Things you RESENT your family for...


Time to go!!
May 3, 2012
I endured a lot of bushyt but I appreciate Kate in a way be aide hey made me stronger and who I am today. Ain't nobody said this cd was going he easy. My will to overcome the struggles in my life have made me confident and very prideful because now I know where come from dont dictate where I will end up.

But the. The catch-22 is my confidence and pride turns to arrogance and stubbornness really quick. There's no situation in life I don't think I can beat. I'm optimistic to a fault of my own abilities and sometimes that comes back to burn.

My mom and dad are far from perfect but my grandma is the most special person to me in my lifetime.


Hope there's puddin' in the clink...
May 18, 2012
Districto de Columbia
Lucky enough to grow in a 2-parent household. There were a few things I resented about my parents, but one stuck out TERRIBLY!

My parents rarely (not 'never') supported me in anything I did. Financially, yes, they did but the small things, RARELY.

-Played bball from elem to hs and they attend only 2 of my games.:why:
-Went to a summer camp in Vermont for 6 whole summer (I'm talking 2 months a year) and they never visited me. shyt burned when all my friends families would come and I am there alone; crying and shyt.
-Prepping to pick a college and the whole build up. Exciting shyt. They never took a moment to sit down and help me analyze my options.
-2 years after graduating, told them that I was going into finance instead of my major (IT) and was met with a "Oh boy, here you go again!":what: Thanks for that supports, fukkers!

Wanted them to understand the small things meant the most to me; not money.:ld:

Now, father died 10 years ago & my mother and I don't even speak:manny:
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It's a movement
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MA/CT/Nigeria #byrdgang #RingGangRadio
my parents (nigerian) for the most did a good job with me and my 2 siblings..however there are still some after effects from their parenting

i was definitely stunted socially by the upbringing and rules i got from did wonders in changing that though

i also resent i never got any advice from them about women in my formative years (teen-early adult) im 31 and they're trying to tell me things i already know about women after going through some brutal trial and error moments in my past...has me like :rudy:


Jun 23, 2012
The biggest thing is letting us run wild as kids and turning a blind eye to a lot of things.

My dad for smoking around us in the car, house, etc when we were kids:beli:

Finally my dad for not getting his shyt together as he gets close to retirement :mindblown:


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
my father for being a dictator and me have a non-conformist personality is one of the reason why we clash so much. my mother for being a tad bit too lenient with me and my sister.


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
I'm the youngest of four children. My sister is 14 years older, my other sister is 12 years older, my brother was 10 years older. I missed out on having that bond with them because by the time I was coming up, they were already out of the house. So I grew up like an only child. My siblings used to say I was spoiled and that our parents treated me better. Me and my brother were tight. But I never got close with my sisters.

I think alot of it stems from me being tamer in comparison to them when I was going through high school/teenage years. We from the hood, like the hood hood :snoop: My siblings were born in the 70s, were coming up in the was a wild era, they got caught up out there :patrice: Both my sisters got pregnant by 11th grade and dropped out. My brother was selling so much drugs, he was buying new whips at 15, had cops and neighborhood nikkas kicking down our door for his work, taking trips up New York to cop from dealers up there, back & forth to juvie..........all before he turned 18.

I hit high school/teenage years by the 2000s. I was a normal kid by comparison. I graduated HS, didn't have no babies, didn't sell drugs, didn't go to jail. So my parents gave me a longer leash than they did with them and I guess my siblings took that as they loved me better :snoop: I fukked up with my grades in high school but, I worked my way up to college years later. Got a 4.0 my first two years. Ended up transferring to a major university and being offered a full scholarship. My parents were proud and were bragging on me hard and I could tell my sisters were a bit jealous even though I never, ever got a big head. We got into an argument over something stupid one day and things escalated. They basically was like I had it better than them eventhough we grew up in the same dirty azz house. They called me a bytch azz nikka and said if my brother was still alive, he wouldn't fukk with me. Oh yea....let's rewind that. I was 21 then. My brother got shot in the head up in Philly when I was 16. He was 26. He was out there hard. Deep. Like he got robbed for $80,000 and his green BMW when he got killed. We could be twins. That's how much we look alike. My sisters always expected me to be him. But I'm not. Before that night they never said it but, I always knew they looked down on me because I was a college boy and not a thorough azz g'd up dude like him. Wasn't enough that I made a 4.0 gpa and got a full scholarship to a major university. I was bytch azz nikka because I wasn't like my gangster older brother....because I didn't have bags full of money by the time I was 19. I kinda resent them for that. We never addressed that argument. We don't say sorry in my family. We just let things cool over..........and I never looked at those two the same afterward :patrice:
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Another Man

Trappin w/ Benzino
May 1, 2012
Red Roof Inn
I was about to make this thread when I got off work.

