These Color Struck Dominicans Are An Embarrassment


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Let's ask the Afro Brazilians, Jamaicans and Haitians on this forum if they are black. Lets see what they say? :morgan:

I've never met an Afro-Brazilian, Jamaican or Haitian in my life that said they weren't black or part black. I can find several Dominicans that said they weren't though.

I remember there was thread here about Haitians and someone here shared a story that growing up there parents always reminded them that there were different they were Haitian , not "black" like them "pants sagging" Americans,hopefully someone can share if they have stories like this, not the first time i have heard that , have heard it more from Africans more than carribbean folks though


Jun 4, 2012
WE are all black... (if you are black). It would be ok, if they identified with Africa, then their nation, then black... IF that's what it was all about-

But to keep it reality - These people in Brazil or Cuba or Dominican Republic, ETC are trying to avoid their blackness sometimes and filter with an identity in other cultures and races - because they feel (have have been washed to believe that) those identifications are better.

Spain is the motherland .... :what:


Aug 12, 2012
Let's ask the Afro Brazilians, Jamaicans and Haitians on this forum if they are black. Lets see what they say? :morgan:

I've never met an Afro-Brazilian, Jamaican or Haitian in my life that said they weren't black or part black. I can find several Dominicans that said they weren't though.

@newarkhiphop Rarely do people Jamaicans, Haitians,etc deny they are black. It is the perfect norm for people to say their nationality when someone asks what they are(Jamaican, Trini, Puerto Rican,etc).

I would say I am Jamaican on my mothers side and Trini on my fathers side to a question about my nationality but let it be known that my race is black and I consider myself that.

The PROBLEM with alot of Dominicans are........

Is the fact that along with saying they are Dominican they will then deny their blackness in the same sentence
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custom user title
May 9, 2012
Dominicans are not all the same, and they are not all Black.

Some Dominicans are actually white

Some of yall are the same in denying your African Ancestry.


Jun 4, 2012

The PROBLEM with alot of Dominicans are........

Is the fact that along with saying they are Dominican they will then deny their blackness in the same sentence

Basically I used to hang with nothing but Dominicans (in one of my circles)... to the point that, based on the way I look, and me speaking Spanish.. they assumed I was Domincan (I'm not). Anyway... the phrase I'm Dominican, not black was told to soooo many 'other' n1ggas that was trying to get at the chicks. It's ridiculous. I rolled with the punches cuz I was young, and because the DR chicks are bad... and most hood ignorant black chicks wanna smash something different that's not too dark - Some of them are ignorant as hell too. smh.


May 14, 2012


May 20, 2012
I remember there was thread here about Haitians and someone here shared a story that growing up there parents always reminded them that there were different they were Haitian , not "black" like them "pants sagging" Americans,hopefully someone can share if they have stories like this, not the first time i have heard that , have heard it more from Africans more than carribbean folks though

I'm not west indian, but I grew up with all of them, and this is true what you stated, but again, I never understood it, because they were all wilding. Jamaicans were definitely known for the wild shyt. So how can you look down on me when you are the ones shooting up shyt, just like the American brooklynites. Remember the "Shower Posse". Like I stated the kids new the truth, but for whatever reason, they kept up the bullshyt when they would get mad, or to prove how being west indian is the cause of them doing good in life. I seen it time & time again. Americans did it too so they were just as foul. The only thing that would trip me out is that the west indians, and also latins or Africans, would make it seem like their countries were so vibrant, and the best thing moving, but when I would learn about the place, it was far from it. At least blacks in America, are a minority, and we have a big fight that we acknowledge, but how can your country be mostly black or most of the people look like you(Italians, asians, eastern europeans), yet you had to leave to do better. Why didn't the people stay there to make it better if it was so great in values?. This is not an attack, it's just something I've always wondered.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
This is true, but what I don't understand, is why deny being black when the reason why you are here and enjoying America is because of blacks?. I was watching a video where the Mexicans didn't know what to call themselves, but they knew they weren't black, some said brown, but some said white. How can you even consider white when they fukked you, and your ancestors up. You should know that category isn't even for you to consider an option?.

I grew up with people mostly from the islands, and I could never understand, why they felt they had better values then black Americans, when their countries were messed up, and the blacks made life here better for them to set up shop. I still have love for them because we knew the truth, but it's like they still kept this lie up, regardless of the truth. I just say to myself the truth hurts so much that they create a grandiose world in their head, and behave like narcissist. Most of the stuff they were taught by the people in their family, and old country wasn't true, but instead of admitting this, they believe the lies. I think it's bad because when you don't deal with the truth, you can't grow, because you would never see your faults, and fix them.

I can easily answer that , it comes from what i said before , the racist propaganda institution that exist here in america who sole job is to portray African Americans as lazy, baby making, drug dealing, government money taking thugs and hoes to the outside world. That is why these other African peoples in messed up countries try to distance themselves from blacks in america. America in many places is still seen as the land of opportunity where anyone with HARD WORK ETHIC can make it (which is some blacks here are portrayed not to have) and also something that is realllllllly forgotten and never spoken about is that when Haitians, Jamaicans, Dominicans etc come to this country and go into these urban areas ( for the most part) they are not exactly welcomed with open arms by African Americans. I went to a rough high school, probably one of the worst in the state if not the country and i could easily remember Haitian and Dominican kids getting picked on by black kids ( who were the majority in the school) add that to fact that there whole lives growing up back home tv and news reports tells them AA ppl aint shyt, they parents tells them AA aint shyt, they get come to this country and white people "treat" them as if they were AA and you can see were they resentment comes from


