They made a game about @Fatboi1......"Bum Simulator"


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
Regardless of the economy, if you buy a house, it's an asset you can pass on to your children and potentially give them the opportunity to live somewhere "rent free" and only have to pay the taxes on the property if you're fortunate and disciplined enough to stay there and pay it off

what children? I have no children.. not even sure if I want kids even though as I get older the urge gets stronger to have a family, its not something I have yet so why would I make a huge investment based on that :heh: I never said owning a house is bad.. lets keep that clear.. I plan on buying in a few years when the market goes down again. Right now to buy an apartment in Vallejo, where I would raise a family, its $450-500k. To buy a house, its $600-800k+ in a neighborhood I would want. In San Francisco, where I work, $800k-1.2 million. For houses I dont even find that desirable. If I wait 2-3 years, itll be about half of that. And if the market doesnt crash, then all I lost was rent to an apartment that I enjoy anyway.

You also can sell your house when you choose and at least get SOME money back, even if it was at a loss.


this is just wrong thinking process on so many levels ima pass on even responding to this.

HOA's are not all terrible. Sucks vs not having one at all, but it isn't some super restrictive thing that nullifies the benefits of home ownership.

With how often foreclosures are in California, home owners association is pretty much that... because they know each property sale currently is a high risk.

But screw all of this and let's be men for a second. What works for me might not work for you and vice versa. That's cool. I generally like to believe that everyone should be able to define their own happiness without being insulted for it so long as it doesn't conflict with my own happiness in some major way. I don't know, and don't too much care for "who started it" but you ALL might want to consider scaling the insults back a bit and chill with going in on families and personal lives. This is a freakin video game forum and if you're lives were as amazing and fulfilling as you claim you wouldn't be writing dissertations to prop yourselves up over someone else online which you will never meet in person.

I type 125 words per minute or so (maybe a little less now in my old age) and I usually type from my computer, while watching Twitch on my other monitor or some shyt. If you notice I rarely even post here anymore :ld: but when I do, it takes me all but a few seconds to a few minutes at most to respond to anything and anyone


edit: lets make it clear, 3% down payment of $500k is only $15k, its not exactly hard to buy a house :ld:
Last edited:

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
what children? I have no children.. not even sure if I want kids even though as I get older the urge gets stronger to have a family, its not something I have yet so why would I make a huge investment based on that :heh: I never said owning a house is bad.. lets keep that clear.. I plan on buying in a few years when the market goes down again. Right now to buy an apartment in Vallejo, where I would raise a family, its $450-500k. To buy a house, its $600-800k+ in a neighborhood I would want. In San Francisco, where I work, $800k-1.2 million. For houses I dont even find that desirable. If I wait 2-3 years, itll be about half of that. And if the market doesnt crash, then all I lost was rent to an apartment that I enjoy anyway.


this is just wrong thinking process on so many levels ima pass on even responding to this.

With how often foreclosures are in California, home owners association is pretty much that... because they know each property sale currently is a high risk.

I type 125 words per minute or so (maybe a little less now in my old age) and I usually type from my computer, while watching Twitch on my other monitor or some shyt. If you notice I rarely even post here anymore :ld: but when I do, it takes me all but a few seconds to a few minutes at most to respond to anything and anyone


edit: lets make it clear, 3% down payment of $500k is only $15k, its not exactly hard to buy a house :ld:
There would be no point breaking down the math of home ownership vs renting an apartment to you so I won't bother.
You have a plan for your life and that's cool. It makes absolutely 0 difference in my life. (That sounds rude, but I say that in the literal sense and not in some kind of underhanded shot type of way).

Like I said, sometimes the "jokes" in here get incredibly malicious and makes me question if people really are miserable in their lives for real and if they are trying to overcompensate for something.