I hate my family for being poor as shyt and doing nothing about it, then deciding to have kids. Then for not having a single respectable male figure in anyone's life in my family. All I got is women everywhere, and nikkas in and out of jail. nikkas gave me no fukking chance to make shyt of myself. I'm out here every God damn day trying to become better than everyone before, while still picking up the fukking pieces and crumbs of this bullshyt left behind.
Everybody leaning on me like I'm the fukking messiah.
This why I don't want kids.
This why I don't respect no one who had ANYTHING handed to them. All you silver spoon nikkas can eat a dikk.
This why I ALWAYS give what I can to ANY bum on the street, or any man selling flowers or newspapers or little kids that come up to me selling candy. I don't eat the shyt, but I love you, I will buy it. This why I live by the phrase someone always has it worse.

I remember always being told we couldn't afford it... Can't afford it. Kids got new bikes and video games and they scrounging threw the closet looking for old clothes to hand me.

I can go on forever. I remember lights being off in my crib and sleeping at other people's houses for a bit. Running extension cord out the windows to the nearest outlet.
No food in the crib for weeks. Eating ramekins noodles three times a day.
Told me if I got good grades in school I would be rewarded :stopitslime: never believed them

fukk that shyt.
The cot damn struggle:wow:


LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls
Well, my father was never around and he would only send cash. The only time I'd see or hear from the dude was during a birthday, or Christmas when we sent money. The fukked up part about it was we lived in the same city for 12 years. My mother moved me and my sister so we could go to one of the best school districts in the state, even still, we were only 80 miles away.

Him being around never bothered me because I wasn't an emotionally needy kid, and I always was happy in my own world, but he still could have made an effort to call or stop by. I've been living with him for the past 2 years while I finish college, and it's awkward because he still is learning alot of things about me, things that a father should know. The sports I've played, the things I've experienced and what not. Resent really isn't the right word for it tho because I'm not mad, it's just weird.

My mom is pretty much cool. She focused on me and my sister and didn't bring men in and out of our lives. No step-daddies or "uncles" :heh:. She wasn't strict because she was a wild child when her parents got divorced, but she did give me loose boundaries and didn't baby me either. She didn't allow me to be a pushover or a punk and she taught me how to respect people and all that. She's does get a bit dramatic like mothers do from time to time but :yeshrug:

The thing I do give he and my mother credit for is keeping things amicable between them and kept it drama-free. None of that, "Yo daddy ain't shyt" jive. She had me when she was 16, so they pretty much had to grow up and be more responsible than their family members (both come from rough, unambitious families). I don't have much to really complain about.

I don't really speak much with many of my other family members other than Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners at my Grandma's house. Somebody is either back on dat shyt again or back in jail or had another baby that they can't take care of :wow:. As much as I hate to say it, they give off a depressing vibe
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Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
My dad being a hypocrite. Dude is like the Walter White of cheating, brehs. Acts like a devout religious dude, refuses to drink wine, never cursed in his life, all his hobbies are the type of shyt nikkas would say are "acting white" (chess, tennis, etc). All while living a double life with some ratchet bytch on the side. My moms put up with it after he said he stopped seeing the bytch, but that was a lie. How they're still together baffles me. I told her she could move in with me if she wanted...

Now they're made up again after a super UGLY confrontation...and she acting like I'm supposed to go back to normal as well. If this was just a case of someone fukking up I'd be like aite, it happens. But this is like a decade of shyt, apparently, that just blew up earlier this year; he spent thousands of dollars on this ratchet chick, helped raise her kids, etc. And now he wants to go to football games with me like it's nothing. Nah, I'm done. Slowly getting ready to move out of state and just do my own thing. We still talk obviously, he's my dad. But I haven't done anything with him since January when all this shyt started popping off. And yet my mom acting like I'm the bad guy here, trying to guilt me with "one day your parents are gonna be dead, and you'll wish you spent more time with them." fukkouttahere...

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
I'm the youngest of four children. My sister is 14 years older, my other sister is 12 years older, my brother was 10 years older. I missed out on having that bond with them because by the time I was coming up, they were already out of the house. So I grew up like an only child. My siblings used to say I was spoiled and that our parents treated me better. Me and my brother were tight. But I never got close with my sisters.

