@thestripper do you avoid working At black strip clubs?

Marco Zen

Black Privilege
Sep 7, 2013
The Other A
I am not sure what you are asking? But I'll give it a go.

No, I do not feel ashamed. I have said this before but I don't subscribe to sexism or sex shaming. The "shame" that is associated with stripping comes from sexism. Sexism and sex shaming basically reduce a woman's value to her sexuality ie the more sex you have or the more sexual you are the less value you have as a woman. One method to solidify this mindset is by equating a woman's body with sexuality: woman's body = sex and naked body =sexually available. Meaning that people see me naked and therefore associate me with sexual availability therefore I have less value and I should be ashamed.

However, I don't agree with sexism and sex shaming so therefore I don't consider my body a sexual object. To me sex = sex and nudity does not equal sex nor sexuality availability. So when I go to the strip club or I am preforming it is not a sexual experience for me and I don't see that person or consider myself sexually available. I just see a beautiful person who is naked being entertaining.

I however do recognize that other people do not share my same view and think that I should be ashamed. But I can't help or change what other people think. I do exploit that perception but I doesn't agree or subscribe to it.

I hope that makes sense.

No it doesn't ... Regardless of your view on sexism and the perception of your sexual availability and all that you are aware that your performance is exploiting that "perception that uze a ho... And u make money off it... And u enjoy it....and according to you that's nothin to be ashamed of from a moral standpoint ... Is that correct?

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
No it doesn't ... Regardless of your view on sexism and the perception of your sexual availability and all that you are aware that your performance is exploiting that "perception that uze a ho... And u make money off it... And u enjoy it....and according to you that's nothin to be ashamed of from a moral standpoint ... Is that correct?

I didn't say anything about morals. I am not ashamed b/c there is nothing to be ashamed of. I can not control the thoughts of others nor do I attempt you. People choose to have a certain experience. I am a performer. What they get out of that performance is up to that individual. If they choose to see it at a sexual experience b/c of social conditioning that is up to them. I don't see it as sexual or wrong.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
I'm glad you feel me. Working for that company felt like slavery. I remember people were literally afraid of my old boss. Grown people who were older than her were terrified of her. They wouldn't even pick up their paychecks if they knew she was working. On top of that the customers were evil and the co worker were always plotting and scheming on each other. That shyt was hell.

Actually being naked is the easy part. Three things were really hard for me. The first was sales. A lot people think you just get up and shake your butt and make tons of money and it is not like that at all. Networking and sales are everything. If you expect to be making good money all the time you have to get regulars and get to know people in your club and in the industry. Getting good with the DJ can be the difference between $200 and $1000. You have to keep a good rep too b/c everyone will know your business. All people in the industry do is gossip.

The second was getting use to people touching me. I am not talking about touching on "sexual" areas. People rub your legs, arms, back and run their fingers through you're hair. They always want to rub my feet and give back massages. Getting smacked on the butt is expected but when people want to caress you like a long lost lover it's a little weird. People are crazy affectionate.

The third was being worshipped. People will tell you all the time that you are the most perfect being that every grace the Earth with a loving look in their eyes. I was very offputting at first. There are people who can tell me exactly what I was wearing in detail every time they have seen me. I had one customer who literally got my name made into a belt buckle and wrote me a book of poetry and got it printed and bound. It's nice but a little creepy at times. Now I am use to it. I know it is good natured so I am always polite about it.

Yeah, it seems like the job is what you make it. You can be shake your ass, drink and get your dances a few nights per week, or be a business person about it in order to capitalize. It's cool to hear the ethic behind it, because whenever I go to the clubs, you can always tell which girls are killing time and bringing in money as it comes, and which ones are about their business.

As far as affection, that's hilarious and I can see how it can be uneasy. I'm married, so I go to strip clubs for the fun and of course, to see women that look good naked. I can imagine that dudes who may not have women in their lives, or who may be a little socially awkward would OD once a woman is naked and in their lap, lmao. Do you roll with it most of the time or ease their hands away?

