they say Lupe is to Preachy. But i have never said Chuck D...


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
he comes off as whiny and condescending to a lot of yall. because he is spitting above yalls heads. face it, admit it. you dont want to think that hard. You're LAZY when it comes to your music. all u want is cotton candy music. because thats the crap you've been fed for the past 5 years and change. lupe is bringing the meat and veggies. you keep telling him, naw lupe, thats too filling i'm on a candy diet.


you got me confused with someone else


Where the dice game at?
May 26, 2012
who is this rapbeats guy talkin to?

the few that have a OPINION?

this shyt gettin to rapbeats more than it is Lupe himself!

i understand you like Lupe music but damn man your stannerisms are showing pretty bad right now.



May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
I don't want to get on the side of being against Lupe because I think he's a great rapper and I cop all of his albums RETAIL. But I will defend my stance as thinking he is a bit too preachy at times. I think a simple way to get people to feel you more and not come off as preachy is to use "we" more instead of "you"

You should...don't let them fill your head need to...
Statements like the above are all throughout his album as if he is above it and we fall for everything. If he used we more it would come of as he's struggling with the listener instead of "I don't fall for their traps but you need to get smarter so they can't trick you"
Saying the White House is hood now ...Obama is not hood...he's from it
Kanye in the front row of a fashion show is hood now...he knows probably as much about fashion as some of those white celebrities that sit there
He was right about 3-6 though :troll:

Also, as I alluded to in another thread, he tries to explain his tracks during the song as if we can't possibly comprehend his music without him breaking it down for us...other than that, keep the heat coming Lu

Basically how I's that "You" shyt that disconnects u from the listener and makes u come off condescending in a the person sayin they think they better than u...and I think Lupe's album is really good..


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
he comes off as whiny and condescending to a lot of yall. because he is spitting above yalls heads. face it, admit it. you dont want to think that hard. You're LAZY when it comes to your music. all u want is cotton candy music. because thats the crap you've been fed for the past 5 years and change. lupe is bringing the meat and veggies. you keep telling him, naw lupe, thats too filling i'm on a candy diet.

The nikka ain't spittin above NOBODY head g...I'm a Lupe fan and even I ADMITTED he came off a lil preachy on this album...and i like the's all about the delivery g...stop tryna insult people's intelligence cause they don't feel the same way as u...if I had only ONE complaint about the album..that would be it...


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
All concious rappers have been hit with the "too preachy" criticism at one point or another.

Gil Scott-Heroin

Apr 30, 2012
he comes off as whiny and condescending to a lot of yall. because he is spitting above yalls heads. face it, admit it. you dont want to think that hard. You're LAZY when it comes to your music. all u want is cotton candy music. because thats the crap you've been fed for the past 5 years and change. lupe is bringing the meat and veggies. you keep telling him, naw lupe, thats too filling i'm on a candy diet.

Wasalu..... is that you?

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
Preachy: Rapper touches on subjects that I happen to like in a negative manner often and repeatedly.

I wish he would shut up, because it bothers me on the low....
May 1, 2012
finally a legit answer on the other side. appreciate a thinking man's answer.

now if its truly to many YOU's and not enough We's that could be a problem.

but you have to remember back in those days it was We's because what was being talked about was happening to both parties, the rapper and the fan.

black male rapper was the same as black male fan to a white cop in the hood.

but what lu is talking about is how music itself is dumbing the generation down. its not dumbing him down because he's to old and wise to get caught up like that. he grew up in a better era of rap/hiphop. so if he said WE and US, he would be completely lying. truth is, YALL, some of YALL on The-Coli fall for the cotton candy hiphop and that needs to change.

:whew: you really look up to this lu huh :stopitslime:


May 5, 2012
Uptown, Downtown, Switzerland
my biggest problem with him is, his music doesn't make me feel like in any way that i would want to listen to it again.. as rap fans we should all like and recognise that he is a good lyricist and that he has all this shyt to break down but coming from him, i really don't care for it or what he has to say.. i don't force music on myself.

it's nice that he can pen these verses that seem to blow peoples minds and has his message but i don't like the way and how it's put together.
it feels like he said what he wanted to say but put it out in the most label friendly way but not going all the way like Lasers.

he's just harmlessly annoying, his beat selection has been poor since before Lasers and onwards, the hooks are atrocious.
he does nothing to pull you into his music unlike the rappers mentioned Ice Cube, Public Enemy, KRS, Nas, Mos Def, OutKast.... he came close with The Cool.

alot of his fans are just as bad.. if you don't like his music YOU are the problem and its because you can't grasp what he's rapping about..and some go into pure cliche "too much hoes, money, cars and ice" mode instead of just not feeling it... i'll give them their credit though they are more passionate about this one fellow than i am about any musician.

shyt, i've "felt" Jim Jones verses that he prolly never even wrote on I'm Ready and Come Home With Me more than i ever have any of Lupes.


