There's A Problem With 'Monster Hunter: World' Review Scores, But Fixing It Is Tough


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Specify the bad game design breh.
People keep saying it gets good after you play ~10 hours. That's not a good thing regardless of the game. If you gotta slog through boring hours to get to the good stuff that sucks

eh I wouldn't necessarily say that's true. some games, especially story driven ones are slower burns.
This isn't story based and I could understand if it was just an hour or so of heavy story/training/explanation.

This game doesn't even have that. Just boring mindless hunts for hours on end.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
This slippery slope presents another issue: what's "wrong" with a game cannot be an objectionable fact except for discussing things that don't work as intended e.g. something not triggering when X is done.
If a person presents a flaw that bothers him, that flaw doesn't mean it's "wrong". You know this. If this topic was about your favorite game and someone said this thing that to you is the best shyt ever, is boring to them you'd say it's mostly something that doesn't appeal to them. For example, the exploration in Zelda may be boring to me while it's magical to lots of other people. That isn't an objective truth.

You're taking offense to something so simple. in my head, this is crystal clear. If I don't like the taste of olives in a rice and beans dish, that doesn't mean the dish is bad does it? There's nothing "wrong" with you, you just don't like it. You guys seem to take on this "what's wrong with me!?" attitude when you don't like what others do. You don't like it?? Tough luck that's life. that's not saying there's no compelling argument to be made in regards to a specific thing about the game.

There is no mind to be made up. I've made it crystal clear thousands of times that there's no such thing as an "overrated' game because the person who says that, says that out of arrogance. As if to say everyone who did enjoy said title was out of their mind and not in the right state and ONLY the detractors are right. Every highly rated game always had a vocal minority that insisted that the game is a steaming pile of trash or that it's simply not great and should be taken down a peg. "The reviewers were paid!", "They only played 4 hours!", "Fanboy reviewers" and other juvenile conjecture that doesn't really have any leg to stand on. You'll agree that Zelda is "overrated" but that MGSV is a work of art and you'll try to excuse that bias by slightly agreeing with the "Oh yeah I agree there's some issues BUT" line. I see you :ufdup:

I bring up reviews that's high because it's simple: High review scores are mainly brought up in fanboy wars discussions. "Xbox has no good games" or "PS4 only has 2 good games" and boom next thing you know there's a barrage of Metacritic links being posted. It's to highlight that among users and reviewers, the common thought was that ___ is a very good game, excellent if you may. Calling a game with a 90+ trash is just a fart in the wind when there's hundreds/thousands of user reviews that says otherwise but that is quickly defended with the usual "Oh they're just trolls" argument.

TL:DR Nobody wants to come to common ground on the uses of MC. it means different things to everyone. Numbers means different things. I think Puerto Rican Lasagna is a 10/10 to me. Italian Lasagna is a 10/10. Ugh, what doesn this mean? I know people who LOVE Lasagna. I know people who LOVE Plantain. I know people who don't like those two together.

"I don't like Piñón.

"I guess you don't like it, it's a pretty good dish."

"what's wrong with me? :dahell: You're saying nothing is wrong with this dish? It's too sweet. Why is there raisins in this? !"

This is your logic.

You didn't type anything I disagree with. Maybe I didn't make my point clear. Maybe you misunderstood me.
I understand how opinions work, and how value depends on the individual.
What I'm commenting on is the fact that every time someone has a conflicting opinion they are immediately discredited.
That's all.


All Star
Jan 8, 2015
It's just boring. Get better gear, fight sponges, get better gear, fight more sponges. It plays like a MMO

Some people like that pointless gameplay and others dont. Nothing will "click" if you keep playing :yeshrug:

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
It's just boring. Get better gear, fight sponges, get better gear, fight more sponges. It plays like a MMO

Some people like that pointless gameplay and others dont. Nothing will "click" if you keep playing :yeshrug:
I'm fine with that type of game if it has an interesting story wrapped around it.
The gameplay has to have a certain pacing for me as well.
Your post reminded me of how repetitive Destiny 2 is, but how I still enjoyed it very much.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I disagree, It just means you weren't willing to play for 10H because it didn't interest you to. Nothing about quality of the design of the game, It was simply not for you.
With all due respect. You are fukking wrong. I shouldn't have to invest dozens of hours into anything before it gets good. Books, TV shows, movies, games should be compelling from the jump. Only super fans of said product would be ok with that.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Dont read reviews. Dont live and die by them, this forum is REALLY bad for that. IF the "metrics" aren't high then something is wrong with you for playing and enjoying a game.

Again don't read and watch reviews, one or two is cool.... but even then you can't really put much stock into them.

It gives you false exceptions. You should be able to look at a trailer and know if its "your type of game"

Playing games are just like watching movies, you're not going to like every movie just because its good or even amazing. Some genre's just aren't for every person. And while I might love a marvel movie the next person might think its trash and mind numbing.

People have been letting companies and media dictate what's good and what's not for years now. Games use to organically grow slowly with time, now they are hyped up.

Console wars are the same way, and not to hate on sony out the blue but a lot of people play and buy playstation because of the hype of having a playstation. Its just the thing now, whatever is the biggest hyped gaming thing is what people feel like they have to give a try, play or buy because "everyone is doing it"

Once gaming became a huge past time and somewhat of an accepted and popular thing to do everything kind of went down hill.
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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I'm fine with that type of game if it has an interesting story wrapped around it.
The gameplay has to have a certain pacing for me as well.
Your post reminded me of how repetitive Destiny 2 is, but how I still enjoyed it very much.
This is my biggest thing. I have no problem with the general gameplay loop. It's just not fun to play right now. Gameplay is shallow. Story doesn't exist. No challenge in puzzles/exploration/platforming. Just keep running out and button mashing through damage sponge ass enemies.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
People play games for different reasons, some to kill time. Some for the story, some for the competitive scene, some for the grind.

