getting blitzed.
Hear you go with the games and disingenuous behaviors. Y’all really want people to say they support Trump, huh? I’d be willing to bet, no matter what is said on here, over 90% of the people on this board didn’t vote Trump and won’t vote for him.just to be clear on what im reading: so, because someone mentioned something about reparations.. and, clearly has no chance of going very far- if were being realistic.. their getting your vote..
in other words.. if Trump supports reparations(which, he possibly could.. seeing thats all it takes.. and, he doesnt have to deliver, ie: the wall... just some simple lip-service)- he can have your vote, too..
I know Trump would never support reparations, so I don’t even need to entertain or answer this. As for the rest of your question, I’ve already made my stance clear: if a candidate doesn’t have specific black policy and/or have plans to at least advance the reparations conversation, then they won’t get my vote. It’s that simple.