they say Lupe is to Preachy. But i have never said Chuck D...


Jun 8, 2012
some on the list are alot more subtle and leave it up to the listener to decide. im actually more moved not to do things by hearing from somebody that lived that life and is telling a unbiased story than being told what not to do with no look to the other side.

actually non on that list were subtle about it at all.
the truth is.

the street poets i put on the list. cube, nas types. are the most loved. why because they will make your lets have fun, funny street songs. while also preaching their sermon and being introspective. whether thats them looking into themselves as a person with issues or into our community as black folks or us as americas or us as people in the world . but you knew exactly what they were saying because they were straight forward to the point. sorry. it wasnt subtle at all.

and PE was not subtle "FIGHT THE POWER" well there goes being subtle.

Xclan. lol. ya know these dudes were not subtle "TO THE EAST BLACKWARDS"

KRS-1 called himself "THE TEACHER" ... " Overseer, overseer, overseer, overseer ,Officer, Officer, Officer, Officer, yeah, officer from overseer
You need a little clarity? Check the similarity "

sorry nothing subtle about that one either.


Jun 8, 2012
This is the rap messageboard equivalent of pseudo-science...which is to say, total bullshyt you've pulled out of your reality, Lupe has several gold albums, certified platinum singles and hit records, grammy nominations...and truth be told has been more successful and widely celebrated in his day than a lot of the names in your initial post did in theirs...hell Killer Mike is arguably in his prime RIGHT NOW, put out what I believe is still the album of the year a couple months before Lupe's...and has not gotten even a fraction of the shine, respect, or pats on the back as Lupe has for his LP...

Do some people think he's too preachy, sure...not everybody is gonna love everybody's music, but ain't shyt wrong with that the overwhelming stance on him by most of the rap populace, no it's not...his content, the sociopoltical tone in his music and general stance and image are the pretty much pillars of dude's entire draw as a successful rap artist....all things considered Lupe is one of the popular figures in rap the past 6, 7 years...that's like an entire era of hip hop
i just thru in killer mike and no he's not in his prime now commercially . his prime is when people KNEW who he was. not just some nerds on the internet and a couple of us old heads that remember him. and dont just pick him out of the lot. since he's the least successful.
i never said lupe wasnt successul. did i? NO. i said there are TONS of people calling the guy preachy even WHEN they say they liked his song(s). that doesnt make sense to me(someone who has been thru the era of ULTRA introspective rappers (commercially successful and underground rappers). I'm telling you there was no one calling any of those dudes PREACHY. it didnt happen in their primes. and the reason it didnt happen is because the listener KNEW what was being said. and KNEW he/she needed to learn more therefore listen more to these types of themes even if the same listener had some bootyshake miami bass music on soon after. we listened to it all back then. the difference was HOW we listened. we didnt call anyone preachy. we listened to them for what they were, sucked up all that game/knowledge they laced us with and went on to the next one. this new mentality that says if you aint talking about having fun all the time then you're preachy is a new era way of thinking. but in my humble opinion i believe that is a result of to many years of to much of the same DUMB music being played for you. it makes you only really, truly like what you hear everyday and you dont know any better.
truth is, this thread is talking to yall but yall cant really hear it. because you've been trained to fight against knowledge and love ignorance.(but all it fun).

the only reason i made this thread isnt to tick yall off. its to at some point soon make you think about it. "am i saying this dude is too preachy cause i'm stuck on stupid music? do i need to force myself to listen to more lupe-ish music so i can undummafy myself?

half of yall dont even get it. this is the stuff those rappers named, were preaching about. one day they will have is stuck in that matrix mentality of stupidity and ignorance. that day is now here. this is why some of us old heads can see it but a lot of yall cant and only fight it when its mentioned. they taught us what to look for in the music. see alot of yall talking that "music is only for entertainment" is ignorant as well. what goes in one ear stays in your mind. the more you put in there the more stays in your mind. the more ignorance you put in there. the more ignorance you want. the more knowledge/wisdom you put in there. the more knowledge you desire. it goes hand in hand.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
put it this way. if i took 100 people from the age of 15 to 25. you would get a good 60 people that would swear LUPE is too preachy. i wont say out of that 60 which would still like his stuffy anyway. thats not the point.

now if you would've asked any random 100 people from 15 to 25 back when Chuck D was hot. i bet you , you would hear less then 15 that say he's preachy.

