These Color Struck Dominicans Are An Embarrassment


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

We all know family members who have been guilty of the nonsense too.

Ignorant mothers telling children things like not to stay in the sun too long or you will get "too dark".

Or coming back from a vacation in some tropical climate and being told that you have become "too dark"

I think what a lot people are not understanding is that MOST and Ill put the # at 80% of Dominicans do not deny there AFRICAN roots , most people don't understand the historical and political complexity involved in the Dominican/Haitian relationship. Its much more than just skin color. Are there ignorant Dominicans YES no denying that, but as i said before there is a equal # of ignorant African Americans IF we want to go there.

You can say the same thing about Brazilians , Brazil has the largest Afro descendants population outside of Africa, so yes that means there are more "black" people in Brazil than in america , now i dare you to ask a Brazilian if he is "black" he will say NO but ask him if there is any AFRICAN blood in him he will say yes. Why is that? Because the term BLACK is something that was created here in america (we can argue the why's ) but lets just say it was for all intents and purposes to negatively categorize African Americans and create the racist institutions which we have in place today, they have worked so well in fact that most non-american Africans want nothing to do with being associated as "black" try telling a Jamaican he black or even a Haitian he black, they will say NO they are Jamaican and Haitian, why do you think that is? shyt i have even know African, Ghanaians and Nigerians who will say with a quickness they are not BLACK they are Africans.


May 20, 2012
I don't like self haters. You don't have to deny anything, but to say you're "biracial" or "also a white girl" is just insulting and crazy.

I used to think that way, until I sat back, watched, and thought about it. Some people really grew up experiencing both sides, so why shouldn't call themselves biracial?. Only a few people know that experience, so who are we to tell them to pick a side, when they know BOTH sided. If anything we can learn from them because they can tell us how the other side really thinks.

Now the ones who are trying to prove they are half white, are who I have a problem with because they don't want to deal with their other side, but that is their problem not mine. You can't let people issues make you mad because you will be a sad person because most people have a lot of issues. I'm done with that shyt, it's hard enough dealing with my own.
May 30, 2012
I used to think that way, until I sat back, watched, and thought about it. Some people really grew up experiencing both sides, so why shouldn't call themselves biracial?. Only a few people know that experience, so who are we to tell them to pick a side, when they know BOTH sided. If anything we can learn from them because they can tell us how the other side really thinks.

Now the ones who are trying to prove they are half white, are who I have a problem with because they don't want to deal with their other side, but that is their problem not mine. You can't let people issues make you mad because you will be a sad person because most people have a lot of issues. I'm done with that shyt, it's hard enough dealing with my own.

Sure, experiencing both sides is cool I guess.

I'm like...

When the shyt hit's the fan, who are you then? When race lines are drawn, and they are drawn often, are you biracial then?


May 3, 2012
Run Thru U Like Skattebo
one drop rule in america causes more black people to identify as black

mulatto rule in latin countries causes more people to try to get a little white privilege.

this phenomenon is occurring everywhere, but the unique intricacies of white supremacy in different countries has incentivized different behaviors to different degrees. people with noticable african ancestry in the USA are rewarded much less for any perceived whiteness than those in other countreis. white americans will never accept them as family, but may promote them in small ways, so as a consolation prize, there are a few benefits to being light skinned, straight haired, etc. just not enough to fragment ethnic groups with significant african acestry.

there is a small american exception, louisiana used to operate in this mulatto/quadroon type of stuff until the dominant one drop rule took over down there too.

as frustrating as this type of behavior is, i always try to remind myself, these people are victims. they didnt ask to be born into white supremacist societies. not everybody is internally strong or around a strong community, so some people are going to be fukked in the head. try to help them or steer clear of them.

Nefflum nigga

Bred from insolence
Jun 17, 2012
According to this idiot its self hate to acknowledge your non-black ancestry. :bryan:

Alright breh.

Only your black side matters, fukk your other heritage. :rudy:

HOW IS THAT NOT SELF HATE? You're denying part of YOU.

If a mixed person only acknowledges their white side and denied their black side. That shouldn't be self hate either then going by your logic. Since only one side of your heritage matters.

In the words of Malcolm you are black first everything else second.

I respect mixed nikkaz that identify as black first, it lets me know they see thru the bullshyt.

To be called mixed and biracial isnt specific enough to define your existence an therefore to me it sounds disrespectful..

But ima a full blown nikka so I don't know.

the resident mixed nikkaz of the coli should explain how they deal with this shyt


May 2, 2012
I think what a lot people are not understanding is that MOST and Ill put the # at 80% of Dominicans do not deny there AFRICAN roots , most people don't understand the historical and political complexity involved in the Dominican/Haitian relationship. Its much more than just skin color. Are there ignorant Dominicans YES no denying that, but as i said before there is a equal # of ignorant African Americans IF we want to go there.

You can say the same thing about Brazilians , Brazil has the largest Afro descendants population outside of Africa, so yes that means there are more "black" people in Brazil than in america , now i dare you to ask a Brazilian if he is "black" he will say NO but ask him if there is any AFRICAN blood in him he will say yes. Why is that? Because the term BLACK is something that was created here in america (we can argue the why's ) but lets just say it was for all intents and purposes to negatively categorize African Americans and create the racist institutions which we have in place today, they have worked so well in fact that most non-american Africans want nothing to do with being associated as "black" try telling a Jamaican he black or even a Haitian he black, they will say NO they are Jamaican and Haitian, why do you think that is? shyt i have even know African, Ghanaians and Nigerians who will say with a quickness they are not BLACK they are Africans.
Let's ask the Afro Brazilians, Jamaicans and Haitians on this forum if they are black. Lets see what they say? :morgan:

I've never met an Afro-Brazilian, Jamaican or Haitian in my life that said they weren't black or part black. I can find several Dominicans that said they weren't though.