:russ: @ the worshipping. I can't front, there's something alluring about drinks flowing, music and a naked woman dancing, but you gotta be able to turn it off. Women are more free with their emotions, so dudes expressing "love" like that can come off creepy, because it seems like that masculine aggression is still in the backdrop. Making a belt or writing a book of poetry is a bold ass statement.

This is all intriguing though :ohhh:

A lot you can do working in a lucrative cash business.

Marco Zen

Black Privilege
Sep 7, 2013
The Other A
:stopitslime: Really

Showin off your mfin p*ssy an titties to a bunch of drunk ass wolves , with the sole purpose of turning them on SEXUALLY and you gon sit there yappin this "innocent performance" shyt...


You can't control their thoughts??? The whole point of stripping is to provide us the fantasy of fukkING YOU...lol who you tryin to fool, me or yourself

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
:stopitslime: Really

Showin off your mfin p*ssy an titties to a bunch of drunk ass wolves , with the sole purpose of turning them on SEXUALLY and you gon sit there yappin this "innocent performance" shyt...


You can't control their thoughts??? The whole point of stripping is to provide us the fantasy of fukkING YOU...lol who you tryin to fool, me or yourself

Let me make it simpler for you. It is not wrong b/c:

1. It a performance. It is meant to entertain. It is not real. How does a performance reflect on me as a person? It's like going to a play and disliking an actor for playing a role.

2. Whether real or fictional, I have no problem with a woman expressing sexuality. If you disagree then you disagree. There is nothing to argue about.


Aug 29, 2013
I feel like @TheStripper knew from the moment she joined the site that people would A) try to figure who she is and B) call her scandalous for her job

And I feel like she has responses for it all, because that shyt must have been dealt with 1,000 times already


Marco Zen

Black Privilege
Sep 7, 2013
The Other A
Let me make it simpler for you. It is not wrong b/c:

1. It a performance. It is meant to entertain. It is not real. How does a performance reflect on me as a person? It's like going to a play and disliking an actor for playing a role.

2. Whether real or fictional, I have no problem with a woman expressing sexuality. If you disagree then you disagree. There is nothing to argue about.

Lol hos makin it clap is just "women expressing sexuality through the graceful art of an entertaining performance".......sure it is

Thank you.....you've answered my question.....you ful of shyt. Lol

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Lol hos makin it clap is just "women expressing sexuality through the graceful art of an entertaining performance".......sure it is

Thank you.....you've answered my question.....you ful of shyt. Lol

Who do you keep quoting? Not only do you seem to not be able to grasp the concept of the strip club you seem to be having a hard time with the reality of this conversaton. :heh: It's all good though. No one cares as long as that wallet is open.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
I am not sure what you are asking? But I'll give it a go.

No, I do not feel ashamed. I have said this before but I don't subscribe to sexism or sex shaming. The "shame" that is associated with stripping comes from sexism. Sexism and sex shaming basically reduce a woman's value to her sexuality ie the more sex you have or the more sexual you are the less value you have as a woman. One method to solidify this mindset is by equating a woman's body with sexuality: woman's body = sex and naked body =sexually available. Meaning that people see me naked and therefore associate me with sexual availability therefore I have less value and I should be ashamed.

However, I don't agree with sexism and sex shaming so therefore I don't consider my body a sexual object. To me sex = sex and nudity does not equal sex nor sexuality availability. So when I go to the strip club or I am preforming it is not a sexual experience for me and I don't see that person or consider myself sexually available. I just see a beautiful person who is naked being entertaining.

I however do recognize that other people do not share my same view and think that I should be ashamed. But I can't help or change what other people think. I do exploit that perception but I doesn't agree or subscribe to it.

I hope that makes sense.


Not even trying to clown either....but...women dancing naked gyrating on men in a way that mimics sex is not a sexual experience? A naked person just being entertaining? Sex shaming? Naked body performing in ways reminiscent to sex not associated with the act of sex?