Jun 8, 2012
who is this rapbeats guy talkin to?

the few that have a OPINION?

this shyt gettin to rapbeats more than it is Lupe himself!

i understand you like Lupe music but damn man your stannerisms are showing pretty bad right now.


see you're wrong. i'm not a lupe stan. i'm a stan of Top Tier hiphop. Top tier Mcees. Top tier talent.

Long Live The Kane

Tyrant Titan
Apr 30, 2012
that doesnt make sense to me(someone who has been thru the era of ULTRA introspective rappers (commercially successful and underground rappers). I'm telling you there was no one calling any of those dudes PREACHY. it didnt happen in their primes. and the reason it didnt happen is because the listener KNEW what was being said. and KNEW he/she needed to learn more therefore listen more to these types of themes even if the same listener had some bootyshake miami bass music on soon after. we listened to it all back then. the difference was HOW we listened. we didnt call anyone preachy. we listened to them for what they were, sucked up all that game/knowledge they laced us with and went on to the next one. this new mentality that says if you aint talking about having fun all the time then you're preachy is a new era way of thinking. but in my humble opinion i believe that is a result of to many years of to much of the same DUMB music being played for you. it makes you only really, truly like what you hear everyday and you dont know any better.


A simple search of the :hamster:, starting from as far back as it'll allow (bout a decade ago)...will reveal maximum returns full of stuff like this: Global Forum - View Single Post - 2 Weeks left before Gangstarr and KRS One drops!!!

Man do u guys notice that He's (KRS-1) toooooooo fukkin preachy nowadays??

Its gettin real fukkin annoyin Global Forum - View Single Post - Rappers that u just dont feel
krs-one (I respect what he did/doing for hip-hop but his songs comes off preachy and i'd just rather not) Global Forum - View Single Post - Why Isn't Slug In Your Top 5?
it all boils down to this

i like real sh!t more

Aspiring Sociopath >>> The Women With The Tattooed hands

btw* he raps too much about or should i say "around" women and often too preachy with his flow Global Forum - View Single Post - Jay has only had 2 albums better than I AM!!
good post. but thats part of the reason something in me says jayz is better lyrically. nas gets boring man, as nice as he is. Too preachy sometimes and that makes the lyrics weak or not hold much weight. For example GODS SON, im scared to play it while im driving late because i might fall to sleep. jay is lively and lyrics make you listen and wait for what hes gonna say next. overall hes just nicer. Global Forum - View Single Post - Hip Hop Needs...
Dead Prez, I'm a fan of theres, but I'm not sure if they translate to the entire black community as well as they "think" they do. I appreciate what they do, but there's sometimes comes off a little bit preachy, and most people don't like hearing that

Theres only 3 kinds of Rap . . . Fast Food, Fat-Free, and Soul Food. - Global Forum
Gangstarr is too preachy, they the type of rappers trying school me all the time, The Ownerz is some Fat Free shiet, no real hiphop joints . . just a monotone rapper thinking he fresh. Global Forum - View Single Post - ORIGINAL TOPIC: best interviews in hip hop
nas: unpredictable... u never know...kinda preachy though Global Forum - View Single Post - What's so good about Guru
Yes, exactly..that's why i got into gangstarr when they came out, 'cause guru was taking what KRS & CHUCK D did and made it less preachy and more accessible..and i'll add BDP & PE we're two of the influential groups for me growing was a natural progression to Gangstarr and guru from that. Global Forum - View Single Post - Is there an MC alive today that almost EVERYONE likes and respects??
man am i the only person that hates krs one? his flow is BUTT, his lyrics are only semi-decent, he's mad preachy, and he talks bout hte same things over and over and over and over and over adn over....

i dont give a **** if he's a "pioneer" lets see him battle brother ali... Global Forum - View Single Post - PRO-CHOICE? What do u think of COMMON's "Retrospect For Life" f/ Lauryn Hill?
What do u think of COMMON's "Retrospect For Life" f/ Lauryn Hill?
Personally, I am pro-choice.. and even though I like the song, I find it very preachy.. What do you think ?