May 20, 2012
I can easily answer that , it comes from what i said before , the racist propaganda institution that exist here in america who sole job is to portray African Americans as lazy, baby making, drug dealing, government money taking thugs and hoes to the outside world. That is why these other African peoples in messed up countries try to distance themselves from blacks in america. America in many places is still seen as the land of opportunity where anyone with HARD WORK ETHIC can make it (which is some blacks here are portrayed not to have) and also something that is realllllllly forgotten and never spoken about is that when Haitians, Jamaicans, Dominicans etc come to this country and go into these urban areas ( for the most part) they are not exactly welcomed with open arms by African Americans. I went to a rough high school, probably one of the worst in the state if not the country and i could easily remember Haitian and Dominican kids getting picked on by black kids ( who were the majority in the school) add that to fact that there whole lives growing up back home tv and news reports tells them AA ppl aint shyt, they parents tells them AA aint shyt, they get come to this country and white people "treat" them as if they were AA and you can see were they resentment comes from

No doubt. I seen all of this, but again why keep up this lie when you get to be 16 years old, and up. As a kid I understand having resentment, but if you been in this country for years, and experienced a lot of it, why still think like the people who are in the old country or your parents who most likely just stay to their own kind?

This thinking isn't new. Southern folks think a certain way about city people, but they change when they live in the city, and see how it really is. Why don't a lot of foreigners change?. It's like they only see the negative, and acknowledge it, but don't really see the positives. I hate to say it, but sometime I feel more comfortable around white americans then some foreigners who I grew up with.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I'm not west indian, but I grew up with all of them, and this is true what you stated, but again, I never understood it, because they were all wilding. Jamaicans were definitely known for the wild shyt. So how can you look down on me when you are the ones shooting up shyt, just like the American brooklynites. Remember the "Shower Posse". Like I stated the kids new the truth, but for whatever reason, they kept up the bullshyt when they would get mad, or to prove how being west indian is the cause of them doing good in life. I seen it time & time again. Americans did it too so they were just as foul. The only thing that would trip me out is that the west indians, and also latins or Africans, would make it seem like their countries were so vibrant, and the best thing moving, but when I would learn about the place, it was far from it. At least blacks in America, are a minority, and we have a big fight that we acknowledge, but how can your country be mostly black or most of the people look like you(Italians, asians, eastern europeans), yet you had to leave to do better. Why didn't the people stay there to make it better if it was so great in values?. This is not an attack, it's just something I've always wondered.

There mind frame is this :

" How come African Americans have been here in america ,one of the most prosperous places on earth, for over a hundred years and still don't have there shyt together "

"How come African Americans destroy themselves by selling drugs and joining gangs to kill one another"

As far as the wilding out part , that type of culture and behavior is really not glorified in those countries as it is here. Yes gang and drug culture does happen in those places but you are pretty much considered a outcast by your family and society once you join that type of life, not like here were you will be given a record deal and a 30 min special on cable tv.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
No doubt. I seen all of this, but again why keep up this lie when you get to be 16 years old, and up. As a kid I understand having resentment, but if you been in this country for years, and experienced a lot of it, why still think like the people who are in the old country or your parents who most likely just stay to their own kind?

This thinking isn't new. Southern folks think a certain way about city people, but they change when they live in the city, and see how it really is. Why don't a lot of foreigners change?. It's like they only see the negative, and acknowledge it, but don't really see the positives. I hate to say it, but sometime I feel more comfortable around white americans then some foreigners who I grew up with.

Its all about family and pride unfortunately breh , do you associates yourself with the cultures and norms you were raised with or do you associate yourselves with a the cultures and norms of people who are seen as second class citizens in this country? 9 out of 10 times people will go with what they know, not with that is right.


custom user title
May 9, 2012
Why do Blacks from other parts of the world feel a need to tell Dominicans how to identify?

Dominicans are a mixed race group of people and that is why their answers to what they are vary.

A lot of yall just sound disappointed that they don't want to identify WITH YOU.


custom user title
May 9, 2012
btw, Dominicans and Haitians ARE NOT THE SAME.

Haitians are predominantly of Black-African descent.

Dominicans have Indigenous American and White-European genetics.


May 20, 2012
There mind frame is this :

" How come African Americans have been here in america ,one of the most prosperous places on earth, for over a hundred years and still don't have there shyt together "

"How come African Americans destroy themselves by selling drugs and joining gangs to kill one another"

As far as the wilding out part , that type of culture and behavior is really not glorified in those countries as it is here. Yes gang and drug culture does happen in those places but you are pretty much considered a outcast by your family and society once you join that type of life, not like here were you will be given a record deal and a 30 min special on cable tv.

1-Again, why do they only see the negative, and ignore the positives. Blacks have been under OPPRESSION FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS, and STILL came up. There were towns of black living good WHILE under oppression. shyt, we are in BLACK HISTORY MONTH. We have BLACK people on tv whereas in latin America that is HARD to find. WE had people ALL OVER THE WORLD wearing Afros, in the 1970's, and that is exclusively a black hairstyle. We had other culture start to have pride in themselves just form watching the black power movement in the 1960's, and 1970's.The fact that you are here is because of blacks fighting for your civil rights. I could go on, and on, so why do they think we have been here living in peace, and never gained anything. It was a fight the whole time, and we are in the minority. If anything that should make you want to be apart of that team because being that you are a foreigner, you a part of the opposition.

2-Latin countries are KNOWN for violence, and when they come here they bring violence. The same for west indians, mainly hatians, and Jamaicans so how can they think it is only a Black American thing. Like I stated I grew up with Immigrants so I know for a fact this isn't true.

Wilding out is glorified in foreign countries in the west. Mexico glorifies the use of cocaine, drug wars in their songs. In south america they do the same. In Jamaica the rude Boy is glorified since the old days. Look at Vybez Kartel, and Movado. They are not Bob Marley.:violent: