
Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
Understandable but u have a fukk boi calling me a bandwagoner is a weak attempt at getting at someone. Thats like when someone calls somebody a cac on this site cuz they aint got shyt else to say :manny:
Go suck a dead man's dikk fakkit. You're dumb ass want around here last year.

Your just mad that GB is trash and overrated. When they get the beats. You won't be around


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
Go suck a dead man's dikk fakkit. You're dumb ass want around here last year.

Your just mad that GB is trash and overrated. When they get the beats. You won't be around

Yea i wasnt around here last year :mjlol:

Yea GB trash and overrated when they are 8-2 with one of the toughest schedules :mjlol:

Compare jimmy g to favre brehs :mjlol:


Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
Ain't no point arguing with nikkas who don't watch the games.

Talmbout Niners aren't winning off of Jimmy's arm, when that was literally the fukking story of the last two wins by the team. Like, it isn't an issue of needing to jump into the wayback machine of twenty fukking starts ago or something, nah, this is literally two of the last three times the team played, or even just looking at a few fukking days ago, when the Cardinals sold out on stopping the run to the point where they literally lost the game on a simple RB dump-off over the middle because they were so goddamned concerned about stacking the box the game winner went right over their collective heads.

But nah. That's definitely not a thing to praise the QB for. All 424 yards and 4 TDs. Nah. It's the defense. It's the run game. It's... whatever-the-fukk else people want to justify.

Favre was a great. But cuh made terrible fukking decisions a lot of the time, and it took having WR/TE/RB who were bought in to bail him out of some goddamned awful throws. Hold him in high regard, sure. But cuh was the type to hit on 16 because YOLO. Saying Jimmy is like Favre in that sense is actually a bad comparison for Garoppolo's sake. He makes bad throws INT-wise, but rarely have I seen a 'fukk it, let's throw into triple coverage and believe in my WR' throw. nikkas be out here hitting the nostalgia so hard their hyperbole ends up lopsided and easily lanced. Garoppolo is not Favre. But... well. 20 starts in... Favre wasn't 'Favre' either.

I'll never understand sports fans that are incapable of being objective. That isn't being a fan of a team, that's being a mouth-foaming fanatic incapable of observing reality because it upsets your instilled beliefs. It's... ravenous religious indoctrination at this point, but color-coded with a logo so people seem fine with it. You can observe flaws in your team and not be any less of a fan. But ignoring the truth of things out of obsessive simping to an organization that don't give a shyt about you is ho shyt.

Anywho: Packers game worries me less than the Baltimore game. Niners are built to deal with the Packers. Lamar is a whole different problem, and if the last 3 games have shown something, it's that the Wide-9 on top of an uneven pass rush from one side and people collapsing in on the pocket just begs a bunch of QB runs that eat up yards because people don't keep to their rushing lanes. If I'm Saleh, I'm bumping Buckner out to the DE, going some combination of Armstead-Taylor-Jones-Thomas on the interior, and leaning on interior stunts to switch up the pass-rush timing, because teams that pay attention know that Bosa is getting upfield faster than his counterpart on the other side, so you either toss over his head while he's rushing, or you roll right out toward the other side because the speed isn't there. Having Buck on the outside edge would give some height to bat down the panic throws - same thing with Armstead. Try it out this game for Rodgers' twice-a-game guaranteed rollout, and see how it goes.

GB doesn't scare me. Sorry, no. Rodgers is not a mobility threat, and the team doesn't blitz much so he's not gonna be punishing an over-pursuing defense like he has this season on weaker fronts. The only worry I have is Graham on Tartt or Greenlaw. That is the most problematic matchup, and the one that's liable to eat up a bunch of third down conversions. That being said, still doubt ol' Ginger Jimmy breaks the game like people swore he should for his size. Even then... I'm less concerned about GB and more concerned about how the injury report looks coming out of GB. Oh, and if refs decide they want to give Aaron the Tom-Treatment about getting hit a half-second after getting the ball out. That could be problematic.


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
Ain't no point arguing with nikkas who don't watch the games.

Talmbout Niners aren't winning off of Jimmy's arm, when that was literally the fukking story of the last two wins by the team. Like, it isn't an issue of needing to jump into the wayback machine of twenty fukking starts ago or something, nah, this is literally two of the last three times the team played, or even just looking at a few fukking days ago, when the Cardinals sold out on stopping the run to the point where they literally lost the game on a simple RB dump-off over the middle because they were so goddamned concerned about stacking the box the game winner went right over their collective heads.

But nah. That's definitely not a thing to praise the QB for. All 424 yards and 4 TDs. Nah. It's the defense. It's the run game. It's... whatever-the-fukk else people want to justify.

