This is how I feel exactly. I listened to Patrice and was a fan for about 3 years before he passed, hearing him talk, develop his act and his viewpoint over that time slowly but surely. Develop a thought, chip away at it for hours on stage or on the radio and hear a polished version a year or two after the initial spark of the idea. It was. He not only crafted his points he crafted counter-points, and counters to those counters until he had a solid viewpoint and a solid chunk of stand-up / comedy like Elephant in the Room or Black Philip.
Then a guy hears this, and says it word for word. Not only does that throw "originality" in the bushes, it throws the years of work it took to get to that final product out the bushes.
Without sounding too over the top and in the memory of Patrice I'll use an analogy; it would be like a scientist working for years on a cure and finally cracking it and having no backing to mass produce it. Then instead of a multinational company hiring him, giving him his outlet and his chance to produce it, they just copy his life's work and say "Well, it doesn't matter who figured it out, we have the cure right? Thanks for the Nobel Prize"
I sort of feel you on all this and I understand your viewpoint
However, in keeping the analogy... if that scientist makes that cure and nobody ever actually picks it up, it stays undiscovered and could wind up eventually lost forever. However, I wouldn't have a problem with a new scientist taking the established work and building upon it and potentially creating something new and better.
Patrice worked and created a lot topics and POVs that a lot of people have had, but he was just the first to spell it out in a coherent manner. However sadly, Patrice isn't here anymore but I wouldn't have a major problem with someone taking his baton and filling the void he left but IF someone did that they NEED to give credit and props to the originator.
Like, not gonna lie I didn't even really get put on to any of Patrice's work until AFTER he died, but I been a fan of Kain's since Brotherly Love. I think stealing is kinda weak but everybody adapts, borrows, plays off similiar topics. At this point in the game, I don't have a problem with Kain still being influenced by dude's work, but he needs to give props and shout outs to Patrice when he speaks on it.