First off, the part were Kelly says he struggled before going to excursion if 100% kayfabe. Every young lion has a crazy amount of Ls, that's what they are for and that's what he's referring to. He's reading from a script that makes the story make more sense. I was watching when he came into the scene and I watched and heard the japanese crowds go

:at him showing defience and undeniable charisma during the NOAH feud. He also got a special send off before going on excursion by getting a singles match with Tanahashi.
The clip you showed is what me and
@Scottie Drippin are telling you but for some reason refuse to listen. The crowd did not like him getting a title shot so fast (because he did not look good against Yoshi Hashi and had new, unknown gimmick with blonde hair) and getting the belt so fast made people go
But ONE MONTH later everyone was convinced he had next and there were no more issues with him as champion nor as a main eventer, not as the next Ace of the company. It didn't take years to realize that, it didn't necessitate hindsight, it only took 1 very special match with Naito 22 days after he had become IWGP champ. None of the examples you've given come close to that kind of meteoric rise AND popularity like Okada.