The photography thread here in the Arcadium is a fantastic example of people sharing their ideas back and forth respectfully and building each other up. I've gotten great advice from them regarding this brand management and video/audio production business I'm working on turning into a full time job.
For whatever reason, a lot of video game talk quickly turns into insults about a person's family and personal life in general. I don't know. I've never liked that. Maybe I'm being too sensitive about it. I mean, I don't even like when people do something as simple as curse at me since I myself don't even curse. :yeshrug:

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Niqqa lighthearted and fun my ass

U called me a fakkit. Far from lighthearted and fun:mjlol:
Yeah but there are certain people you can joke with a certain way.
Some of these "jokes" you can tell a person 100% had the intent of hurting the other person as much as possible.
Shoot, I've openly apologized to a few people that felt I crossed the line. I have no problem with stepping back from a joke, because my intentions are never malicious so if it comes off that way I take a step back and try to remember not to joke with that person that way.


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
You have a plan for your life and that's cool. It makes absolutely 0 difference in my life. (That sounds rude, but I say that in the literal sense and not in some kind of underhanded shot type of way).

exactly. I have a blue print, I dont need to follow it 100% - example, if a house popped up for a great deal in this market in a place I would like to live, im going to jump on it. Dont mistake me saying buying a home in this economy (especially one I would want) is bad for me not still searching every once in awhile. Owning a home is the end game. But unlike the people who put so much stock into home owning, I own a successful business, where they work a 9-5. That effected my decision when it was still a buyers market and now here I am.

he photography thread here in the Arcadium is a fantastic example of people sharing their ideas back and forth respectfully and building each other up

Theres a lot of threads like that in the sub forums like The Show room and The Gym (for the most part). You have to understand -- as you are an active poster here, this sub forum is driven by about 20 people total and its been the same 20 people over most of the course of the past 6 years :ld: the more sensible irregular posters moved on to the film room (Where ironically its now just filled with stan wars, defeating the entire purpose of making it own forum)

think about this :pachaha: the people that go back and forth the most :pachaha: @MeachTheMonster and @PS4 dont even own ANY of the shyt they argue about :pachaha: even down to the games they argue about (PUBG) :pachaha:

there is nothing you can normalize about that :pachaha:

so whats left to discuss :ld: we are here, on a gaming forum, but the most active posters here, dont even game or have any of the games, consoles or electronics required for gaming. Ive actually long suspected that @PS4 has maybe even sold his xbox 1 and doesnt even own a console anymore at all :ld: maybe he can clarify in here :ld:

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
exactly. I have a blue print, I dont need to follow it 100% - example, if a house popped up for a great deal in this market in a place I would like to live, im going to jump on it. Dont mistake me saying buying a home in this economy (especially one I would want) is bad for me not still searching every once in awhile. Owning a home is the end game. But unlike the people who put so much stock into home owning, I own a successful business, where they work a 9-5. That effected my decision when it was still a buyers market and now here I am.

Theres a lot of threads like that in the sub forums like The Show room and The Gym (for the most part). You have to understand -- as you are an active poster here, this sub forum is driven by about 20 people total and its been the same 20 people over most of the course of the past 6 years :ld: the more sensible irregular posters moved on to the film room (Where ironically its now just filled with stan wars, defeating the entire purpose of making it own forum)

think about this :pachaha: the people that go back and forth the most :pachaha: @MeachTheMonster and @PS4 dont even own ANY of the shyt they argue about :pachaha: even down to the games they argue about (PUBG) :pachaha:

there is nothing you can normalize about that :pachaha:

so whats left to discuss :ld: we are here, on a gaming forum, but the most active posters here, dont even game or have any of the games, consoles or electronics required for gaming. Ive actually long suspected that @PS4 has maybe even sold his xbox 1 and doesnt even own a console anymore at all :ld: maybe he can clarify in here :ld:
PS4's XB1 is broken :DAIGOMJLOL:

And I can definitely rock with the jokes about who doesn't have what video game or console.

But when we start going into people's personal lives over a video game argument I think it's a bit much. But that's just me and I understand the rules I play by are much more tame than most other people on here.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Niqqa lighthearted and fun my ass

U called me a fakkit. Far from lighthearted and fun:mjlol:
Don't really look at that as something so serious. It's just a word said in jest.

What I didn't try to do was insult your personal life and family as you tried to do me.

My posts are only about our interactions here. You'll never see me taking any of this personal.

You nikkas got issues.:smh:


Bulls On Parade...
Aug 23, 2012
Lets get a few fallacies about owning a home out the way.