May 20, 2012
I think what a lot people are not understanding is that MOST and Ill put the # at 80% of Dominicans do not deny there AFRICAN roots , most people don't understand the historical and political complexity involved in the Dominican/Haitian relationship. Its much more than just skin color. Are there ignorant Dominicans YES no denying that, but as i said before there is a equal # of ignorant African Americans IF we want to go there.

You can say the same thing about Brazilians , Brazil has the largest Afro descendants population outside of Africa, so yes that means there are more "black" people in Brazil than in america , now i dare you to ask a Brazilian if he is "black" he will say NO but ask him if there is any AFRICAN blood in him he will say yes. Why is that? Because the term BLACK is something that was created here in america (we can argue the why's ) but lets just say it was for all intents and purposes to negatively categorize African Americans and create the racist institutions which we have in place today, they have worked so well in fact that most non-american Africans want nothing to do with being associated as "black" try telling a Jamaican he black or even a Haitian he black, they will say NO they are Jamaican and Haitian, why do you think that is? shyt i have even know African, Ghanaians and Nigerians who will say with a quickness they are not BLACK they are Africans.

This is true, but what I don't understand, is why deny being black when the reason why you are here and enjoying America is because of blacks?. I was watching a video where the Mexicans didn't know what to call themselves, but they knew they weren't black, some said brown, but some said white. How can you even consider white when they fukked you, and your ancestors up. You should know that category isn't even for you to consider an option?.

I grew up with people mostly from the islands, and I could never understand, why they felt they had better values then black Americans, when their countries were messed up, and the blacks made life here better for them to set up shop. I still have love for them because we knew the truth, but it's like they still kept this lie up, regardless of the truth. I just say to myself the truth hurts so much that they create a grandiose world in their head, and behave like narcissist. Most of the stuff they were taught by the people in their family, and old country wasn't true, but instead of admitting this, they believe the lies. I think it's bad because when you don't deal with the truth, you can't grow, because you would never see your faults, and fix them.


All Star
Oct 6, 2012
Let's ask the Afro Brazilians, Jamaicans and Haitians on this forum if they are black. Lets see what they say? :morgan:

I've never met an Afro-Haitian, Jamaican or Haitian in my life that said they weren't black or part black. I can find several Dominicans that said they weren't though.

basically dude is saying that they identify w/ africa , above all. not the american designation of being "black"

which, black in itself should mean african, or of africa..but american blacks generally pull some "im black, not african" shyt....or willll even say "ur jamaican, not black"...

theres all kinds of wavy lines and distinctions on the diasporas idenities...this shyt isnt as linear as folks are trying to paint it.this shyt is complex & goes in many directions

..and its a common and shared problem, not a domincan/latino one
May 30, 2012
In the words of Malcolm you are black first everything else second.

I respect mixed nikkaz that identify as black first, it lets me know they see thru the bullshyt.

To be called mixed and biracial isnt specific enough to define your existence an therefore to me it sounds disrespectful..

But ima a full blown nikka so I don't know.

the resident mixed nikkaz of the coli should explain how they deal with this shyt

I knew a girl in high school that was Somaon and black, but her dad was Jamaican. She went on and on about how she wasn't "black" she was Jamaican. I actually started arguing with her about that. We ironically became friends after we argued.

Now she is married to a white guy and has kids that look like Slug and Rashida jones. Self-hate is a bytch.


May 20, 2012
Sure, experiencing both sides is cool I guess.

I'm like...

When the shyt hit's the fan, who are you then? When race lines are drawn, and they are drawn often, are you biracial then?

That's why you get some courage, stand your ground, and get people who think like you. I'm not mixed, but if someone who had my ideals needed me to fight with them, I'm there. People forget it's not about "race", but your way of thinking that unites people. The reason why knowing your background is important is because we are in a society where too many people conform to the beliefs of white supremacy, and this belief fights anything black, so you need the truth to combat that, and the only people who are going to tell the truth about black history, for the most part, are going to be black people. Other races don't really have this issue, because for some reason this is really a fight between blacks, and whites, everyone else is just on the sidelines picking sides. Some say this fight is from biblical days, and we are really family who are fighting each other. I don't know, but it does seem like this racist shyt is our war. Everyone else is picking up the slack.


May 1, 2012

How are they denying who they are by saying they are mixed?

By saying they are mixed they are acknowledging all parts of their heritage.

There is a difference between saying I'm mixed and saying I have no African ancestry.

One is saying yes, I'm black and other things, the other is denying their black ancestry.

Shut the fukk up.
One day when your brain has fully developed, you will understand that the term "black" has never been defined as a person of 100% African descent. A biracial person is not denying any of their non-African heritage by refering to themselves as black. Most black people outside of Africa are mixed to one extent or another. Like the other poster said(I've also said this to you before), people like you only make it a point to claim "mixed" instead of black in order to distance yourselves from black people. You're just perpetuating white supremacy, trying to cash in on whatever white-privilege you can get.