This Woman has had sex with over 370 Men


Jun 23, 2012
but that's my point. if it's a competition than the dude becomes the prize. So being with many women will often time (not for all women but for a lot of women) make them view you as a prize and as more desirable. so it's the first and not the latter (referring to what DaChampishere said)

I understand what you're saying however the point is (in this scenario and based on the topic being discussed) the woman is not attracted to this man ony because he sleeps with a lot of women.


May 6, 2012
That just makes note that he has desirable traits. You said nothing about his numbers in that whole post friend, nor would you be able to tell anyone's numbers from looking at him.

The only thing you proved with that post is that you go around making guestimates about random men's slangin' game.
makes note that he has them. she doesn't know that he has them but the fact that other women think he does is desirable in itself even if she doesn't know what they are. Hence, women want what other women want even if they don't know why the other women want it (again speaking generally). Regardless of numbers, a dude who is perceived to have plenty of p*ssy thrown at him will be more desirable.


May 6, 2012
I understand what you're saying however the point is (in this scenario and based on the topic being discussed) the woman is not attracted to this man ony because he sleeps with a lot of women.
indirectly it does because the fact that he's sleeping with many women is a symptom of being a prize to other women. but i understand what you're saying. it's not directly the fact that he's sleeping with other women that's attractive. it's that he can. the fact that he does however is a display that he can though...


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
makes note that he has them. she doesn't know that he has them but the fact that other women think he does is desirable in itself even if she doesn't know what they are. Hence, women want what other women want even if they don't know why the other women want it (again speaking generally). Regardless of numbers, a dude who is perceived to have plenty of p*ssy thrown at him will be more desirable.

Again, you have said nothing about someone explicitly stating their numbers, only about them having desirable traits and you implying something in your imagination from there. :skip:

How often do you go around guessing men's sexual prowess friend? What does your ideal man with +50 partners look like in your mind? :lupe:

Also, how many women are you approaching that no other man wants (a.k.a. ugly women)?


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
lol, everything you just said has nothing to do with what i asked you. Earlier i asked you a question about what you would prefer. you answered. you could have left it at that but tried to "read my mind" instead and assume i wouldn't believe you were honest. I'm only talking on what i've seen and experiences. I even said many times i'm talking in general (which means there obviously are exceptions). You like to assume what i'm thinking and what i believe and then accuse me of assuming what every woman wants. projection?

I would say asking me why I would say you'd think I am lying when I am clearly saying I have a preference for the opposite of what you claim the "non-exception" of women have was silly to begin with, because the answer was obvious. But ok. The point is that women seek out men with desirable traits and want to have sex with them, just like men with women. It is not about wanting a slut for a long term partner at all the way you wish it is, but whatever. I think the other poster was right when he said its just people subscribing to beliefs that help them explain their own lack of understanding/short comings with the opposite sex.

makes note that he has them. she doesn't know that he has them but the fact that other women think he does is desirable in itself even if she doesn't know what they are. Hence, women want what other women want even if they don't know why the other women want it (again speaking generally). Regardless of numbers, a dude who is perceived to have plenty of p*ssy thrown at him will be more desirable.

:why: :why: :why:

You can see a man is attractive from a second of seeing him. Are you saying that women can't even look at a man and see he's desirable without help from other women? lol this is ridiculous, y'all will literally say anything to make yourselves feel good

EDIT: let me guess, you (and the guys agreeing with you), also think women don't care about looks too? :dead:


Head In The Cloudz
May 11, 2012
The Free & The Uplifted
Bullshyt. Men judge women for sleeping around more harshly than women do. Men judge women to the point where a promiscuous women is not even worthy of anything else but having sex with. All the while using sex as the basis to start a relationship.

"If a woman has slept with alot of men she's a hoe and I'd fukk but not wife"
"I'd only wife a woman that fukks and sucks like a porn star"

What does being good at sex have to do with being a hoe. 90% of women don't know how to fukk ANYWAY. doing numbers be damned. Fine, ugly, freaky, prude, most women are straight up Starfish(And on top of that society has made sex completely about the woman's pleasure since "Men get there's easy")

But to address your other point.

Which I've answered about 100 times in this post. WOMEN find men that fukk a lot of women ATTRACTIVE. Do ALL of them, NO. Do MOST of them, YES. while with men it's the reverse. nikkas don't want a chick to have a lot of bodies on her. Will they get over it, in most cases yes, but they don't prefer it. Why is that hard for you all to understand. If you wan't more p*ssy thrown at you then you ever had in your life. Become a married man. Women see a ring and go ape shyt. Try getting laid lonely. Don't know one wont yo lonely ass.