There's a reason for this. dont try to dance around it.

THE listener of yesteryear vs the listener of today. something has changed in the listener. LUPE as an artist is still the same as those listed (introspective rapper trying to kick knowledge. So the artist hasnt changed. the EARS of the listeners HAVE.

even when you like the guy you still call him preachy. that means you're ears are being taught to only realllly enjoy negativity, debauchery, etc. notice i said ONLY. sure everyone enjoyed that nonsense back in the day when PE was hot. but we would never call PE too preachy. because we knew they served a purpose and we DESIRED to hear them serve that purpose.
if lupe flew to mars and never came back. most of yall wouldnt even notice. and thats a shame. one of if not THEE best lyricist of this generation. and we're not talking about some silly chino Xl type, slaughter house lyrics either.


Cats of yesteryear had pro-black 5%ers on their albums spitting African consciousness and it sold and was popular. The people under the age of 30 grew up without a PE of any sorts and was overexposed to super-gangsta rap.

But that kind of black man has disappeared from society altogether. We only have ramdom niccas left with fukkery of all kinds.

But them ignorant ass niccas are gonna disappear from society soon and be replaced with swaggots.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
he's just not good at it. he comes off as condescending and kinda whiny

life is full of nuance. just because you do the same thing as someone else doesn't make it the same thing :mindblown:

Long Live The Kane

Tyrant Titan
Apr 30, 2012
I'm telling you there was no one calling any of those dudes PREACHY. it didnt happen in their primes.

I'm telling you this is absolute and complete bullshyt....all the other nonsense you typed up, built on this fairly obvious fraudulent premise need not even be addressed....Nas being "too preachy' has been one of the most common and oft repeated cliche criticisms made against him for the majority of his're gonna sit there and act like when Mos and Kweli were at their peak during Rawkus' hey dey them being "too preachy" wasn't a criticism levied their I remember vividly the :comeon: 's I got personally from trying to get my homies from high school to put down a cash money, jay z or three 6 album down for a sec and check out LWFC, Let's Get Free or the Reflection Eternal album


Different people have different preferences in their music....have before, have today, and will in the future....conscious rappers being considered "too preachy" is no new phenomenon...let the revisionism go
Jun 19, 2012
I mean this dude told us to go buy a Camry because Ferraris is too expensive, and we all gotta be fiscally responsible n sh)t

But then I heard him on the breakfast club and on a couple records talking about his Ferrari collection



May 8, 2012
KRS has been referred to as preachy for years, including his prime... in fact, he caught all kinds of backlash for his at-times narcissistic attitude and his "teacher" stances. He often came into conflicts with other "conscious" rappers who questioned his statements on certain things (such as PRT and X-Clan).

Ice Cube has never been referred to as preachy, because he never was. Matter fact, he was the best at saying stuff in a way that actually appealed even to the "street" hip-hop audience while still having a message behind it. Most of his "message" songs weren't throwing the message in your face.


night owl
May 27, 2012
P.G. County
I don't want to get on the side of being against Lupe because I think he's a great rapper and I cop all of his albums RETAIL. But I will defend my stance as thinking he is a bit too preachy at times. I think a simple way to get people to feel you more and not come off as preachy is to use "we" more instead of "you"

You should...don't let them fill your head need to...
Statements like the above are all throughout his album as if he is above it and we fall for everything. If he used we more it would come of as he's struggling with the listener instead of "I don't fall for their traps but you need to get smarter so they can't trick you"
Saying the White House is hood now ...Obama is not hood...he's from it
Kanye in the front row of a fashion show is hood now...he knows probably as much about fashion as some of those white celebrities that sit there
He was right about 3-6 though :troll:

Also, as I alluded to in another thread, he tries to explain his tracks during the song as if we can't possibly comprehend his music without him breaking it down for us...other than that, keep the heat coming Lu


All Star
May 6, 2012
Only way OP's argument makes sense is if Lupe Fiasco and Chuck D were exactly the same rapper, rapping under exactly the same circumstances.

