There was a post credit scene?
It was just Michonne in her house taking her sword down from the mantle and carrying it again. She knows what time it is.
Man I was hoping Judas Priest was going to die with his deathwish ass. His character has been nothing but annoying since he was introduced. He can't live with himself over what he did in the past, he doesn't realize how much he is fukking up in the present

Glen is a season 1 OG, but he had me

during the finale. First chasing after dude in the words, then letting him live after he tried to kill him multiple times

. He's a vet, he should know better. One vet who's the team captain right now is Carol.
Making sure Rick knew what was up. Telling them about the community being children and how they like stories

and telling Pete to come at me bro. Best character on the show right now.
Great to finally have Morgan back and for him to be sticking around. Nice reversal between him and Rick in the final shot. I just hope he will be about to put bo to purpose when the wolves arrive at the gate.