Its woman logic, well if you ain't got nobody why do I wan't you.

:smh: my g, wtf are you talking about? lol...i've read all your posts in this thread and you're not wrong on all accounts but you are really feeling your personal opinions as truth and don't seem very open to at least trying to understand real input from real women....

the whole point of responding is not about saving's more in line with trying to get you men to understand the complex topic of women/women's health/women's sexuality

What does being good at sex have to do with being a hoe. 90% of women don't know how to fukk ANYWAY. doing numbers be damned. Fine, ugly, freaky, prude, most women are straight up Starfish(And on top of that society has made sex completely about the woman's pleasure since "Men get there's easy")

I’m half ass irritated w/ the very first sentence because…..EVERYTHING is the clear answer….if any self proclaimed or non shamed and non hiding hoe (male or female) couldn’t fukk then what would be the point?…why would people continuously fukk them when they’re wack? Supahead still getting these famous cats to spill they seed…and it’s because she’ll suck the skin off ya dikk like a certified pro…not cuz she’s a nice girl underneath it all...prostitution and any other form of sexual solicitation is as old as time itself...people pay buku bucks to get involved with experienced people in sexual situations all of the time...gigalos, excorts, prostitutes, fetish experts, female or male companions...yet you really think 90% of women don't have a clue how to induce their own sexual pleasure or bring it to another?

Not really sure what you mean by Starfish??

And when on god’s green did society ever care about women’s pleasure?….i swear to jesus you’re trolling…you’re on the internet right now yet have failed to notice the current tidal wave of fukks bein surfed on by white male politicians trying their hardest to push formal laws into action that will dictate every facet of women’s sexual health….choices and freedom will be in the bushes for us just trying to get birth control but yet the billion dollar pharmaceutical machine cranks out endless amounts of happy pills to rev even the most stagnant and old of engines…ya’ll do get it easy and you don’t even know the half of it…if I don’t want to have a baby but do want to have sex I am charged, as a woman, with being responsible for that choice (see all the references to raggedy bytches that are the 17th baby mama or single mamas that “should have known better)…yet if I keep condoms/spermicides/birth control and any other materials that are sexual in nature on deck then I’m automatically assumed to be “demonic” and probably hoe-ish or full blown hoe status

But to address your other point.

Which I've answered about 100 times in this post. WOMEN find men that fukk a lot of women ATTRACTIVE. Do ALL of them, NO. Do MOST of them, YES. while with men it's the reverse. nikkas don't want a chick to have a lot of bodies on her. Will they get over it, in most cases yes, but they don't prefer it. Why is that hard for you all to understand. If you wan't more p*ssy thrown at you then you ever had in your life. Become a married man. Women see a ring and go ape shyt. Try getting laid lonely. Don't know one wont yo lonely ass.

Its woman logic, well if you ain't got nobody why do I wan't you.

…and you know all these things because you moonlight as a woman? Women do not find men that fukk a lot of women attractive….let me correct that off break and put you onto some real shyt…women very much appreciate sexual interactions with a man that is knowledgeable about how to bring pleasure…it’s really just that simple…if a dude can watch a video demonstrating effective snatch munching technique and has never done it before but can replicate what he saw and execute…then he’s more desirable 100 million times over a dude that’s a grouper and stay diving in box after box


May 6, 2012
Again, you have said nothing about someone explicitly stating their numbers, only about them having desirable traits and you implying something in your imagination from there. :skip:

How often do you go around guessing men's sexual prowess friend? What does your ideal man with +50 partners look like in your mind? :lupe:

Also, how many women are you approaching that no other man wants (a.k.a. ugly women)?
i never go around guessing men's sexual prowess (honestly i don't even understand what you're trying to say. If you're trying to shame me or to attack my manhood, i don't even get it).

I'm not talking about specific numbers. All i'm saying is that a woman who starts to believe a dude gets p*ssy (either because she has hard facts of how many he's been with, or through an impression) will be more attracted to him after she starts getting that impression (even if she doesn't know why he gets p*ssy). generally she will start finding him more attractive.

I don't see how you tie this with me walking around trying to guess how many women dudes are sleeping with.


Jun 23, 2012
indirectly it does because the fact that he's sleeping with many women is a symptom of being a prize to other women. but i understand what you're saying. it's not directly the fact that he's sleeping with other women that's attractive. it's that he can. the fact that he does however is a display that he can though...