John Hull

You can’t see me!
Jun 6, 2012
Studio gangstas
he's just not good at it. he comes off as condescending and kinda whiny

life is full of nuance. just because you do the same thing as someone else doesn't make it the same thing :mindblown:


How dare anybody compare Whoopi to PE, shyt is blasphemous. :wow:

Dude Lupe is a boring muthafukka, even by rappity rap standards. I feel bad for his stans that keep making excuses for him. YO! Bumrush The Show >>>>anything that squeaky voice lesbian ever try to spit.
May 1, 2012
It's as valid a criticism as any...if someone personally doesn't find a rapper, literally, lecturing them to buy a Camry because it gets better gas mileage and is cheaper to insure particularly entertaining...that's their much as it's somebody else's right to not enjoy an album with a bunch of gun violence and drug one need be special or whatever to have an opinion...y'all find the most ridiculous ways to frame shyt with absurd nostalgic absolutist glory day rhetoric...PE and all of those other acts were universally loved by every rap fan on earth and never once called preachy by no one ever huh? :rudy: ...simply rapping about "positivity" does not make somebody's music impervious to criticism

I hate you rapbeats...worst poster ever



Jun 8, 2012
I think it is because fans felt like Chuck,X-Clan, etc were in the streets/dirt with us. Lupe is obviously not having the same connection with some of today's hip hop fans.
ok i'll roll with that thinking. my question is this. you see how lupe dresses? you see how these dudes dress today. you dont hear lupe talking about how many cars he has, how many chicks he has, how much money he's blowing.

but you do hear rick ross saying that all day and night. yet and still these people LOVE mr fantasy land rick. there's nothing about ross' music that says to me "rick ross is just like me, rick ross is broke just like me, or rick ross is in the struggle just like me."

lupe is closer to the struggle then ross.


Jun 8, 2012
he's just not good at it. he comes off as condescending and kinda whiny

life is full of nuance. just because you do the same thing as someone else doesn't make it the same thing :mindblown:
he comes off as whiny and condescending to a lot of yall. because he is spitting above yalls heads. face it, admit it. you dont want to think that hard. You're LAZY when it comes to your music. all u want is cotton candy music. because thats the crap you've been fed for the past 5 years and change. lupe is bringing the meat and veggies. you keep telling him, naw lupe, thats too filling i'm on a candy diet.


Jun 8, 2012
I don't want to get on the side of being against Lupe because I think he's a great rapper and I cop all of his albums RETAIL. But I will defend my stance as thinking he is a bit too preachy at times. I think a simple way to get people to feel you more and not come off as preachy is to use "we" more instead of "you"

You should...don't let them fill your head need to...
Statements like the above are all throughout his album as if he is above it and we fall for everything. If he used we more it would come of as he's struggling with the listener instead of "I don't fall for their traps but you need to get smarter so they can't trick you"
Saying the White House is hood now ...Obama is not hood...he's from it
Kanye in the front row of a fashion show is hood now...he knows probably as much about fashion as some of those white celebrities that sit there
He was right about 3-6 though :troll:

Also, as I alluded to in another thread, he tries to explain his tracks during the song as if we can't possibly comprehend his music without him breaking it down for us...other than that, keep the heat coming Lu
finally a legit answer on the other side. appreciate a thinking man's answer.

now if its truly to many YOU's and not enough We's that could be a problem.

but you have to remember back in those days it was We's because what was being talked about was happening to both parties, the rapper and the fan.

black male rapper was the same as black male fan to a white cop in the hood.

but what lu is talking about is how music itself is dumbing the generation down. its not dumbing him down because he's to old and wise to get caught up like that. he grew up in a better era of rap/hiphop. so if he said WE and US, he would be completely lying. truth is, YALL, some of YALL on The-Coli fall for the cotton candy hiphop and that needs to change.