There is no sanctuary - FEAR The Walking Dead Season 1 Thread


May 3, 2012
Cal was the best acted. He's a straitlaced kid we're introduced to who's detailing the inside of a car.

He lives in a nice neighborhood. But not an ostentatious one.

He knows Nick's mom very well, so well they think Nick went to him first. Nick was into drugs. By the way he was originally presented, he could have been the kid who kept to the straight and narrow while Nick fell apart, a true blue friend.

When Nick and Cal finally do meet,
Nick and Cal seem way too close to be just dealer and junkie. Who the fukk calls their heroin hookup for a hug in a very public restaurant? I can see a prostitute maybe doing so, but not a junkie who wants someone to finally believe him that he's not insane.

Why is Nick on drugs anyway? Whose parents have coffee with their kids dealer at the dealers kitchen table? So much to explore.....

The vibe throughout is that there's more to Cal than meets the eye. To me it was a hell of a lot more refreshing than all the surface characters we'd already met.

If anyone would go snooping in crime scenes, it would have been Cal.

Contrast him to the mom and Dad. They're supposed to be teachers, but the mom gives off court procedural vibes, and the dad gives off detective procedural vibes. Neither have chemistry with one another, its like they're characters written for a different show.

The fake out scene with the principal who looks like Obama only makes sense if the mom is unfamiliar with procedures at the school.

The need to make the presidential principal look scary is entirely suspect all by itself. The same went with the Moms treatment of the black cop at the hospital. Black men doing their jobs are not presented as helpful but as dangerous.

And Asians are presented as incompetent (the female) and impotent (the doctor who should have been listened to and sought out in the first place instead of brushed off by psycho bytch mom)! Which is a whole other discussion.

All of that aside Cal was multi faceted, he was not at all what he appeared on the surface
even as a dealer, and as other websites have pointed out his death breaks several rules of canon established in season 1. If anyone should have survived it should have been Cal, who initially appeared to be a bridge between the world as it appears and the world as it really was.

It was the wrong decision to kill Cal off, like killing Wash off in the new V too soon wrong. New V turned out to be crap. So will this show.

If the Mom turns out to have been bitten (which she should have been in the Cal tunnel tussle) -- I don't know if that's better or worse than her not being bitten. If she's bitten, she's the longest last person to take a bite before amputation. Big tiny got snuffed for a mere scratch by people who had seen what happens when the dead touch you. Bad writing.

If she wasn't scratched or bitten, it proves the show is more of the same plot device driven crap twd became, where little girls can escape zombies who wander into campsites with watchers on every roof, but can't escape zombies in the mud.

(Nick should have never been able to over power Cal, noted all iver the web, which is part if the same discussion. People and zombies are as weak or strong as the plot requires.)

If I seem hard on the show, its because there's too much money involved for it to suck this much. At least ZNation doesn't pretend to give a damn, but manages to keep to its own internal logic most of the time.

All in all not an impressive premiere.

Its just the first episode. Calm down. This nikka done already rewrote the script and knows how the season is gonna play out.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
On the subject of the perceived problem The Walking Dead has with black male characters, I was checking out a couple online articles where the subject was brought up and the comments section was almost overwhelmingly full of white people upset that "people are always bringing up race" and talking about how diverse the cast of FTWD already is (even though the main cast is a family of three white people and 1 Latino guy) and other comments tinged with white privilege.
It got me to thinking about how the white viewership would react if FTWD killed off all the white people and the show focused on a cast of only black and Latino characters?
Would FTWD be labeled as a "minority show" and would it cost the show white viewers?


May 11, 2012
Or arrested development
Just read the tarantino interview i fukkin died at

The last time that I felt competitive was when I was doing Kill Bill and my competition was The Matrix Reloaded. That was the sword of Damocles hanging over our heads. I saw Matrix Reloaded at the Chinese Theatre the day it opened, and I walked out of the cinema singing that Jay Z song: “S-dot-Carter / Y’all must try harder / Competition is nada.” I was like, Bring it the fukk on. I was worried about that? Ho-ly shyt.

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Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Good first episode

The mood is different and so is the music
thats why im :mindblown: the show is shot differently (better in my opinion but its only been one episode) different music and mood

the character thing, its only been one episode. i like the druggie son he's shown growth, but then again he probably had the most screen time. and you can see where they are going with the dad trying to bridge the families. you have to actually establish the characters and their personalities before you can just have fukkery pop off like TWD. and if it was like that people would just complain its exactly the same thing and whats the point of the new show.
May 16, 2012
First episode was promising

promising? nikka its already better than the original walking dead.

thank god they did this show. i personally couldn't stand watching the original anymore. too corny. and too much copying of the wack comic storylines. imo og walking dead was best in seasons 1 and 2 when the producer was purposefully straying away from the comics.

kirkman did a great job creating a compelling world. he's just wack in terms of execution and story-telling. i have a feeling that this show will be MUCH BETTER given the fact it won't be trapped by the wack comic storylines.
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