In your scenario you're saying for a fact this man is sleeping/has slept with multiple women but from the outside, a woman has no way of knowing that.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Women do not find men that fukk a lot of women attractive….let me correct that off break and put you onto some real shyt…women very much appreciate sexual interactions with a man that is knowledgeable about how to bring pleasure…it’s really just that simple…if a dude can watch a video demonstrating effective snatch munching technique and has never done it before but can replicate what he saw and execute…then he’s more desirable 100 million times over a dude that’s a grouper and stay diving in box after box

Told y'all...


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
i never go around guessing men's sexual prowess (honestly i don't even understand what you're trying to say. If you're trying to shame me or to attack my manhood, i don't even get it).
I'm not talking about specific numbers. All i'm saying is that a woman who starts to believe a dude gets p*ssy (either because she has hard facts of how many he's been with, or through an impression) will be more attracted to him after she starts getting that impression (even if she doesn't know why he gets p*ssy). generally she will start finding him more attractive.
I don't see how you tie this with me walking around trying to guess how many women dudes are sleeping with.
Yes because in your mind a man being seen with a woman = they are fukking.............

...........which is elementary and an exact precursor of why you're in this thread mad about women wanting desirable men and saying it's "just because of numbers". Instead of becoming desirable your self, you're blaming everyone else for wanting someone that's desirable and playing the blame game from the sideline

Answer my question, what ugly women (women that no one else wants) are you approaching? You keep skipping over it. Answer my whole post or stop quoting me with this beat around the bush shyt.


May 6, 2012
Yes because in your mind a man being seen with a woman = they are fukking.............

...........which is elementary and an exact precursor of why you're in this thread mad about women wanting desirable men and saying it's "just because of numbers". Instead of becoming desirable your self, you're blaming everyone else for wanting someone that's desirable and playing the blame game from the sideline

Answer my question, what ugly women (women that no one else wants) are you approaching? You keep skipping over it. Answer my whole post or stop quoting me with this beat around the bush shyt.
number one, i don't equate it to anything (matter of fact i hate when people assume random female celebrities are sleeping with someone because they took some pic together)

number two, i'm not mad at anything. I'm just offering an alternative opinion. I don't care that much what random women i don't know are doing with their bodies.

number 3, i don't approach women i find ugly. But if i find a chick desirable and other dudes find her ugly (aka no other men want them) this won't stop me from approaching them. Generally speaking, women are the opposite way. They could say a dude is ugly or fat but if they see a lot of other women gravitate towards him, a lot will be intrigued. Men simply aren't wired that way for whatever reason.

I hope this answers all of your questions.


Jun 23, 2012
And when on god’s green did society ever care about women’s pleasure?….i swear to jesus you’re trolling…you’re on the internet right now yet have failed to notice the current tidal wave of fukks bein surfed on by white male politicians trying their hardest to push formal laws into action that will dictate every facet of women’s sexual health….choices and freedom will be in the bushes for us just trying to get birth control but yet the billion dollar pharmaceutical machine cranks out endless amounts of happy pills to rev even the most stagnant and old of engines…ya’ll do get it easy and you don’t even know the half of it…if I don’t want to have a baby but do want to have sex I am charged, as a woman, with being responsible for that choice (see all the references to raggedy bytches that are the 17th baby mama or single mamas that “should have known better)…yet if I keep condoms/spermicides/birth control and any other materials that are sexual in nature on deck then I’m automatically assumed to be “demonic” and probably hoe-ish or full blown hoe status

You better say that, honey!!

LMAO "the most stagnant of old engines".


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
number one, i don't equate it to anything (matter of fact i hate when people assume random female celebrities are sleeping with someone because they took some pic together).

I don't care that much what random women i don't know are doing with their bodies.
But yet you are going around guessing why they are fukking other people...

They could say a dude is ugly or fat but if they see a lot of other women gravitate towards him, a lot will be intrigued.
Examples please.

What fat/ugly nikkas have a lot of women on them just for the fukk of it without the addition of money/personality/etc. (things that make them desirable)?

Your fukk up is that you all said women like men who have a lot of numbers, but you never take into account the kind of traits that makes these people have these numbers.

nikkas just don't BOOM pop up with numbers out of no where. There's a long train of women being attracted to them just because they are them.

None of the shyt you are mentioning has anything to do with numbers, just you guessing on another nikka's dikk game or why he has a woman with him. It's just some insecure shyt.


May 19, 2012

:patrice: Why front like I wouldn't have been #371 ? :manny: