Jesus Christ.. you aren't saying that everyone is hounding Kain cause he's black are you???? lol
Patrice was BELOVED by any creed, any color. I guarantee you if ANY ignorant retard of ANY creed or color tried to swagger jack the way Kain has, Patrice's fans would be going at their neck just the same. (If that's what you're saying)
Others in here saying that the overwhelming love for Patrice never existed until this moment obviously just didn't pay close enough attention. Dudes been riding heavy for this guy for at least his final 4-5 years, myself included. And obviously he got the 2pac treatment once he passed but don't let that downplay the cult following he had when he was alive.
And think what you will about O&A but I asked to tweet it to them because they truly was 'ride and die' for and in Patrice's name and they were almost instrumental in the cult following Patrice has. Those guys had Patricky on over 150 appearances racking up to 2-4 hours per appearance and even tried giving him his own show. A stage and medium that no one wanted to give or was just scared to give him.. but those racist asses did.
Not justifying the dumb shyt that they (mainly Anthony) say, I'm only justifying the strength of what they can and have done for Patrice's name. These guys have shut down and crushed entire radio shows before. As a die hard fan of Patrice and comedy and a man who despises biter's/plagiarism - I (as well as 99% of the people vouching/fighting for Patrice) want to see them (or anyone for that matter) crush this lil dude.
I don't respect Kain at all. Every step he's taken with stealing the material before and after this blew up has been a direct contradiction, disrespect and display of phoniness towards Patrice and his fans.
Someone mentioned earlier that they were still seeing nothing but love still being given to Kain on his videos... That's because he's deleting and blocking every.single.person who isn't painting the picture he's trying to paint
Going back to O&A/comedians in high places, I've read elsewhere that for the most part they won't be putting any spotlight on him but the only chance this dude'll have to succeed is keeping up with his videos. They're saying if he tries to expand on his "stand up" career, the dudes basically black balled for life.. This is the highest act of blasphemy in the comedy industry and we've seen how Carlos Mencia's career torpedoed after Joe Rogan and others shed light on that situation.

if anybody has a right to be upset it's his family. his "people" are using that shyt to generate controversy and ratings for themselves. if you are sincerly upset because the guy was your friend, you'd call him and talk to him about it, or you'd talk to his family about legal action. you don't create a shytstorm on the internet and you don't invite the guy to your show. you create a shytstorm if you want attention for yourself and if you want to feel good about yourself by pointing your finger at others. patrice's wife basically said