what is mtv's obsession with these new jersey long island people? they are way over represented on their network when they're really a small part of the country's youth. i swear those jersey shore people are the most unattractive goofiest group I've ever seen. MTV struggles to find decent looking men for the real world. Lat year and this year proves that. Theo is average looking but Mike is one ugly mfer. Robbie does his eye browsMan you know what I thought the same thing when I was watching it earlier. Her accent kept coming in and out but she kept it steady throughout the second episode and figured it was legit. Chic puts on a ton of make up and has green contacts too. She just comes off too damn clingy and emotional. Everybody was having a good time the first episode and she got all psycho b/c she didnt want to participate. One thing I noticed is that they letting them use their phones this season. I guess this generation can't live without them anymore so they had to find a way to incorporate it in the show. That Robbie dude looks gayer than a bag of dikks.