What is trash to you might be perfect for the next person. I enjoy MH a lot, but for reason that I know my home boy's would hate.

The funny thing is MH and Destiny are similar and I hate destiny. The main different being combat.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
This is my biggest thing. I have no problem with the general gameplay loop. It's just not fun to play right now. Gameplay is shallow. Story doesn't exist. No challenge in puzzles/exploration/platforming. Just keep running out and button mashing through damage sponge ass enemies.
Every monster hunter game has been that way though.
You have to the L on this one as far as expecting something different from a long running series.
It reviewed well by people that like the series. I'm sure it will review poorly but those that don't. That's just the nature of opinions.
What I disagree with is the idea that simply because you don't like this game that it would somehow invalidate your opinion altogether.
I didn't think we had to write a disclaimer after every opinion. It should be obvious that if a person says a game sucks that the game sucks "to them".
It's not like we are arguing irrefutable facts here.
Then people run to cite different reviews to try and discredit the opinion.
It's just weird to me.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I wasn’t commenting on if you like it or not, different stroke for different folks....I can’t stand bethesda games in general...doesn’t mean it’s bad game design, Just means I don’t like those type of games. I was just commenting on the part saying this game takes no strategy....this game at its highest level takes at least as much strategy as the souls game’s if not more (enemies you can’t beat w/o 4 players and overpowered weapons and cheesing), but this was the MH3 and MH4 which were Nintendo exclusives...maybe they dumbed it down :yeshrug:I haven’t played this iteration yet.
Getting to its "highest" level is not fun.

Souls is fun/challenging from the first enemy on.

Just imagine if you had to play 10 hours of souls before you made it to a difficult enemy.

shyt would be trash.


Nov 21, 2016
With all due respect. You are fukking wrong. I shouldn't have to invest dozens of hours into anything before it gets good. Books, TV shows, movies, games should be compelling from the jump. Only super fans of said product would be ok with that.

Not everything is gonna be omg from the jump lol, some of the best books are slowburners. LOTR arguably one of the best example of a fantasy based story, has a slow start and gets good at Part 2. Again, all i'm saying it's not for you. Some people like games that are compelling from the jump, others like games that are slowburners. Whether, it is one or the other says nothing about the quality of a design.
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Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Dont read reviews. Dont live and die by them, this forum is REALLY bad for that. IF the "metrics" are high then something is wrong with you for playing and enjoying a game.

Again don't read and watch reviews, one or two is cool.... but even then you can't really put much stock into them.

It gives you false exceptions. You should be able to look at a trailer and know if its "your type of game"

Playing games are just like watching movies, you're not going to like every movie just because its good or even amazing. Some genre's just are for every person. And while I might love a marvel movie the next person might think its trash and mind numbing.

People have been letting companies and media dictate what's good and what's not for years now. Games use to organically grow slowly with time, now they are hyped up.

Console wars are the same way, and not to hate on sony out the blue but a lot of people play and buy playstation because of the hype of having a playstation. Its just the thing now, whatever is the biggest hyped gaming thing is what people feel like they have to give a try, play or buy because "everyone is doing it"

Once gaming because a huge past time and somewhat of an accepted and popular thing to do everything kind of went down hill.
People should just stop discrediting others when they disagree is all I'm saying.
If you don't like a movie the response should be "because you don't know squat about movies".
A lot of times the rebuttal is just an attempt to disqualify the person from the conversation altogether.
It makes for funny posts, but not for meaningful dialogue.
Even that's a slippery slope considering the Arcadium's ongoing identity crisis.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Every monster hunter game has been that way though.
You have to the L on this one as far as expecting something different from a long running series.
It reviewed well by people that like the series. I'm sure it will review poorly but those that don't. That's just the nature of opinions.
If I've never played the game, there's no way I would know the shyt is how it is. Reading reviews and watching videos only go so far. And when people in reviews and videos are comparing the combat to Dark Souls then what else would I think about the game.

No review is gonna say "well you just grab these knives and go spam the Y button to kill these little punk ass dinosaurs for 10 hours"

And it apparently didn't review poorly with anybody. And that's the damn problem. People keep saying "it's not for everybody" well the damn reviews should reflect that :beli:

What I disagree with is the idea that simply because you don't like this game that it would somehow invalidate your opinion altogether.
I didn't think we had to write a disclaimer after every opinion. It should be obvious that if a person says a game sucks that the game sucks "to them".
It's not like we are arguing irrefutable facts here.
Then people run to cite different reviews to try and discredit the opinion.
It's just weird to me.
Stan behavior.:smh:


All Star
May 1, 2012
Getting to its "highest" level is not fun.

Souls is fun/challenging from the first enemy on.

Just imagine if you had to play 10 hours of souls before you made it to a difficult enemy.

shyt would be trash.

Nah it doesnt take 10 hours to get to a difficult enemy....In the Nintendo versions they can pop up at any given moment, it’s just if they pop up with the weak azz stock weapons/armor you are toast. You won’t be able to ‘hunt’ them until you reach a certain level but they can pop up when you hunting mushrooms or whatever, but being one shotted by a monster that looks like it should fight Godzilla definitely isn’t fun! It’s an RPG for god sake you gotta grind! I thought you were a RPG guy? Regardless my last post wasn’t even about if you liked the game...just the back hand comment that it was easy....