At its base level, stripping falls under the umbrella of prostitution. And there is NO place under said umbrella that sex is not at the forefront of the act-whether the act is perceived or actual. As you know, a stripper provides a sexual experience for a customer. Whether the stripper enjoys that experience or shares the same appreciation for that experience as the customer is inconsequential and does nothing to take away from its sexual nature.

Hey, I'm not trying to clown because I have an issue with your choice of profession. In fact, I think its works as there is a market for it since there will always be a segment of men who will buy what strippers are selling. However, the reasoning in the above response is simply negligent at best.


™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Yeah, it seems like the job is what you make it. You can be shake your ass, drink and get your dances a few nights per week, or be a business person about it in order to capitalize. It's cool to hear the ethic behind it, because whenever I go to the clubs, you can always tell which girls are killing time and bringing in money as it comes, and which ones are about their business.

As far as affection, that's hilarious and I can see how it can be uneasy. I'm married, so I go to strip clubs for the fun and of course, to see women that look good naked. I can imagine that dudes who may not have women in their lives, or who may be a little socially awkward would OD once a woman is naked and in their lap, lmao. Do you roll with it most of the time or ease their hands away?

:russ: @ the worshipping. I can't front, there's something alluring about drinks flowing, music and a naked woman dancing, but you gotta be able to turn it off. Women are more free with their emotions, so dudes expressing "love" like that can come off creepy, because it seems like that masculine aggression is still in the backdrop. Making a belt or writing a book of poetry is a bold ass statement.

This is all intriguing though :ohhh:

A lot you can do working in a lucrative cash business.

If someone rubs my leg or arm I don't really care but a lot of people like to do this very light pinching and that shyt irritates me to no end. I don't like back rubs b/c most people have no idea what they are doing. As long as it's gentle and respectful I don't mind. But if its something I don't like I will tell them to stop and they comply and appologize. Most guys are respectful.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013

Not even trying to clown either....but...women dancing naked gyrating on men in a way that mimics sex is not a sexual experience? A naked person just being entertaining? Sex shaming? Naked body performing in ways reminiscent to sex not associated with the act of sex?

At its base level, stripping falls under the umbrella of prostitution. And there is NO place under said umbrella that sex is not at the forefront of the act-whether the act is perceived or actual. As you know, a stripper provides a sexual experience for a customer. Whether the stripper enjoys that experience or shares the same appreciation for that experience as the customer is inconsequential and does nothing to take away from its sexual nature.

Hey, I'm not trying to clown because I have an issue with your choice of profession. In fact, I think its works as there is a market for it since there will always be a segment of men who will buy what strippers are selling. However, the reasoning in the above response is simply negligent at best.


What you are not understanding is that I am talking about my perspective. I already stated that people will judge me regardless of how I feel. I am talking from MY perspective. He asked me was I ashamed and I told him I have nothing to be ashamed about b/c 1. I don't think being preceived a sexual is shameful and 2. it's just a job and not real TO ME. People will think whatever they want. Some men fall in love in the strip club too does that mean we are having a loving experience? No. That is his perception. People make the club a lot of things. That doesn't mean it's the true nature of the experience.

Three different people can see the same girl in the strip club. One is disgusted, one is aroused and one laughs. Which one is right? None. They are all having a completely different experience. None of which that girl can control. None of which are HER reality and none of which she should feel bad about.
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dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
@TheStripper are you willing to at least say which club you used to work at? the one you said was a popular black club.

actually, dont wanna know the name. just wanna hear an insider's description of it. used to fukk with a chick that worked at Fuego, her stories kept me entertained :manny:

also, have you worked in MD and DC? or just one? honestly from your description - "family owned, only one in the area", i'm pretty sure i know which one it is, but i wont blow up your spot on here.


Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH
Do your thing girl :salute: I respect the game on both sides.

I know a few strippers, dated a few also. Dating a young dancer right now, she likes for me to come to the club to chill and get dances with her, I'm like hell nah. I do sometimes tho. . A lot of young chicks dancing in the DMV, especially at the hood spots in DC. Them girls love a dude when they know you got that broccoli. :yes: