This Chinese propaganda aimed at black soldiers in The Korean War was fukking spitting

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
For such a staunch anti-western Canadian immigrant, I’m surprised you and your family fled to Canada and are contributing and benefiting from western white supremacy :mjgrin:

I am a citizen of an African state and you're derailing the thread.

But thanks for admitting that America is racist and that the Chinese pamphlet is correct (with a surprising amount of difficulty on your end). One day, I will help you get citizenship within the African Union, brother :blessed:


Struggle, challenge, and rise to struggle again
May 24, 2022
@Toussaint look at this Canadian clown :dead:

I’d love to find a black american who doesn’t think American currently has and hasn’t abused black people.

You’re a fukking idiot
The refugee lives around 90% cacs yet pretends to be a pan African revolutionary. :russ: Never shot a gun in his life and his parents ran away from the action yet this is who we are supposed to listen for guidance. Cafe Communist.


Struggle, challenge, and rise to struggle again
May 24, 2022
Black soldiers musta been torching those mfs over there for them to write all that
“On June 2, C Company moved to capture Hill 543 near the village of Chipo-ri.[n 2] The hill was protected by heavily entrenched Chinese infantry as well as mortars at the top of the hill. During their first attempt to advance up the hill, the company took heavy casualties, and the 3rd Platoon leader was mortally wounded. Charlton took command of the platoon and reorganized it for another attack.[2] Heavy fire eventually forced the company back down the hill.[5]

Three times, Charlton led the platoon up the hill in the face of intense Chinese mortar and infantry fire. In spite of mounting casualties, the platoon made slow progress. Charlton single-handedly destroyed two Chinese positions and killed six Chinese soldiers with rifle fire and grenades. During one advance, Charlton was wounded in the chest, but he refused medical treatment and pushed the company forward.[2] Charlton continued to lead the attack from the front of the platoon, and several times was separated from the unit.[5] Subsequent accounts noted Charlton continued the advance "holding his chest wound with one hand and an M1 carbine with the other."[7]

Under Charlton's leadership, the platoon managed to overcome the Chinese infantry positions, but it spotted a Chinese bunker on the far side of the top of the hill, from which the mortars were firing on them. As recounted by Private First Class Ronald Holmes, one of the men in the platoon, Charlton decided to destroy the bunker, and with his last known words, "Let's go," he urged the platoon forward, charging at the front of the formation ahead of the rest of his men.[5] In one final action, Charlton advanced alone to the top of the hill and the location of the Chinese mortars, firing repeatedly on the emplacement there. The Chinese troops wounded Charlton one final time with a grenade, but he continued firing until the position was destroyed. Charlton subsequently died from the wounds inflicted by the grenade.[8] However, he is credited with saving much of his platoon, which had been under heavy mortar fire.[5]



Struggle, challenge, and rise to struggle again
May 24, 2022
Vietnam and north korea didn't :dahell:
Didn’t what? :childplease:

American assessments​

In the wake of the Kanggye attack, FEAF began an intensive firebombing campaign that quickly incinerated multiple Korean cities. Three weeks after the attacks began, the air force assessed the damage as follows:

On 17 November 1950 MacArthur told U.S. Ambassador to Korea John J. Muccio, "Unfortunately, this area will be left a desert." By "this area" MacArthur meant the entire area between "our present positions and the border". On 25 June 1951, General O'Donnell, commander of the Far Eastern Air Force Bomber Command, testified in answer to a question from Senator John C. Stennis ("North Korea has been virtually destroyed, hasn't it?): "Oh, yes; ... I would say that the entire, almost the entire Korean Peninsula is just a terrible mess. Everything is destroyed. There is nothing standing worthy of the name ... Just before the Chinese came in we were grounded. There were no more targets in Korea."

In June 1952, as part of a strategy to maintain "air pressure" during armistice negotiations, FEAF's Fifth Air Force selected 78 villages for destruction by B-26 light bombers. At the conclusion of the war, the Air Force assessed the destruction of 22 major cities as follows:

The bombing campaign destroyed almost every substantial building in North Korea.The war's highest-ranking U.S. POW, U.S. Major General William F. Dean,reported that the majority of North Korean cities and villages he saw were either rubble or snow-covered wasteland. Dean Rusk, the U.S. State Department official who headed East Asian affairs, concluded that America had bombed "everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another."North Korean factories, schools, hospitals, and government offices were forced to move underground. In November 1950, the North Korean leadership instructed the population to build dugouts and mud huts and to dig tunnels, in order to solve the acute housing problem.

