Them $600 stimmys boming as soon as tonight brehs EDIT: Coli brehs are getting them!)

Jul 26, 2012
I can post several articles right here right now that agree that 100k for a single person is middle class.


Nah. That’s upper middle class in most states for a single person, and if you need a google article to tell you this or otherwise then you are not qualified to have this discussion.... How can an income that is in the top 10 percent of earners be regulated to the middle....
Apr 3, 2014
Please provide proof of 100k SINGLE person income is middle class outside of San Francisco and New York.

" If you're single, a salary of around $26,000 to $78,000 qualifies you as middle-income."

"The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a median personal income of $865 weekly for all full-time workers in 2017. The U.S. Census Bureau lists the annual median personal income at $35,977 in 2019."

Which Income Class Are You?

fukk man, the "middle class income" for house holds isnt even 100k in any state in America, where do you think 100k a year for a SINGLE person is middle class :dahell:

why do you keep avoiding answering how old you are :jbhmm:

This article here does mention San Francisco but it also mentions Minnesota

Are people who make $200k middle-class?

Consider Jessica Wang, whose family makes $150,000 a year in San Francisco: "We cannot buy a home here, our cars are both over 10 years old, and we don't eat out more than a couple of times per month. We have a college fund for our son, but no real savings." Or the Dunhams of Minnesota, who make between $200,000 and $400,000, but also live under mountains of debt and work brutal hours: "Each of us lives in constant terror of falling asleep in a chair or behind the wheel or at the operating table and causing harm to someone or having something awful happen to our children because we couldn't stay awake."

Here's an article that does say that millennials who earn 100k consider themselves middle class.

About 38% of millennials earning $100,000 a year or more think they're middle class, according to an INSIDER and Morning Consult survey.

The survey polled 4,400 Americans — 1,207 of them identified as millennials, defined by the survey as people ages 22 to 37 (237 respondents did not select a generation).

Here's another measure that the past 2 presidents have used.

What Is the Middle Class? Income and Range

Additionally, both President Obama and President Trump have used the figure of $200,000 as of the minimum for high-income tax rates, although actual high-income figures have varied over the years. And President Trump's 2016 tax plan delineated singles making $37,500 to $112,500 and couples making $75,000 to $225,000 to be middle class.

Upon further research you're not wrong but neither am I. Apparently there is no one measure or even universally agreed upon range of what middle class actually is.

You would think folks would go by what presidents say as they have actual data on incomes and are supposedly being informed by the greatest finance minds. (I wouldn't take Trumps word alone for this but since it falls in line with what Obama previously said, I accept it.)

Apparently it's up to people, your area and what the general consensus is in your area.

I dont live in New York or san fran but I've always understood from conversations with peers and mentors that 100k is middle class. Its on the HIGH end of middle class but I've still considered it to be middle class.

You don't feel that way based on the general consensus of yourself and others in your area.

Neither of us are wrong as there is no one set nationally agreed upon standard for middle class.

As far as you tryna find out my age, I'm not too eager to give out personal info to brehs that are acting like groupie thots. Nikkas want to know where you from, where you are, how old you are and what you look like.:dame:

You tryna have a debate or go out on a date, my nikka? :dame:
Apr 3, 2014
Nah. That’s upper middle class in most states for a single person, and if you need a google article to tell you this or otherwise then you are not qualified to have this discussion.... How can an income that is in the top 10 percent of earners be regulated to the middle....

Obviously it's upper middle class. Upper middle class is still middle class.


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
This article here does mention San Francisco but it also mentions Minnesota

Are people who make $200k middle-class?

Here's an article that does say that millennials who earn 100k consider themselves middle class.

Here's another measure that the past 2 presidents have used.

What Is the Middle Class? Income and Range

Upon further research you're not wrong but neither am I. Apparently there is no one measure or even universally agreed upon range of what middle class actually is.

You would think folks would go by what presidents say as they have actual data on incomes and are supposedly being informed by the greatest finance minds. (I wouldn't take Trumps word alone for this but since it falls in line with what Obama previously said, I accept it.)

Apparently it's up to people, your area and what the general consensus is in your area.

I dont live in New York or san fran but I've always understood from conversations with peers and mentors that 100k is middle class. Its on the HIGH end of middle class but I've still considered it to be middle class.

You don't feel that way based on the general consensus of yourself and others in your area.

Neither of us are wrong as there is no one set nationally agreed upon standard for middle class.

As far as you tryna find out my age, I'm not too eager to give out personal info to brehs that are acting like groupie thots. Nikkas want to know where you from, where you are, how old you are and what you look like.:dame:

You tryna have a debate or go out on a date, my nikka? :dame:

you truly are a retard of epic levels.. that articles say FAMILY HOUSE HOLD INCOME COMBINED
Jul 26, 2012
Obviously it's upper middle class. Upper middle class is still middle class.

Nah.... it’s not..... It’s levels to this shyt.... according to your logic, lower middle class is the same as upper middle class because both titles have the words “middle class“. These are entirely different qualities of life... again... you have no idea on what you’re speaking on and come across as if someone else is paying your bills....


Jun 27, 2012
I thought the Coli was full of 6 fig 6 certs brehs who wouldn't qualify for this tip to the help?:dwillhuh:

shyt I just took a new job. Probably won’t get it next time. I still need all mine. No shame in my pimpin playa:shaq2:
Apr 3, 2014
Nah.... it’s not..... It’s levels to this shyt.... according to your logic, lower middle class is the same as upper middle class because both titles have the words “middle class“. These are entirely different qualities of life... again... you have no idea on what you’re speaking on and come across as if someone else is paying your bills....

Let me specify since you don't seem to understand nuance all of a sudden. :aicmon:

This all stemmed from me saying 100k is middle class.

Yall said it aint.

Then you said, well its upper middle class.

For the simple one off statement that I made, I equated middle class to be within a range and imo and in the last 2 president's opinion, 100k falls within that range.

Now obviously it can be broke down further than just applying a wide swath to "middle class"

But again in the one off statement that I made, which is that 100k falls within that range, yall can say I'm wrong. But when the folks who are actually determining tax brackets and establishing laws and policy around those determinations say I'm right, who am I supposed to believe? :aicmon:
Jul 26, 2012
For the simple one off statement that I made, I equated middle class to be within a range and imo and in the last 2 president's opinion, 100k falls within that range.

Again... you going off egghead definitions and not real life..... You data mine life situations so you ain’t qualified... No grown nikka will equate 45k to 100k as far as quality of life and the trajectory of financial independence or evolving your offspring’s financial viability is concerned... The fact you still dealing with archaic terms such as “middle class” is suspect enough... Sale this shyt to folks in your age bracket cause obviously your life experience is nill