as many sexual partners as men. Biology dictates this, period (Don't ask me how). Women...acting like women...has been a cornerstone of society for our entire existence...only very recently has this idea that women should be sexually free taken hold. The results have predictably been terrible.

She has a mental problem, I hope that she gets treatment, but she doesn't deserve to be forgiven.

LMMFAO!! I don't recall her asking for "forgiveness".


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
LMMFAO!! No they don't. Women find men attractive based on whatever set of criteria they're judging a dude by (that day) and the number of women he's bedded certainly isn't in that criteria. Women don't like men because they fukk a lot of women because it's typically assumed that dudes have a lot of sexual partners. A woman could have a list a mile long of what she wants in a man and his number of sexual partners will rarely be a consideration.

What you have there is the chicken and the egg argument.

Do you women like those men because they are fukking a lot of dudes?


Are those dudes fukking a lot of women because they have clearly desirable traits that women look for and there fore women pursue them, not even knowing their number of sexual partners?

It's obviously the latter, but the former is the copout for those unwilling to face the truth.