This Chinese propaganda aimed at black soldiers in The Korean War was fukking spitting


May 8, 2012
Strictly For My Lurkas...
“On June 2, C Company moved to capture Hill 543 near the village of Chipo-ri.[n 2] The hill was protected by heavily entrenched Chinese infantry as well as mortars at the top of the hill. During their first attempt to advance up the hill, the company took heavy casualties, and the 3rd Platoon leader was mortally wounded. Charlton took command of the platoon and reorganized it for another attack.[2] Heavy fire eventually forced the company back down the hill.[5]

Three times, Charlton led the platoon up the hill in the face of intense Chinese mortar and infantry fire. In spite of mounting casualties, the platoon made slow progress. Charlton single-handedly destroyed two Chinese positions and killed six Chinese soldiers with rifle fire and grenades. During one advance, Charlton was wounded in the chest, but he refused medical treatment and pushed the company forward.[2] Charlton continued to lead the attack from the front of the platoon, and several times was separated from the unit.[5] Subsequent accounts noted Charlton continued the advance "holding his chest wound with one hand and an M1 carbine with the other."[7]

Under Charlton's leadership, the platoon managed to overcome the Chinese infantry positions, but it spotted a Chinese bunker on the far side of the top of the hill, from which the mortars were firing on them. As recounted by Private First Class Ronald Holmes, one of the men in the platoon, Charlton decided to destroy the bunker, and with his last known words, "Let's go," he urged the platoon forward, charging at the front of the formation ahead of the rest of his men.[5] In one final action, Charlton advanced alone to the top of the hill and the location of the Chinese mortars, firing repeatedly on the emplacement there. The Chinese troops wounded Charlton one final time with a grenade, but he continued firing until the position was destroyed. Charlton subsequently died from the wounds inflicted by the grenade.[8] However, he is credited with saving much of his platoon, which had been under heavy mortar fire.[5]

The black man is god...


Struggle, challenge, and rise to struggle again
May 24, 2022
I knew your boot licking ass would be in here kissing Uncle Sam’s alabaster ass.

There is nothing you like more than shielding white zaddy from criticism.
Here’s the crazy thing, you don’t have to live in the west. You my can renounce your citizenship any time and go live with your Arab or Chinese or Russian “zaddies”. :mjlol: See how that works out for you.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Here’s the crazy thing, you don’t have to live in the west. You my can renounce your citizenship any time and go live with your Arab or Chinese or Russian “zaddies”. :mjlol: See how that works out for you.

Are you going to stop running deflection and make a single comment in this thread that actually addresses the OP?

You keep deflecting with this "Why don't you go to another country then!" instead of addressing the actual problems in our own country.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I just realized that almost every time I argue with him, he's supporting US military aims. So either he got radicalized in the military or he's one of those military nerds who jumps behind American firepower no matter what they do.
A lot of these posters have been indoctrinated with American propaganda and an impression of American superiority their entire lives. They literally think of the American military as a comic book hero and all of their foes as bumbling villains only there for plot purposes.

He did it again, just like I said he does. Made a whole thread just to go "rah rah America!" :mjlol:


Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
Agree with this. Every combatant country that used this tactic did so to disrupt the morale of the opposing army. Nothing more.

And in most cases, that combatant govt. has history of oppressing either a minority group within her borders (as was the case when with China) or in a colony they established somewhere.

They knew the history of this country and the oppression and legal restrictions that the AA soldiers faced back home. And used that to subvert the American military forces.
Weaken the military forces they're facing

Odd to me that dudes are well aware of the mistreatment of Black people across the globe in modern era, and believe that enemy combatant military were trying to get AA GIs to switch sides and run into open arms in the 1950s.
Misinformation was a huge topic and debate in 2016 when Trump first ran. Now it's becoming the norm. Our brothers, sisters and allies playing those games with us. I really starting to think they want to be our new oppressors. Can't call them colonizers if "we all black".

Then get mad when they are called parasites. Only difference between them, white people and others is skin color. They all have that colonizer mindframe :mjlol:


Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Langston Hughes, "The Colored Soldier.":

My brother died in France —but I came back.

We were just two colored boys, brown and black,

Who joined up to fight for the U.S.A.

When the Nation called us that mighty day.

We were sent to training camp, then overseas —

And me and my brother were happy as you please

Thinking we were fighting for Democracy’s true reign

And that our dark blood would wipe away the stain

Of prejudice, and hate, and the false color line —

And give us the rights that are yours and mine.

They told us America would know no black or white:

So we marched to the front, happy to fight.

Last night in a dream my brother came to me

Out of his grave from over the sea,

Back from the acres of crosses in France,

And said to me, “Brother, you’ve got your chance,

And I hope you’re making good, and doing fine—

‘Cause when I was living, I didn’t have mine.

Black boys couldn’t work then anywhere like they can today,

Could hardly find a job that offered decent pay.

The unions barred us; the factories, too,

But now I know we’ve got plenty to do.

We couldn’t eat in restaurants; had Jim Crow cars;

Didn’t have any schools; and there were all sorts ofbars

To a colored boy’s rising in wealth or station—

But now I know well that’s not our situation:

The world’s been made safe for Democracy

And no longer do we know the dark misery

Of being held back, of having no chance—

Since the colored soldiers came home from France.

Didn’t our government tell us things would be fine

When we got through fighting, Over There, and dying?

So now I know we blacks are just like any other—

‘Cause that’s what I died for—isn’t it, Brother?

“And I saw him standing there, straight and tall,

In his soldier’s uniform, and all.

Then his dark face smiled at me in the night—

But the dream was cruel —and bitter—and somehownot right.

It was awful —facing that boy who went out to die,

For what could I answer him, except, “It’s a lie

“It’s a lie It’s a lie Every word they said.

And it’s better a thousand times you’re in France dead.

For here in the South there’s no votes and no right.

And I’m still just a “ni___” in America tonight.

Then I woke up, and the dream was ended—

But broken was the soldier’s dream, too bad to be mended.

And it’s a good thing all the black boys lying dead

Over There

Can’t seeAnd don’t know And won’t ever care!