I think alot of it stems from me being tamer in comparison to them when I was going through high school/teenage years. We from the hood, like the hood hood :snoop: My siblings were born in the 70s, were coming up in the was a wild era, they got caught up out there :patrice: Both my sisters got pregnant by 11th grade and dropped out. My brother was selling so much drugs, he was buying new whips at 15, had cops and neighborhood nikkas kicking down our door for his work, taking trips up New York to cop from dealers up there, back & forth to juvie..........all before he turned 18.

I hit high school/teenage years by the 2000s. I was a normal kid by comparison. I graduated HS, didn't have no babies, didn't sell drugs, didn't go to jail. So my parents gave me a longer leash than they did with them and I guess my siblings took that as they loved me better :snoop: I fukked up with my grades in high school but, I worked my way up to college years later. Got a 4.0 my first two years. Ended up transferring to a major university and being offered a full scholarship. My parents were proud and were bragging on me hard and I could tell my sisters were a bit jealous even though I never, ever got a big head. We got into an argument over something stupid one day and things escalated. They basically was like I had it better than them eventhough we grew up in the same dirty azz house. They called me a bytch azz nikka and said if my brother was still alive, he wouldn't fukk with me. Oh yea....let's rewind that. I was 21 then. My brother got shot in the head up in Philly when I was 16. He was 26. He was out there hard. Deep. Like he got robbed for $80,000 and his green BMW when he got killed. We could be twins. That's how much we look alike. My sisters always expected me to be him. But I'm not. Before that night they never said it but, I always knew they looked down on me because I was a college boy and not a thorough azz g'd up dude like him. Wasn't enough that I made a 4.0 gpa and got a full scholarship to a major university. I was bytch azz nikka because I wasn't like my gangster older brother....because I didn't have bags full of money by the time I was 19. I kinda resent them for that. We never addressed that argument. We don't say sorry in my family. We just let things cool over..........and I never looked at those two the same afterward :patrice:
on everything fukk yo mean ass sisters brah

you doing good
live ya life


Westside Chicago 32212
Oct 25, 2012
Westside chicago
my parents both being on drugs and leaving me to fend for my self at grandma's house even tho I stay in the burbs I couldn't relates because my life was like any kid growing up with in the hood parents stealing sh1t from you talking sh1t and just have aunties and uncle that were on drugs as well...I never got the dynamic behind being a man or fully understand the workings of a relationships so I felt I was doomed from the start and now I'm just lost and looking to find my way in my early thirties I'm 31 and never did alot so I know it comes from my choice and the place I grew up at......but I'm still here dammit and free


Feb 10, 2013
i didn't start seriously resenting my parents breaking up until about a month ago. i'm 27 and i've done well for myself. i was raised by my mother. my mom and dad split when i was 4. i resent them because they broke up over my father cheating with a woman across the street. my parents both came from working class families with both parents who owned multiple homes throughout brooklyn. my parents parents also had businesses that my mom and dad were set to inherit in the next few years. when my mom and dad split it fukked everyone up. all of a sudden my grandparents had to be babysitters because my mom was single and had to work. i had to experience bitter nasty arguments between my mother and father and also being resented because i look just like my dad. i just think about how much better life would've been for everyone if my mom and dad just forgave each other and stayed together. they had so much good between the both of them that raising my sister and i together would've been great. both my mom and dad are awesome people and i know to this day they still do love each other. the decision they made to split was so selfish and it affected everyone in our immediate family like a domino effect. i've moved on and made it on my own, but i had to struggle figuring so many things out on my own. when my parents got married they had an incredible foundation and blueprint laid by their parents. they would've inherited property and prosperous businesses. by the time i was a teenager my grandparents were worn out from partially raising us, maintaining the jobs and the businesses. right before i turned 18 they sold the properties and closed the businesses. my mom and dad were bitter and burnt out from struggling separately so they had no interest in taking over. i know i would've been able to do it and carry those things on by now. no sense crying over spilled milk but the lesson i learned is that marriage and children is more than just you and your own problems. it was both of their pride that in the end lost them more than they could've gained for them and for us.
Say bruh you mad at your mom, for your dad cheating on her?!?!?!?!?! Where they do that at? Your dad broke up your home and your mom did what any self respecting woman would do. Peace the fukk out. Obviously your dad was on another one and so are you for blaming your mom.:stopitslime:


mentally i measure kilos
May 23, 2013
Say bruh you mad at your mom, for your dad cheating on her?!?!?!?!?! Where they do that at? Your dad broke up your home and your mom did what any self respecting woman would do. Peace the fukk out. Obviously your dad was on another one and so are you for blaming your mom.:stopitslime:

if you read, you'd understand that's not what i'm really mad at. of course i'm not mad at my mother for leaving she was hurt and felt disrespected, but obviously you didn't comprehend the brunt of what i stated.