In an interview with U.S. Air Force historians in 1988, USAF General Curtis LeMay, who was also head of the U.S. Strategic Air Command, commented on efforts to win the war as a whole, including the strategic bombing campaign, saying “Right at the start of the war, unofficially, I slipped a message in "under the carpet" in the Pentagon that we ought to turn SAC lose with some incendiaries on some North Korean towns. The answer came back, under the carpet again, that there would be too many civilian casualties; we couldn't do anything like that. We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, some way or another, and some in South Korea, too......Over a period of three years or so we killed off, what, 20 percent of the population of Korea, as direct casualties of war or from starvation and exposure? Over a period of three years, this seemed to be acceptable to everybody, but to kill a few people at the start right away, no, we can't seem to stomach that”.

Pyongyang, which saw 75% of its area destroyed, was so devastated that bombing was halted as there were no longer any worthy targets. By the end of the campaign, US bombers had difficulty in finding targets and were reduced to bombing footbridges or jettisoning their bombs into the sea.
Is he lying or not?

Was Emmet till killed 5 years later or not?
Yeah and Mao Zedong killed 35 million Chinese/Tibetans/Mongolians/Koreans and destroyed centuries of knowledge, artifacts and literature during the cultural revolution.

You know where it was worse than being a Black man in America? Being a human being in Mao Zedong China :childplease:

Why do you think dudes like Bruce Lee were living in Hong Kong and America?

China brehs were eating their children and daughters were forced to kill their fathers and you talking about America :mjlol: America was paradise compared to China.

These are people who were fighting a defensive war.

North Korea invaded South Korea, then lost and South Korea became one of the richest countries on the planet and has culture phenomenons like Kpop and kdramas and North Korea has death camps and Android 19 running their country.

Why was it America's business to get involved in Korea? What benefits did black soldiers get for going to another country which had not attacked their own or threatened to while being expected to take orders from soldiers who had klan robes at home?
In terms of civil rights and the integration of the armed forces by Truman, the Korean War was probably the most influential event to the civil rights movement. Once the military was integrated that meant the federal government was integrated and thus you couldn’t justify states being segregated.

Black Americans can travel the globe respected largely because people respect the uniform our soldiers wore. :ufdup:


Mar 24, 2014
Americas continued mistreatment and abuse of Black Americans has not gone unnoticed..and infact foreign nations are using it whenever America tries to play daddy around the world..America can no longer assume any moral high ground anymore.


All Star
May 27, 2012
Maaan since WW 1 they stay tryna get us to deflect to the opp side. Negroes ain't cowards and turn coats.

They even did the shyt again in Vietnam with letters and loud speakers.."Go Home Black Boy!"
The Chinese the opps and not them crackas???
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
Men in my family faught in that war and every fukkin commie over there would've murdered my predecessors without thinking about it…they gave EVEN LESS of a fukk of a black man than america at the time, and would’ve murdered my grandfather and uncles faster than any american off gp….gtfoh with this bullshyt.

fukkin al qaeda could make propoganda today and lure you into an IED tomorrow. How fukking stupid is this thread?

Edit: of course, this is made by a non American just here to provoke. Bait.

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
Is he lying or not?

Was Emmet till killed 5 years later or not?
Were black soldiers disciplined unfairly or not?
Were returning black veterans treated badly or not?

Let's stick to the facts. What are the falsehoods in that pamphlet? Debunk it if you disagree with it.

These are people who were fighting a defensive war. They aren't the Japanese who showed up with warships and planes to kill Americans. This is like if Saudi Arabia showed up during the Civil War to help the south in order to uphold slavery as a fellow slave state. It wasn't their business so they stayed out of it. It wasn't Britain's business(as a country that outlawed slavery at the time) to defend the north so they stayed out of it.

Why was it America's business to get involved in Korea? What benefits did black soldiers get for going to another country which had not attacked their own or threatened to while being expected to take orders from soldiers who had klan robes at home?