Jun 8, 2012
All concious rappers have been hit with the "too preachy" criticism at one point or another.

not true. once they fall off. sure. back in that area of CONSCIOUS rap. the reason why there was an ERA of Conscious rap was because WE the listeners allowed it to be So. we made the record labels promote more conscious music because we went to their shows, bought their albums. and when we would get asked about them we would tell them how much we loved their music for what it was. you rarely ever heard people crying about how preachy a conscious rapper was. his job is to preach a sermon of introspection. it bothers yall. thats all it is. its the same reason a lot of people that were raised in the church(Even a legit good one without pimp preachers) dont want to go at all. its not because they dont believe whats being said isnt true. they know its true. they get tired of going in there getting Convicted about the sins they've committed or may commit. it happens to all of us. but some of us take it in differently. some of us are willing to walk thru the fire of conviction and go get that lesson anyway because know its necessary to better us.

there are times in life when you have to force yourself to read something you find boring, but you know its full of knowledge. there are times you have to force yourself to watch what seems to be a boring documentary to get some knowledge you wouldnt have otherwise. you dont have to do this all the time. but the more you do this the more you will appreciate knowledge being kicked. and the less you will think of it as preachy no matter if the rapper says us, we or YOU. because you will be willing to ADMIT yes it is my fault. i dont care if lupe is doing it too. i'm doing this thing wrong and i can only change me anyway. so why should i care about how lupe is delivering the message. is the message true? YES or NO. YES. therefore i should sit back and listen to the message without the stale complaint of "he's too preachy." now by no means am i saying bang that LUpe in your whip all day and night. thats not why it was made. listen to it in spurts. then throw on some of your fun music. then listen to that lupe. then back to the fun stuff. then back to the lupe-ish music. then back to the fun stuff.
what will eventually happen is that lupe-ish type music will start to seep into your mind. you will start to enjoy less and less of the Foolish so called fun music and start to enjoy more of the knowledge is power music. to the point where you will find the right balance. vs what you see right now. where its 90% rick ross 10% lupe on deck.

lastly. i'm not trying to convince yall into believing what i'm saying. I'm just planting a seed. you dont have to agree with me today. you will in a few years. i aint worried about it. hit me up in 5.


Jun 8, 2012
the problem with your searching the internet. is that people were not blogging about, answering tons of questions about hiphop all on the internet linked to search engines all throughout the golden era of hiphop/conscious hiphop. so there's no way for you to find that info unless you start pulling source magazines. and what i said still rings true. a HUGE majority of the fan base NEVER said "they are to preachy." did some reviewer say it? perhaps. but what was the consensus among fans? it was "Thanks for that knowledge GURU, thanks for that knowledge PE, thanks Xclan for that knowledge whether or not i want to rock red black and green all the time is one thing.

you know what we called preachy? ya Boy speech from arrested d. you know why? because we didnt like all that singing in our hiphop. yes he was rapping and yes he could rap well. but with those softer melodies in most of those hit songs and all that singing. to us it was not PURE hiphop. thats why you heard the hate words being used "man, that nucca speech is too preachy.ole black 2 the future a.. nucca"

we didnt have a problem with Xclan at all. if you didnt agree with the message you just didnt listen to it. if you agreed with the message but wasnt going to go all out with the culture(dress and talking about going back 2 africa, etc) you still took the knowledge that was kicked and stored that as wisdom. you were not sitting around talking about that xclan was a good album but it was too preachy. sorry that was not the consensus. it is the consensus when lupe is brought up the past few years. "he's cool but..... he's a bit preachy."


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
he comes off as whiny and condescending to a lot of yall. because he is spitting above yalls heads. face it, admit it. you dont want to think that hard. You're LAZY when it comes to your music. all u want is cotton candy music. because thats the crap you've been fed for the past 5 years and change. lupe is bringing the meat and veggies. you keep telling him, naw lupe, thats too filling i'm on a candy diet.

Lupe just ain't as good as them at spitting the same content. It's as simple as that.

Truth be told this whole quote from you is stannish as hell. I been into rap before specific tags like "conscious rap" existed, and Lupe ain't doing anything that wasn't done better (and less preachy) 20+ years ago by PE, De La Soul or whoever. So :wtf: at "yall don't wanna think hard" or "yall want cotton candy raps". Lupe ain't really meat and veggies....Cube on "DC" would be meat and veggies, Lupe is a TV dinner with meat and veggies. Same content, one just pulls it off much better.