1. You dont truly own your home until its paid off. You are still financing an asset the bank can confiscate at any time. Let meach broke self miss a few payments on his mortgage and the bank will truly let you know who owns his house.

2. Buying a home in this ecomomy, especially where I live (bay area), ESPECIALLY the type of house I would want, is a horrible financial decision. Waiting just another 2-3 years can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Especially where I would want a house.

3. Buying a home just to own a home (unless you are flipping it) is a horrible investment, period. Im single, no kids, no wife. Making a $800,000 investment in California that might not be beneficial towards my future family is about the dumbest shyt I can think of for dozens of reasons (location, schooling, etc)

4. For the youngins reading this thread. Meach brought up an interesting point of “you need to ask your land lord to hang a tv up” funny enough, most apartments you sign a lease where you can make adjustments as long as you can repair them easily (like hanging up a tv). But houses especially in California, have whats called home owners association. Again you think you own your house? You cant even paint your house without getting approval from your home owners association.

5. Owning a house is easy especially for a first time home buyer with all the incentives. 0-3% down where Meach lives is only like $3k down, less than a car down payment ironically. Lets not be so quick to congratulate someone on “owning” property that anyone here could buy after saving a few weeks of paychecks for the average income. Can never knock a man for putting a roof over his fams head, thats not what this is about.

Dont own a house just to own a house.. a house is not an impulse buy. Its something thats supposed to last you the rest of your life (again, unless you are a real estate flipper)

Theres a reason most people in America are broke. Owning a house in this economy is one of them.

Your food isnt going to taste any different and your bed isnt going to be any more comfortable :dame: because you are now in a house instead of an apartment.

Meach bought his house (i believe) when it was a buyers market (pre 2014) and has a family. Thats a smart investment. Cant knock him for that.

On the flip side @PS4 says he wants to buy a house this year, in a sellers market. Not a smart investment. His post history and his actual age shows hes bad witn financial decisions and this is just another one.

Basically what im saying is make smart responsible financial decisions that fit your life style and my last advice would be to not listen to anyone who stans electronic devices that are only $350 and cant afford them.

I don't have a horse in this race, but lets clear up some home owning misconceptions here:
1. Nope. You own your home; the bank simply has a lien which establishes the home as collateral on the loan. They cannot simply "confiscate at any time" :russ:
2. Waiting is a crapshoot. You may come out ahead, or you might be fukking yourself over by not buying in now.
3. Buying a home just to own a home in Cali is usually not a terrible investment with the way the housing demand is. Home values might rise higher than inflation..but at the very least should rise at about the same rate.
4. Places that have HOA that will trip on you painting your house usually are nice enough to where painting your house isn't high on the wanted projects list. Not to mention the HOA exists to protect your and your neighbors home values. Yes, they can be a fukkin pain, but they do serve a purpose.
5. Your credit must be at an acceptable level to get one of those loans, and rarely is the upfront payment less than 5-6 grand. Its not especially hard to get financing, but lets not act like it is easy either...


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
Your credit must be at an acceptable level to get one of those loans
Only 620 credit required to qualify. For some loan programs, as low as 580. I used to be a banker for Chase, most of my commission was from referring home refinancing/new home loans, etc..

rarely is the upfront payment less than 5-6 grand.
Thats still not a lot required to buy a house..

Buying a home just to own a home in Cali is usually not a terrible investment with the way the housing demand is. Home values might rise higher than inflation..but at the very least should rise at about the same rate.

Houses in my parents neighborhood were $120k in 2013. They are now $400k. Still same bad neighborhood. The market is due for a crash, this isnt sustainable, a lot of empty new house lots in every city. If it doesnt crash, then all I lost was some time.


May 6, 2012
Yeah but there are certain people you can joke with a certain way.
Some of these "jokes" you can tell a person 100% had the intent of hurting the other person as much as possible.
Shoot, I've openly apologized to a few people that felt I crossed the line. I have no problem with stepping back from a joke, because my intentions are never malicious so if it comes off that way I take a step back and try to remember not to joke with that person that way.
This neg is 100% intentional