@thestripper do you avoid working At black strip clubs?


Come Home With Me
May 2, 2012
a BRONX Slum by I-87 NORTH
None. The few girls they have caught doing hand jobs have been fired. It's a very clean club for the most part. It's a family owned club and they don't play that shyt. There are undercovers everywhere. If girls want to hoe they would be better off in another bigger club. This one is the only one in the area so the cops pay extra attention to it which makes me happy b/c it keeps it clean.

However when I worked at this popular Black club in DC a lot of the girls were turning tricks. When I first got there it wasn't like that but the money started to run dry and the quality girls started to die off and the hoes started to arrive. It's one of the reason I left. I last time I went I was just there to see a friend; dressed in t-shirt and jeans and this dude tried to follow me into the bathroom. I had been gone for a while by then but that solidified my decision. I haven't been back since.

tell us MOAR


Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
Pretty much. These fools are just repeating every stereotype they heard in order to make themselves feel better. It's completely obvious that I am smarter, wittier, more thoughtful and have a better vocabulary than them all. If anything they should be happy that someone intelligent is getting their money and using it to better her life. But they take more pride in giving (or the delusion of giving) their hard earned Foot Locker money to a chick with a 7th grade education buying Gucci. shyt it so backwards. Just goes to show you how stupid they really are.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
I would say that I ran my own buiness and that I was self empolyed.
Eh...okay. I don't know if that'll pass though. Potential employers in corporate America go through your background very meticulously nowadays. You can get away with if you become a bartender, waitress, etc., but if you're looking for a more "professional" job that requires skills and a degree, they're going to want employment verification and ask a bunch of questions about what you did in the interview.

Say you list you were self-employed, they're going to ask you specifically what were doing all those years while you were self-employed, and ask for details about your job duties and want verification.
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Come Home With Me
May 2, 2012
a BRONX Slum by I-87 NORTH
Nah there are plenty of good competitive strip clubs in the area I just don't work at them. :bryan: I work at a really small joint that is the only one in the area that it's in. It is peaceful, the girls are nice and the clientele is loyal. It's great for me. It's a club where you really have to talk to the customers and most strippers aren't that great at it so it keeps a lot of girls away. I eat in that bytch b/c no other girl looks like me, I can hold a intelligent conversation and my body looks great. You're right I am mad spoiled but I work smarter not hard.

I've worked in a popular club for a year and half the time it's not worth it between the drama, hoes and house fees.


™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Eh...okay. I don't know if that'll pass though. Potential employers in corporate America go through your background very meticulously nowadays. You can get away with if you become a bartender, waitress, etc., but if you're looking for a more "professional" job that requires skills and a degree, they're going to want employment verification and ask a bunch of questions about what you did in the interview.

Say you list you were self-employed, they're going to ask you specifically what were doing all those years while you were self-employed, and ask for details about your job duties and want verification.

Once I become an LLC all that won't be hard. I will be listed as an employee of that company with a salary. I will just say I am in sales (which is true). Everything else is easy. I can easily get references and sum up my experiences to sound more company friendly. It's not really that hard. On top of that, like I've already said, I sale retail online and other projects so...it's not like I have to completely fabricate a story. I AM self employed.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Once I become an LLC all that won't be hard. I will be listed as an employee of that company with a salary. I will just say I am in sales (which is true). Everything else is easy. I can easily get references and sum up my experiences to sound more company friendly. It's not really that hard. On top of that, like I've already said, I sale retail online and other projects so...it's not like I have to completely fabricate a story. I AM self employed.
Cool...sounds like you got things mapped out pretty well.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
:salute: The movie PLAYERS CLUB and all these rap videos got these hoes fukked up..they assume they gonna make big money when in reality its only a small plethora of dancera that are able to make a living off this...and it ain't a career ...vause nobody is breaking bread with the 35 year old scripper

i remember going to Pinups and being approached by the sexiest byatch in theiir..but she was thirsty come to find out the byatch had no vehicle ..had a roomate and sold a$$ on the side to support her son and her brazillian weave addiction


The competition in the A was so fierce...that u realize these byatches were fighting over crumbs especially. with the overhead expenses...strippers have to pay thier cut to the management in order to dance thier..

"So this byatch got SHOW DOUGH which is little to no dough
She shake a little a$$ but she still OWE DOUGH"

Good post

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
How do you balance your day job and your personal life? Are you upfront about your career and the guys you date, or do you first feel them out and then let them know?

What are the margins like in an adult entertainment club? Investment required to put one up (ballpark)?

In your view, why haven't we seen more successful adult entertainment club chains, nationwide? Is it because of different rules in different jurisdictions, which means a different business model for each club?

Do you think there is a space for a product/app/service to build customer engagement between the club/entertainer and patrons or is it just the individual dynamic between the adult entertainer and the patron that's most important?

My personal life and my job go together very well. My friends are all ultra liberal and/or are/have been dancers. Everyone who knows me knows that I dance. It's really not a big deal in my circle. The only time I ever get flake about it is on this forum. If I am just meeting someone whether I tell them usually depends on the social setting. From my experience, anyone I held off telling I never told b/c they were usually the type of person I did not want around.

I can't say anything about ownership. I would think that would depend on the state and county it's in, whether you want to serve alcohol and the specific location.

There a good number of chains out there but I would think it would be difficult b/c 1. You can't run a strip club like a normal business. I've seen a few clubs go down b/c they didn't know the dynamics of the business. 2. There are different laws for every state and often every county. Some places don't allow strip clubs at all or try to put you through hell in order to get a license. 3. In some places you have to grease some serious palms to get a club.

A lot of clubs already have apps or websites that let you know what women are in the club a particular night. Girls are also doing it independently via Twitter and Instagram. So yes I think there is a market to a certain extent as long as it doesn't turn into obligations or disrupt privacy.