Favre was a great. But cuh made terrible fukking decisions a lot of the time, and it took having WR/TE/RB who were bought in to bail him out of some goddamned awful throws. Hold him in high regard, sure. But cuh was the type to hit on 16 because YOLO. Saying Jimmy is like Favre in that sense is actually a bad comparison for Garoppolo's sake. He makes bad throws INT-wise, but rarely have I seen a 'fukk it, let's throw into triple coverage and believe in my WR' throw. nikkas be out here hitting the nostalgia so hard their hyperbole ends up lopsided and easily lanced. Garoppolo is not Favre. But... well. 20 starts in... Favre wasn't 'Favre' either.

I'll never understand sports fans that are incapable of being objective. That isn't being a fan of a team, that's being a mouth-foaming fanatic incapable of observing reality because it upsets your instilled beliefs. It's... ravenous religious indoctrination at this point, but color-coded with a logo so people seem fine with it. You can observe flaws in your team and not be any less of a fan. But ignoring the truth of things out of obsessive simping to an organization that don't give a shyt about you is ho shyt.

Anywho: Packers game worries me less than the Baltimore game. Niners are built to deal with the Packers. Lamar is a whole different problem, and if the last 3 games have shown something, it's that the Wide-9 on top of an uneven pass rush from one side and people collapsing in on the pocket just begs a bunch of QB runs that eat up yards because people don't keep to their rushing lanes. If I'm Saleh, I'm bumping Buckner out to the DE, going some combination of Armstead-Taylor-Jones-Thomas on the interior, and leaning on interior stunts to switch up the pass-rush timing, because teams that pay attention know that Bosa is getting upfield faster than his counterpart on the other side, so you either toss over his head while he's rushing, or you roll right out toward the other side because the speed isn't there. Having Buck on the outside edge would give some height to bat down the panic throws - same thing with Armstead. Try it out this game for Rodgers' twice-a-game guaranteed rollout, and see how it goes.

GB doesn't scare me. Sorry, no. Rodgers is not a mobility threat, and the team doesn't blitz much so he's not gonna be punishing an over-pursuing defense like he has this season on weaker fronts. The only worry I have is Graham on Tartt or Greenlaw. That is the most problematic matchup, and the one that's liable to eat up a bunch of third down conversions. That being said, still doubt ol' Ginger Jimmy breaks the game like people swore he should for his size. Even then... I'm less concerned about GB and more concerned about how the injury report looks coming out of GB. Oh, and if refs decide they want to give Aaron the Tom-Treatment about getting hit a half-second after getting the ball out. That could be problematic.


Niners match up well? Did u see how seattle was a one man wrecking crew up front vs that oline? Ever heard of zadarius smith and preston smith? Jimmy we be uncomfortable all night.

Weak lines we faced? U mean the bears, panthers, vikings, denver and cowboys? :mjlol:

How u gonna talk about weak anything we faced when your whole schedule is weak as fukk :dead:

Not worried about Rodgers? :mjlol: ok

Edit: oh shyt this idiot said WRs were brought in to bail favre horrible throws out :dead:

Im done


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
You'd think we have Alex Smith or even CJ Beathard starting the way these fools see Jimmy:gucci:
18 tds to 10 ints isnt anything to write home about. Its actually trash by todays standards. Dude is averaging one INT a game :francis:


Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
Well this is awkward.

Brett Favre's career stats: 302 games. 508 TD: 336 INT. Only QB to ever throw more than 280.

Stats are a funny thing, ain't they?

Meanwhile, people out here judging a man on 20 starts like Favre's first 17 starts weren't 18 TD to 15 INT. But hey, go off.
Last edited:


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
18 tds to 10 ints isnt anything to write home about. Its actually trash by todays standards. Dude is averaging one INT a game :francis:

I aint even gonna mention his yards and qb rating :francis:

Stastically he's about 13th in the NFL if you consider everything, far from trash. No one on this board is calling him elite. You're making a narrative that doesn't exist. You're also acting like we don't have moderate to severe injuries on the offensive side of the ball not like one or 2 but 5 or 6 starters/contributors. Even the biggest Jimmy fans on this board have been pretty consistent about his flaws, all we're saying is be objective and let's not act like shyttier QBs haven't win Super Bowls (obviously other factors at play). Brett Farve has the most INTs of any QB in NFL history and he's regarded as GOAT.


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
nikkas really in here comparing favre and jimmy :dead:

bu bu but favre started off like this so jimmy is in a better pace :damn:

i cant. im just gonna laugh my way outta here and let yall cook. see u in 4 days :mjgrin: