Lol. Is that the same blog calling Carl, Korl and rick the Ricktatorship lol. But yeah I agree. Its kill or be killed. Im just surprise he (Rick) held together this long. To get shot, wake up in coma, everybody missing/dead to see the world he knew is gone. His wife gone, he killed his best friend(self defense ), watched the only guy in the series try to get him back to Earth and teach him things (Herschel) head get cut off, almost getting killed by the Governor, so on and so forth. It s easy to be like he becoming Shane and rick becoming the Governor, which is Fair. But look what he lost. and that's just the main character.I noticed something, lol me and my homies were joking bought this, but TWD doesn't keep two black guys on the show. For too long. So seeing as how The Pastor aka Castor Troy(face off reference) who I call Castor cause he has two faces, and Morgan. This finale is going to be interesting to say the least. Hopefully the spin off series will hold me over till next season.