This capitalism bullshyt is officially washed


Nov 12, 2014
Idk anyone actually enjoying life rn? Everything is so fukking overpriced and every experience out there is so shytty and soulless that it’s not even worth leaving the house.

Wealth inequality is so fukking bad, damn near 95% of young people will never be able to buy a house in their lifetime. The economy is royally fukked, politics are dead in the water as they have ever been.

To even have a bachelor lifestyle mfers are legit scamming and risking penitentiary chances over fake money trickled by the most wealthy. The value of a dollar is shyt, an 18 year old girl could go on OF, show her titties, and become a millionaire overnight.

Black community is damn near as worse as it’s ever been. Murder rates skyrocketing, failed youth, access to killing machines that could take a life in an instant. Drug use is rampant as fukk, everything fake as hell.

Meanwhile social media is fake as shyt and surveilled and controlled by every government agency out there. People are literally losing brain cells by the minute.

I don’t know how we can keep living in this bullshyt anymore :unimpressed:

give america more soul and people will not be so obsessed about money.

as it is too many people on a paper chase, feeling pressure, passive aggressive and who dgaf about anyone else in the USA.

that's my observation after spending a lot of time over there.

at the end of the day if you are a soul brother you are going to need to find a circle of people with some depth to them. or go risk madness / boredom.

in DC that can be done but don't know where you are.

i was forced to watch some of that bachelor show while i was over there.. those contestants are monsters .. with smiles .. and they don't know it. :picard:

was on a conference call with some locals. usa crehs on there were like robots. like wind up indoctrinated toy soldiers.

no depth whatsoever.


Enjoying a Long Night of Solace✌
Oct 27, 2016
Somewhere on an Xbox
Having a degree doesn’t even make shyt easier, I have a degree and I can’t even find a damn job.

Most people actually get jobs through internships, that’s why basically ALL “entry-level” roles require experience. It’s how you get mfers graduating out of college in CS making 300k because some random ass person working in FAANG liked em enough to hire em as an intern.

And that applies to ANY corporate career track.

All this career shyt is just bureaucratized nepotism.

Seen it myself. I have mfers I personally worked with in college running entire teams in Malaysia making high 6 figures :mjlol:

Meanwhile I can’t even get a fukking entry level role.

Man stfu
Yep. Companies want the degree + experience. People who graduate from college with just the degree and no experience/connections usually struggle to find jobs, and it's been that way for coming up on a decade.

Degrees are damn near a prerequisite... well, unless you're the lucky motherfukker that somehow found a way to bypass having one, and still managed to land a good job.


Poster of the Year
Jul 20, 2012
Take out your hard earned out of your pocket and slide some over to him

Tribal Outkast

Nov 22, 2016
Life’s never been better. Maybe your attitude is holding your actual enjoyment back
The Penny made me appreciate life more. People think it’s all about having money to enjoy yourself. Man I love getting out just seeing shyt. I even hiked up a mountain for the first time in my life last year. I’m going again this year


All Star
Jul 17, 2015
Your life is a reflection of your daily habits. Sounds cliche, but it's true. A lot of people want better, but wont do better. Life is all about adapting and figuring shyt out that works for you. Having goals is huge in life. What are your goals, and what are you doing to achieve them? Are your goals realistic, and what sacrifices do you need to make to achieve them? We are a product of our environment so surround yourself with people who are striving for the same thing.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Systems overthrow themselves when they are fully :flabbynsick:

The revolutionaries could be any person at the right place and the right time.

Yes there are the MLK jrs, the Mandelas, and charismatic public speakers like them. But there also are those like Rosa Parks who was a 40 year old woman riding the bus who took a stand when it was the right time.

I think OP makes some points, but also points out that the system hasn't fully collapsed to the point where people are willing to take a stand for it in a meaningful way. Capitalism will have to truly run its course fully, and the masses need to transcend a certain pain threshold for that point to be reached.

Truth be told, I'm not really "anti-capitalist" in the sense that OP is, but agree with him that it is flawed and getting really fukked up right now. Thing is, the next system will also have flaws that the types of people who are currently exploiting the flaws of capitalism will likely exploit to their benefit (I say types of people because I believe the shift will happen after our lifetimes, so it won't be the same people literally doing it then).

The answer, I believe, will have to involve a radical shift in how people view material goods, wealth, and power. While I do think that Marx had some ideas that would've addressed the ills of capitalism, I think the main issue with his approach is his ideology puts the same emphasis on control of resources, wealth, and power that the hypercapitalist worldview does, it just hast different organizational entities in charge of those resources.

Everything is a struggle. Class warfare over limited resources (this sentiment is present in both ideologies, or at least in how they're applied).

What humanity needs is a radical shift in perspective about the physical world and it's place in it. Not some mere cosmetic changes in a system or approach.

That will take time and circumstances will dictate that slow change. Unless some wild stuff happens in the next 15-20 years, I'd be surprised if that transformation fully happens in any of our life times :yeshrug:
Op got mad when I said turn to the most high and repent. This is what they want. They want ppl to beg for this new system.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
The problem is capitalism. Greed is the primary driver of capitalism. Without capitalism men wouldn’t have to provide for women, the economic incentive would be gone. Women wouldn’t need to sell their bodies because there would be no economic return. Society as a whole would collectively provide for the individual, thereby nullifying hierarchical structures.

It seems ethereal, but that’s only because we’ve been tainted by capitalism to see females as bytches and hoes, which all boil down to sex as a commodity. Wherever a person can accumulate wealth, thereby greed, they will accumulate resources and sex is considered a resource.

Greed is tied to the ego. Remove the ego from the equation and why else is a man attracted to a woman? Sexual reproduction. But more pertinently, dopamine, because sex, physical, and emotional closeness with individuals is a fun activity that has been tainted by commodification. Imagine a world where sex were as available as individuals deciding to, without any implications or barriers. That can exist without the commodification of sex.

Remove all of that from the equation and you will remove a lot of societal ills. But that can never be achieved without radical struggle so we will continue to suffer.
1st Timothy:8-10
8But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. 9But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.