when its all said & done- alot of Black folks gonna get on code when its time to vote for Harris..She is going to get the larger share of the Black middle and professional class vote.
Howard University is going to put weight behind her so they can make the claim that they can count an alumna as President. And I’m sure other HBCUs will as well from the angle that an HBCU graduate made it to the Office of the Presidency.
The AKAs and the rest of the BGLOs are going to put weight behind her so they can claim a President among their ranks.
And the Links, and by default, the Boule, are going to put weight behind her so they can make similar claims.
Obama didn’t come from their ranks. Harris, at least on paper, does. So she is going to get a lot of support from the HBCU/BGLO crowd.
NYT just came out with how Kamala’s “secret weapon” are the AKAs that she got rallying behind her.
Kamala Harris’s Secret Weapon: The Sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Lots of black professional clicques got stakes in her presidency, something that Obama didn’t have.
we saw it happen with Obama.. and, for whatever reasons it may be- alot of folks aint trying to see that happen again..