This Woman has had sex with over 370 Men


Paleo Girl
Jun 18, 2013
North America
This is where you are wrong. You put too much into quantity and not quality. Quality dudes want a relationship and respect women. Quantity is looking for some ass, if you ain't giving it, they probably ain't that interested. More adult men are quantity. Quality dudes are hard to find but that are around.

I played college ball. Girls want desirable men. If that man is a virgin or if he's a whore, they will go him either way. I do think milage matters. I remember a white girl telling me she would never fukk with me because she doesn't want to train a puppy. I remember looking at her like :what: I never said I wanted you to begin, that's like trying to take me down before I think about taking her down if that makes sense. But yeah I don't think women care about body counts. :smugdraper:
Yes, there will always be girls who want men who get a lot of attention, and there will always be the ones who don't care about body count.
My point was "good girls don't want manwhores" aka girls who haven't had a lot of sex and who exercised self-control would want someone like that as well.

Why ate y'all arguing about a double standard that has been around since the beginning of time??:what: If you're a woman who fukks mad dudes, you're a hoe. And a guy who funks mad girls is that nicca. It ain't changing. It's just as dumb when guys whine about it not being acceptable to hit females.
That's what men think, but I rarely hear women say "oh yeah, he fukked x amount of girls, he's the man!"
Like I said, if a guy still gives into peer pressure and worries that much about what other men think after high school, it's pretty pathetic.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
From my experience I have encountered females that were mainly interested in me because they knew other bytches wanted to fucc or that they knew that I was fuccin other chicks. Females are mad competitive and most females think that their puzzy is a 30 karat diamond from Sierra Lionne that no man can refuse. I've played many females to the left at 1st for that very reason. Then of course I have smashed at a later time.

Females want dudes that are in high demand. Nobody wants to go to an empty club that never has a line. So that's where the allure of the guy with a lot of females comes from. :myman:


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
That's what men think, but I rarely hear women say "oh yeah, he fukked x amount of girls, he's the man!"
Like I said, if a guy still gives into peer pressure and worries that much about what other men think after high school, it's pretty pathetic.
I never like to tell women that I seriously want to date my numbers. :lupe:

It is kinda awkward and something I'd rather keep to myself/lie about if possible because it doesn't make for good conversation/impression. :lupe:

The thought of a woman even asking makes me get all :hamster: :skip: on the inside because I know it ain't gonna end well and doesnt match my ultimate intentions :o:.

shyts only impressive to other guys. Not something serious women care to hear about if the number ain't right from my experience, especially if she's a "good" girl. :yeshrug:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
From my experience I have encountered females that were mainly interested in me because they knew other bytches wanted to fucc or that they knew that I was fuccin other chicks. Females are mad competitive and most females think that their puzzy is a 30 karat diamond from Sierra Lionne that no man can refuse. I've played many females to the left at 1st for that very reason. Then of course I have smashed at a later time.

Females want dudes that are in high demand. Nobody wants to go to an empty club that never has a line. So that's where the allure of the guy with a lot of females comes from. :myman:

Pretty much man. Women don't respond to a man telling her directly, "I slept with 80 women." She'll probably say, "Ugh, you're a male ho" in response to that. What women respond to is hearing what OTHER women say... they hear another woman bragging about this guy and then they hear this other woman bragging about the same guy and she gets curious and wants in on it too. Then her curiosity causes her to be just another notch on the roster and she sees all of the herd competing to maintain the attention of this one negro and she gets caught up in the mix too. If one woman says your fine, then another one says it and it goes on and on and spreads like wildfire.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
I fukked a girl who had over 100 dudes by age 20- the pus was some of the best, don't know if she was a backpage hoe secretly or not, but she was fine, so I didn't even care when she told me. I only broke it off cuz she stated to like me and wanted me to wife :childplease:

:ohhh: This cat is too real (pause)

Had this same thing happen to me...

or maybe:

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All Money In
May 8, 2012
South Memphis
Pretty much man. Women don't respond to a man telling her directly, "I slept with 80 women." She'll probably say, "Ugh, you're a male ho" in response to that. What women respond to is hearing what OTHER women say... they hear another woman bragging about this guy and then they hear this other woman bragging about the same guy and she gets curious and wants in on it too. Then her curiosity causes her to be just another notch on the roster and she sees all of the herd competing to maintain the attention of this one negro and she gets caught up in the mix too. If one woman says your fine, then another one says it and it goes on and on and spreads like wildfire.

I love how yall continuously group all women together, like we are
apart of some big think-tank, and out to get yall. I swear yall give
yourselves wayyyy too much credit and not enough to the right.
I.E whatever the situation, circumstance which led to the deterioration
of ourselves as sexual counterparts. We are put here to learn from each other
not negate, nor hate. Think of a bad/ loose woman as a lesson and a good one.
With these types of thoughts, yall continue to give women power
over you, because you constantly setting out to prove that you are
somehow better than her, or somehow more morally correct than her.Nah!

Kev, I know you are a lot smarter than this. Don't left these far- left
thoughts of male bravado and ego inflation continue to erode your
intelligence. You can't possibly say every woman you met was bad or out to get you.
If you speak to help your male counterparts think better
and help protect themselves from predatory women, fine, but let's not
act like some men don't play a part in their own demises, just as some
women do. This sweeping brush that you all use to generalize the
opposite sex is tiring.



May 1, 2012
The funny thing about this thread is a few of the nikkas in here clowning ol girl and making the :scusthov: face, prolly have ol ladies with NBA 4th quarter numbers and don't even know it. Ol "she said she only been with 4 guys before me and I believed her" ass nikkas. :mjpls:
May 7, 2012
PPROACHING a man at a bar, Seyi Kolade had only one thing on her mind as she chatted with the stranger – SEX. Within hours the pair were in bed together and she was delighted at how her evening had panned out. And this was not a chance encounter, for Seyi was a sex addict and it was what she did almost every day for 13 YEARS. Last night she said: “Sex addiction took hold of my life.”

Seyi, 35, was just 17 when she became dependent on sleeping with men. By 19 she had had 40 partners and she says she has bedded a shocking total of 370 men.
Her dangerous addiction led her to a life of destruction — catching sexually transmitted infections, being evicted from her home and having two terminations.

By the age of 30, Seyi had hit rock bottom and needed help. Today, after attending numerous sex addiction meetings and 12-step programmes, Seyi has been celibate for four years and is helping others like her.

She explains says: “Sex addiction is something people associate with men, but it took hold of my life for more than 13 years.

“It was a craving and a fear of how I’d feel if I couldn’t get it. “Once I did, it was a huge relief, like a weight was lifted. “It’s like any addiction. It made me selfish, self-destructive and depressed but it was a cycle I couldn’t escape.”

She adds: “I lost my virginity when I was 13 with my first boyfriend.

“I was shocked when I fell pregnant. I gave birth when I was 14. It was a very difficult time.” Social services arranged a nanny to look after her daughter, Sarah, from six weeks old. Being a young mum scarred Seyi’s childhood. She says: “I moved out of home when I was 16 with Sarah and lived in a mother and baby unit. I felt terribly lonely. I craved affection, I was miserable.”

Moving into a housing association home at 17, Seyi met then-boyfriend Paul, 31. It was now that she began to use sex to replace her feelings of loneliness.

She says: “When I started having sex with my boyfriend I thought it was the answer and would stop me feeling so lonely. But it wasn’t enough.”

Going to bars, Seyi, from Birmingham, cheated on Paul at least once a week with strangers or men she would meet regularly.

She says: “I needed sex and afterwards it was a relief. When I couldn’t have sex my confidence would plummet, I felt ugly and went into a spiral of upset and frustration, feeling unworthy and needing another fix as soon as possible.”

Seyi fell pregnant at 17 with son, Andrew. She says: “I told Paul it was his although there was some doubt in my mind. After I gave birth I tried to stay faithful. I wanted sex with him four to five times a day, but the attention from him wasn’t enough.

“When the pent-up sexual frustration became too much, I’d go elsewhere and get validation through sex.

“I cheated on him three times in six months, then fell pregnant again.”
Devastated and unable to look after another child, Seyi made the decision to have her baby terminated.

She says: “It wasn’t fair on the child to have them. I didn’t know whose baby it was so I didn’t tell Paul. I wanted our relationship to work but we split up when I was 19.”

Seyi’s heartbreak made her sex addiction go wild. She says: “The only cure for my loneliness was sex. I had five guys I could meet with for sex when I wanted and was also sleeping with strangers. I’d go to bars and easily pick one up. Being good in bed made me feel worthy.”
By 22 Seyi had caught chlamydia twice. Going out almost every night while her children were looked after by friends and family, all she could think about was sex.

She says: “Between the ages of 22 to 30, life was a blur, my addiction had taken over.
“I was sleeping with five to six men, or meeting strangers for sex at bars weekly. I fell pregnant again at 26. I felt I had no choice but to have a termination. I got drunk and had sex AFTER the procedure.

“I don’t know how I managed to keep my job as a management consultant. I took lots of sick days when I craved sex and couldn’t face the office. I even slept with a colleague.
“I was evicted for not paying rent when I was 29 and had to send my children to live with my family.”

While staying with a friend Seyi saw the documentary The Secret, about the laws of attraction. She says: “I knew I had a problem but never stopped to think about being a sex addict. I realised I needed help.”

After quitting her job to concentrate on her recovery Seyi, then 31, went to an addiction meeting.
She says: “There were six others there and when I listened to their stories it cured my nerves. I didn’t stop craving sex straight away but cut down slowly.” Since August 2009 she has been celibate.

She says: “I’m so proud of myself. I’ve craved sex but the programme lets me know the trigger signs.

“I don’t plan on having sex any time soon. If the right guy comes along and I feel I’m in a stable, loving relationship, I’d feel safe to do it. I have my children back living with me and feel I’m no longer a sex addict.

“I’d hate to think where my life would be now if I hadn’t sought help.” Despite her recovery, Seyi lives with the guilt of her addiction. She says: “I could have passed on STIs, I had two terminations and my kids didn’t have the attention they deserved.

“I’ve now trained as an inspirational speaker and happiness advocate. At workshops and seminars I can help others understand what sex addiction is, where it comes from and recovery. “Being celibate has given me my life back. I want to help others do the same.” If you suffer from sex addiction and need help, visit Seyi’s website –

Read more: sex addict on bedding 370 men | The Sun |Woman|Real Life

I only got through the first ten pages, but I hope this was addressed.

fukk her sleeping with anybody she could, this nasty, demonic bytch pinned a child on a cat she knew (or at least suspected) wasn't his.


#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Pretty much man. Women don't respond to a man telling her directly, "I slept with 80 women." She'll probably say, "Ugh, you're a male ho" in response to that. What women respond to is hearing what OTHER women say... they hear another woman bragging about this guy and then they hear this other woman bragging about the same guy and she gets curious and wants in on it too. Then her curiosity causes her to be just another notch on the roster and she sees all of the herd competing to maintain the attention of this one negro and she gets caught up in the mix too. If one woman says your fine, then another one says it and it goes on and on and spreads like wildfire.

Exactly, this is how women respond with that said, you they find you extremely attractive, that will overtake shyt anyway.