They are not really that far apart breh. Estasy is MDMA cut with other drugs in a pill, Molly is straight MDMA in powder form. Stop acting like its weed vs heroin. I've done both, you get similar effects, unless you were taking real shyt E pills.
On top of that, for this argument here, drug use is drug use right? So you are saying in the 90s, when rappers weren't promoting drugs as heavy, people were still doing them heavy? Kinda fukks up your whole argument.....
How is the example terrible? The song has been popular for 20+ years. It was played in clubs all across the country. That shyt still gets spins from time to time. Millions of people have heard the song. MILLIONS. If it has such a holding effect on people, it should have got people to 'DONT DO IT!' right?